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Sad and Devastating day for me (an understatement).


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I've just come out of a funeral service for my elder brother (the one I follow).....my biggest fan. :(

We were called by his wife to take him to hospital on Friday at 4am as he wasn't breathing well. I'd just entered bed,I even complained wondering what the fuss was about.

Anyway, I drove there and picked him up. He sat in the car with me, breathing badly, but talking.


Boys in my family have a habit of 'swallowing' our problems, not wanting to bother others. I felt he wanted to say something but just kept quiet. I visited him in hospital on saturday, he was talking with oxygen tubes in his nose. I could tell he was scared. Will never forget that picture.


Anyway, he died sunday morning (I come from a Born Again family, my mama says he accepted salvation the night before :) ).


Over here, life is 'cheap'. People die so much, I even feel guilty to mourn my bro. I ain't the only one to lose a brother, I keep feeling.

He was a lawyer, 35 yrs old and a brilliant mind with wit, full of jokes....right to his dying day.

It hasn't sunk in yet, It's pure adrenalin in my veins. I'm simply scared how I'll react when it does.

Pray for me. Thanx :)

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Oh man, I will pray for you TShaka. That all seems so sudden! And he was so young. I'm sure it will all take a while to sink in; just take it really easy and look after yourself. Make sure you think about your own health as well as that of you loved ones, it may be easy to forget about that at in such tragic circumstances.

Keep on keeping on!



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Praying for peace and comfrot from The Spirit for you and your family, T. And like Phil says- make sure your own health is in order. Don't know what the issue was with your brother; hope it's not somehting hereditary/genetic. Stay safe! Life is a precious gift.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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i feel for you Tshaka


don't worry about the 'feeling guilty' part. i mean it's about your brother, you have a right to mourn him. maybe you're not the only one to lose a brother but why should that keep you from mourning?


anyway, what Phil said makes perfect sense: go to your friends and/or family for comfort and advice but at the same time don't forget yourself.


good luck man!

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Thank you all. I'll do my best. It's tough but I pray I do cope.

Docs say he got a chest infection. On friday they said severe pnemonia and a possiblity of Tuberclosis! :eek: Pure confusion but I'll grasp it all another day.


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My prayers to you and your family. Don't dare feel guilty about anything, you've suffered a terrible lose. I pray your family gathers and supports each other in this time of need.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Its in my opinion that we all must adopt a "soldier" style exsistance while we are here on earth -


Good and Bad will come upon us all in this life( often more good than bad), such is life.


I recently ushered my dear loving mother to her final resting place. and i too saw the fear and finality,but i choose to turn the channel on the bad,, and remember the laughs,.....


But i still give thanks and praise daily for the gift that is life, the breath of life.


stand firm my brother do not let death consume you, live on with vigor


everytime the negetive defeated lost feelings of missing my mother try to invade me I can hear her saying " boy,,,dont you sit around crying about me , get out there and "show em how WE do it"



TSHAKA my deepest condolences go out to you and yours


"keep your head to the sky" by Earth Wind and FIre is a cool song to ease the pain with a handle like SHAKA says to me that you are a AFRICAN warrior,........ warrior spirit............ - J.U

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Too young. But be glad you knew him as long as you did. Once the shock has passed many other feelings will follow - be open, do not fight the process but be strong for your sake, and for your family. Maybe this will help, it did me:




Death is nothing at all by Henry Scott Holland


I have only slipped away into the next room.

I am I and you are you.

Whatever we were to each other,

that we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.

Speak to me in the easy way

which you always used.

Put no difference in your tone.

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.


Laugh as we always laughed

at the little jokes we enjoyed together.

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.

Let my name be ever the household word

that it always was.

Let it be spoken without effect,

without the trace of a shadow on it.


Life means all that it ever meant.

It is the same as it ever was.

There is absolutely unbroken continuity.

Why should I be out of mind

because I am out of sight?


I am waiting for you,

for an interval,

somewhere very near,

just around the corner.


All is well.




You're not alone brother, we are thinking of you.



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Prayer to you, TShaka.


Don't be shocked at any feeling that is coming now; you'll go through a ton of them before you come out clean on the other side.


If you can get to a library and find a copy of "A Grief Observed" by CS Lewis, you might find insight in that. Lewis, a confirmed bachelor, married late in life, and his new, younger wife almost immediately died from painful bone cancer. He took whatever paper was on hand (4 notebooks) and isolated himself and wrote all his honest feelings, his anger, separation, loss. After the notebooks were filled, his grieving was over. The book is a compilation of those notebooks.


Love to you, and your family. Strength to you as you undertake this new role in your family.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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I will pray for you, as you asked, my bass-brother. (I would have even had you not.)


I lost my next-in-line older brother in 1997, when he was 33, also quickly and quite unexpectedly. I won't lie to you; this pain will be with you for a long time, though it becomes more manageable over time.


During the initial numbness I found strength in my faith and family, and it sounds as if you have as well. Do not deny your mourning; embrace it, but do not lose yourself. Do not forget there are many people yet alive that love you dearly. Not tomorrow, probably, but one day you will find peace to really live again, to share the blessing of your life with everyone. To shine.


May you find peace, my brother.


Here's the lyrics I was inspired to write (I lost my mother only months later):


Brother, where ya goin' to?

Are ya goin' Home now, can I go with you?

Brother, you know I can't go too.

It would break our mother's heart.


I will try, to carry on.

I'll get by; I'll be strong.


Mother, where ya goin' to?

And if you told me, would I let you go?

Mother, you know I love you too.

I'll see you when I'm called Home.


I will try, to carry on.

I'll get by; I'll be strong.


Father, what am I to do?

I'd be so lost now, without You.

Father, I'll be true to You.

You are my strength, You keep me whole.


I won't need to try, to carry on.

With You by my side, I am strong.

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