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Sad and Devastating day for me (an understatement).


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Tshakaz, it is such a blessing when a man has sawn a life really worth living. I can see that he has found joy and peace while he was with a true brother, so rare that is nowadays. I see that he really had a much fulfilled life. Take care, i know it is always harder for the ones left behind. We can only continue to wait in line, in hope that we too have sawn a life worh living.



i just want my bass, more bass, and of course, wife.

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Oh Tshakaz, I am so terribly sorry about the loss of your brother. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling.


There is nothing that I can say that would help in any way, but please know that you are in my thoughts.


My spirituality includes a belief in reincarnation, which would lead me to think that your brother will live again, and be gifted with all of the spiritual knowledge he gained in this life.


Knowing you and spending time as your brother would certainly be a part of the joy and humor and creativity he would have enjoyed, and would take with him.


But if there is no reincarnation, then he must certainly be destined for a beautiful eternity in the company of his Lord.


The writings that have been shared in this thread today are beautiful.


Thank you TShakaz for sharing this very sad and personal event in your life, with us.


... connie z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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i am so sorry i had not seen this thread until now. I pray the Lord give you and your family strength during this time of pain. It's good to know your brother accepted Christ as his Savior before he passed. My brother, may the Lord God now bring you serenity, understanding, wisdom and maintain your faith, for you will meet again in His house and there will be no pain or sickness, only joy.

My heart goes out to you, and i send you a brotherly hug. - Adrian

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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My deepest condolences go out to you and your family Tshakaz. May God bless you and bring you peace in this most difficult and trying of times. My prayers are with you and your loved ones.



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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This is the saddest thing. I am very bad with words in such a situation, but my deepest condolences are going out to You and your family.

Warwick Streamer Jazzman 5, Fernandes LEB-2

Ashdown ABM-300, Ashdown ABM 4x10

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How horrible. :cry: My sincerest condolences.


You say he was 35? So young!


Your "from" line says you're in England...don't they have a decent national health system there?


Was he put on a ventilator at all?


I'm not a doctor, but several possibilities cross my mind...asthma... Did he have a history of asthma? Attacks can be severe enough to cause death. Pneumonia? I have heard of types of pneumonia coming on swiftly and severely.


One other possibility...a condition called "ARDS" (acute respiratory distress syndrome). It's not really a disease per se...but a syndrome that follows infection, pneumonia, or chest trauma. The lungs, in response to one of the above, basically shut down. Patients must be put on a ventilator, and half of the people who acquire it don't survive.


I am, sadly, quite familiar with ARDS. I lost a 19 year old daughter to it in 1998 (hers was due to chest trauma following a car accident).


Anything that can cause such a rapid deterioration of respiratory ability is scary beyond belief. As to the three possible scenarios above, ARDS and asthma aren't communicable, but pneumonia may be (depending on the type). I hope they get to the root cause of what killed your brother, and lay to rest any fears that it could kill again.


Again, my heart goes out to you and your family.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Your "from" line says you're in England...

TShaka joined the forum whilst here was living here - I guess he hasn't updated his info because he went back to Uganda quite some time ago.


And sadly I feel that his brother's death may have been prevented had he had the benefit of a modern healthcare system but as TShaka says "Over here, life is 'cheap'. People die so much, I even feel guilty to mourn my bro. I ain't the only one to lose a brother..."

One world, yet not.



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I was wondering about that "life is cheap here" statement...


When I was in the hospital, I had a nurse from Uganda. She was of the right age to most likely have been a little girl during the horrors of Idi Amin's reign. When she told me where she was from, I was silent, I couldn't think of anything to say. I think the look in my eyes told her that I knew.


TShakaz...your brother lives with every note you play.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Man, that is horrible news, I will definatly be praying for You and your family. The good thing is, he accepted Christ in his life before he died, so you'll see him again one day. I'm very sorry that had to happen to you. God Bless,

I'll be praying.



"All things are possible through Christ." (Matt 19:26)


My band: http://www.purevolume.com/fadingsilence

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I am truly overwhelmed by all your support. Thank you so much. :thu:

I had to make them open the casket just before burial so I could see him (I hadn't). I placed my 15 year old West African bracelet (priceless to me), and closed. I didn't shed a tear as I had to be strong for everyone I guess.

I have just been with the widow, my sis in law, she is so strong! Though we kept saying to each other, when it finally sinks in, we pray we are able to cope well.

Your prayers and thoughts will help. Thank you so much....you are all priceless. :thu:

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People on these forums, TShakaz, as far as I've been able to see, are family. Just like blood families, we bicker a bit from time to time. But, in my experience, when things go sour for one, the rest rally in support. A loss for one is a loss for the rest of us. We're with you...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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TShakaz: you have my prayers.

I have no concrete proof but if you listen to your heart you will hear this: those you really love (and those who really love you) are never really far away.


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Thank you Steve and all you brothers and sisters. You are truly special and I am genuinely thankful to be part of this forum. :thu:

I have just been with my sis-in-law (the widow) and boy is she strong! She's really stood firm and I thank the Almighty my brother had a woman like her. Our prayers are for her to have the baby she's carrying. They'd been together for 20 years (since high school), but were married for only 16 months. So we need your prayers this baby is born! :)

Thank you all

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Tshaka I haven't been around much recently and didn't read this 'til now. What a heartbreaking story. I do fear death but I fear the loss of the people I love so much more. Nothing we can say can help much compared to this, but you do have my very deepest sympathy.
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