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Best bass to have

Paul Wilson

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(dreaded double post)


I'm sorry, original poster, but the question is so silly that that's why you are getting these answers.


If there is a "best bass", then there is a "best bass player" in the "best band" and all the rest of us can just go home.


There are over 1000 people on this forum and obviously there will be at least 1000 opinions as to what the best bass to own would be.


I own ten basses, do you really want me to dis nine of them and pick one?

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THUNDERBIRDs rule!!!!!


oooo i wish i had a blackbird...




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As much as I love all my basses, every bassist NEEDS a standard Pbass. When it absolutely, possitivly, has to sound right on the first take....Pbass. :D

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by lug:

As much as I love all my basses, every bassist NEEDS a standard Pbass. When it absolutely, possitivly, has to sound right on the first take....Pbass. :D

Dear lord, I can't stand P-basses. They just don't feel right or anything. Jazz basses are okay, but I hate the P. Will not play one.
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I think Mudcat wins :D For me, the best bass is the Ibanez BTB 405 that I own, because it's the only one I can afford :P


That said, I'm lusting for one of those Roscoe Beck Fenders, ever since TylerLovesAva (has he arrived in Germany yet?) made me aware of their existence ...


And I want a Pbass, because Lug is right :cry:


And I still want a Warwick, although after having played their Rockbasses, I was convinced that my trusted Ibanez is of equal, if not better standard. Disclaimer: to my hands and ears, that is.


But to get back on topic, my Ibanez carries me through most situations pretty well. Recently our singer has begun to meddle with my tone. Usually I'd just tell him to f*ck off, but since he's my dad and all ... :rolleyes:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I'm thinking a cheap Squire jazz that looks like your real one. At the end of a concert, you can switch it out with your expensive antique American Jazz and then smash the living crap out of it. Then yell, "I quit!"


You'll be the talk of the town for a long time.

"Some people are like "slinkies". They're not really good for anything;

but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a

flight of stairs."

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The 'real' answer is the best bass is the one you already own. On the other hand, if you don't have one already, then a P bass is my choice. I just put roundwounds back on my stock P bass, since the '54 reissue (with the Warmoth neck) has flats and sounds huge. So my standard set of basses for sessions now includes TWO P basses (along with a Jazz and a 6 string Modulus). There are others in my studio, of course... :)

Dave Martin

Java Jive Studio

Nashville, TN



Cuppa Joe Records


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Hi there, Paul.


I sure do hope you're thick skinned! These guys are flippin' out on you...but they love you just the same.


I'm not a fan of Gibson bass, by the way.


Now a better discussion might be: "What makes a bass good?" You can preach the traits of the Gibson that make it ideal.


I personally like basses that are PJ Hybrids the best. I also like the slender feel of a Jazz type neck, even though it forces a wider string "fan" at the bridge. I like the stability of a neck-through.


So: what makes your Gibson special?

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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