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How Many Basses Do You Own?


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I own two, use one...lol..


My main instrument is a Peavey Millenium Plus 5-string. This is the earlier made in USA version with the MM-style active bridge pickup, 35 inch scale, graphite reinforced neck, etc... Very much similar to a Lakland 55-02 but less than half the price.. $800 case included...


I also have a Fernandes 5-string I picked up off ebay for like $100. This was my first fiver, and I figured for the price I'd see if this was the way I wanted to go.. well, guess what... lol... I keep it around at home... comes in useful when I'm learning new material in a different key than what the original recording was made at. Retune the bass and go for it...lol

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I have 3 but only use 2 of them.


Musicman Stingray 4 - My main bass


Parker Fly Bass 4 - For solo stuff


Tanglewood Curbow 4 - Lent it out to a mate and will probably sell it soon.

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  • 4 months later...

Currently 4...


But I could always use another :D


4-string MIM Fender Jazz fretless

5-String Squier MB-5 (my main axe)

4 string Godin A4

4 string Alvarez solid body with EMG pups.


Would LOVE...

An upright.

Gibson Ripper.

Gibson Les Paul double cutaway in wild cherry with chrome hardware....

Almost any vintage Ricky...


And too many more to mention!

-{m}- What's these knobs for?



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Originally posted by dcr:

Fender Geddy Lee Jazz bass, customized (binky #1)

Rickenbacker 4003 (the from-my-cold-dead-hands bass)

Musicman Sterling fretless

Yamaha BB605

Godin BG-5

Godin Freeway 5 (check's in the mail)

Back down to 4 basses. The Godin Freeway 5 was stolen, & the Godin BG-5 is on loan, & will probably be sold soon. That leaves 4 that I really, really like.


Not that that will stop me from dreaming of a custom Lull. Ooh, and a Wendler... :D

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Originally posted by LizzyD:

Golly, I'm up to 9. :eek:


2 Roscoe 5 strings (fretted and fretless)

3 Fender Jazzes (Geddy Lee, MIA 4 string, MIA 5 string)

3 Carvins (2 5 strings, 1 6'er)

1 Rickenbacker Chris Squire Signature


Pics of all at my site. :cool:

And that doesn't count the g****rs!!!


The purple Carvins look sweet. I dig the mirror 'guard on the Fender Jazz V.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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My name is Nicklab, and I'm a G.A.S.aholic. :o Here's the current extent of my addiction:


3 x Fender Jazz basses ('73 w/ maple fingerboard, '91 MIA w/ rosewood, '75 reissue w/ rosewood)

Epiphone Jack Casady signature

DeArmond Ashbory

Fender Roscoe Beck V

2 x Ernie Ball/Musicman Stingray's (1 x fretless, 1 x fretted)

Tobias Toby Pro 6 (converted to fretless)

Zon Sonus 6

Azola Bug Bass EUB


Yeah, it's a lot. I'm currently trying to downsize the menagerie to be honest. It's time.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Right now I have three, with one on the way:


-- Hofner 500/1 (other than studio work it does not leave the house)


-- Steinberger Spirit 4-string (currently my main gigging bass -- sounds great live, holds tuning and is cheap enough to replace)


-- A Frankenbass that started out as a Washburn XB100, but has since morphed into a project bass and backup player -- Mighty Mite JBass neck (maple/maple), Bartolini passive P's and the XB100 body that I've refinished from its original candyflake lavendar to natural mahogany/tung oil. The body will probably be the next to go & replaced with a more traditional P-style.


The one on the way is a Warmoth Dinky P carved top (blue burst), Warmoth maple/rosewood Jazz neck, Duncan P+J pickups, Hipshot bridge & tuners. It will be a couple of months before all the parts are ready, but that's the way it stands now. Plenty of time to change my mind on the hardware. :)

"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."

-- Frank Zappa

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Hey dcr,


What color is your Sterling fretless? (My StingRay5 fretless is black and is loud as all get out!)

A picture is worth 1,000 words:


For the record, that's honey burst with unlined pau ferro. (Wishin' I had that clear pickguard, like Jeremy's erstwhile Sterling had!) Don't fool yourself--that humbucker is all the black it needs! :D Just this week another musician described its sound as "very muscular." :thu:


Also, I hadn't realized (or had forgotten) that your Freeway was stolen. Sorry to read that.
Yeah, sucks. It was actually totally lucky, in a way--it could've been any of the others, which have greater monetary & emotional value. Still, I was excited about getting to know that bass. And after all, it was mine.


For more details about theft, contact Hermans International Movers. The bass is the tip of the iceberg. My wife's bicycle went missing, the insurance policy we paid for was never puchased, & it took us AGES to get our stuff out of lockup once it arrived--we almost had to pay twice, since the other handlers hadn't been paid. What a mess. It literally took a federal agency to sort it out. There are some real crooks out there.

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1. My road-dogged Ibanez Soundgear 800 lefty -- black with a s**tload of stickers -- was my primary for 16 years


2. My Sterling trans orange lefty -- this year's Christmas present and the reason my SDGR can finally retire


3. My Carvin LB70 fretless, which I don't use often enough


Those are probably all the basses I'll ever need, unless I can find a nice lefty EUB sometimes, somewhere. Had a line on a beautiful one-of-a-kind EUB a few years back, but the deal fell through. It was a lava-lamp themed upright designed for Mark While of the Spin Doctors. MW changed his mind on the design at the last moment, and so his luthier put that sucker on eBay.


Still kicking myself for letting that one slide through my hands.

"Women and rhythm section first" -- JFP
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A picture is worth 1,000 words:


I'd probably subtract at least 900 of them because of that frame ; }


...Anyway, SteveC's bass has a lovely color, doesn't it? Some of the manufacturers are pretty bland in their choices. Not Yamaha.



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Fretless American Jazz 4 string, MIM Jazz 5 string, and P Special w/jazz neck, BA II, and Basslines SPB-3, 4 string.


Since I bought the MIM Jazz 5 I am neglecting the 4 strings. And I am having thoughts of selling the two 4's in order to buy a really nice 5 string.


Although the MIM sounds much better than I thought it would before I played this one. Blasted G.A.S.!!!

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So I get up and go to work this morning to find no one there...guess I missed the memo about no work today. hahaha


OK, So the ESP LTD F-205 (Same as the F-255; only difference is the F-255 is neck through).

Here are my Pros:

This is a well balanced bass.

The neck girth is really slick.

For $500, this is a great sounding bass, except with the Ampeg B4R (refer to the Cons).

The weight is pretty good. Not too heavy where you get tired after an hour of playing, but not so light that you feel like you're going to break it.

I only have to set the intonation once a year, and I'm a heavy hitter. I try to get it set more often than that, but they repair guys always say "Dude your intonation is perfect...no adjustment is needed." Then I take it home and check for myself and they're right.

I find that a new set of strings break in really fast on this bass. I know..."That's a string issue..." but I can take the same set of strings and put them on my Corvette and they don't break in as fast. On my ESP, strings will stop stretching for me after 3 songs.


Now for My Cons:

I found that this bass mixed with my Ampeg B4R is very thin sounding. So much so that I have gotten a handful of complaints and I don't crank the highs at all. I recently discovered that it's not the bass, it was the Ampeg because I picked a Glockenklang Soul Head and my ESP sounds like a million bucks now. Other than that, there aren't many cons at all. For the $500 range, this bass is one of the best, I think.

I just thought of another con. The Low B is a bit on the floppy side. Here's my setup: I tune flat and play Thrash/Death Metal influenced by Sweden with both my fingers and a pick. During the speed picking parts, I have to move closer to the bridge so the string can keep up, only problem then is that my tone changes because I'm not picking where I normally do. I've tuned natural to see if this remedies the issue but it doesn't.

I'm not if this is a con but I got my bass in 2002 and in 2004 (I think) ESP decided to make my model of bass a neck through. Curse them!! I called to see if I could upgrade by trading my bass in and giving them some cash and they said "I'm sir, but we don't offer upgrades or trading up." Oh well...I should have said "Let me talk to your manager..."


Overall: Most of the basses I have owned have been around the $500 mark, and this ESP is by far the best. On a 10 scale, I will give it an 8.5.


Now for the Corvette $$ .

My Pros:

You know that feeling you get when Cupid shoots you in the ass with an arrow and then you're walking around on your tippy toes? Well, yeah...it's like that. This is my first Warwick and the first bass I paid over a Grand for. First time I played I thought to myself "So this is what a real bass plays like..." I felt enlightened. hahaha

Seriously though, Warwick's motto is perfect "The sound of wood." I feel and sound like I'm playing a tree which I find to pretty damn cool.

This bass is really well balanced. Really solid.

I just got this bass about a month ago so I'm still in the discovery zone, but I've quickly played around with the controls and toggles and there is a vast supply of tones. I have the 4 string model but I lace it with the lower 4 strings of a 5 strings, BEAD (all flat). This bass sounds so wicked through GlockenKlang; I'm not even going to try through the Ampeg. There are so many adjustments you can make on this bass, that it's mind boggling. I was impressed that when it was shipped to me (straight from Warwick) that the intonation was already dead on. All I had to do is raise the action a hair.

I ordered this bass from Beaver Felton who owns Bass Central in Florida. He said all Warwick's come with a free gig bag but other stores/online shops make you think they're doing you a favor by throwing in the bag for a bit of cash. Mr. Felton gave me this bass for an incredible deal. Before buying, I checked with the Evil Empire and they wouldn't even come close to what I got mine for. In fact, the manager at the Evil Empire said "There is no way anyone will sell you that bass for that much." And that is why the Evil Empire doesn't get my sale when it comes to purchasing bass guitars. hahhaa.


Now the cons:

The low B is a tad bit floppy but not as bad as my ESP.

The bass weight is heavier, but I'm not really complaing because I just see that as me having to get in better shape.

Oh yeah! Here's something new that I've never had to deal with...lubing the fret board and neck. This is my first bass that doesn't have a finished neck so after the first couple of weeks I noticed smoke coming from my fingers on my left hand, so I read a couple threads here and went out and bought some lemon oil. Problem solved.


Overall: I'm giving this bass a 10 and that just might be because this is the nicest bass I've ever owned. Maybe I'm too baised to give a real opinion right now. Then again, maybe in a year I'll saying the same thing. After playing 5 strings for the past 10 years, it's nice to be back on a 4 string.



One last thing: I used both basses when recording onto my computer and they both sound really good. The Warwick sounds better of course HOWEVER the ESP sounds better recorded on my computer than it does playing live. I've tried to replicate what I hear on my computer, to my live sound but I haven't figured it out yet.


So there you go...any questions?


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I think your reviews are about what I expected. When you say the Corvette B string is floppy, what do you compare it to? The ESP?


Oh - and by the way - I could make passing wind sound great through a GlockenKlang.


dcr - sorry to hear that your embarkation was so painful and costly.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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My collection has gotten up to seven. I don't really want that many, but that's how it has worked out.


It consists of-


Fender-Jazz, Precision, and Musicmaster


Ibanez-BTB 405, Roadstar II, and SR800


Yamaha 270F



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