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How Many Basses Do You Own?


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Man I dig that stigray in natural, every time that I go to the ernie ball site, I always go to the music man bit and "built" one of those. Man i'm jealous




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I have 1.5 basses at the moment :D


My Warwick Corvette 4 string in Bubinga, and all of the parts for me to build a new Jazz bass.


I'm just waiting on the tools to arrive so that I'm able to dress the frets and cut the nut before I get into it's final assembly.


...so - soon to be two :thu:


There was a time that I had nine basses - but I had a major yard sale right before buying (in order to be able to buy) the Corvette. I decided it was better to have one nice bass than nine mediocre ones (OK - some of them were quite good).




I have three more than I need and seem to always have at least one less than I want.


Go figure.





Never a truer word spoken. GAS is a terrible affliction.

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Sorry, Kenny, that bass does not have the original pickups, bridge, knobs (and strings).


It's worthless.


Send it to me. :)


I know Jeremy... what a dodo I was when I was younger...If only I kept the bass pure.... :idea: I put that "bad ass" bridge on. I routed it out. + put that jazz pick up on it . I still have the original pick up in my misc. stash of electronics. You are always very observant...!!!


Have you heard from Adrian lately?












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I guess I must be a "Bass Pig" - I own ten. They are as follows:


Takamine acoustic/electric

Warwick Corvette $$

American Fender '75 Jazz

American Fender P

Fender Aerodyne J

Fender Zone Bass (now out of production)

MIM Fender Fretless J

Carvin custom-built model


Peavey Millenium (best value ever for the small



"Don't let my size fool you - I'm a little lady with a real big badbass bass attitude!"


"He's not the sharpest tack in Teacher's chair; but a pain in the ass nonetheless!"

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Welcome Sally (and your attitude!)



I haven't heard anything from or about Adrian recently. I've really been worried.


Don't stress your mods to your bass. Chuck Rainey did a lot more than that to his Precision. (And no matter what he did, the bass always seemed to sound the same.)


If I had a nickel for every time in the 70's and 80's that someone told me that my '71 Jazz bass was a piece of junk because it was not pre-CBS, I would have been able to buy a '54 P-bass by now.

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Sally, I totally agree with your sentiment about the Peavey Millenium. I do not own one, but have now played several in the stores that have sounded and played great.


Adrian performed recently on the Latin Grammy Awards show which was held in Vegas. I'll try to find the name of the artist he supported, and perhaps there's a YouTube link.







Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I have 5 now. I just bought my second Schecter Stilleto Diamond series 4 string.


It is a bit different than my first. I like that. I bought it from a guy that was just playing bass because his band needed a bass player. They broke up.


My wife thinks I should start a Bass Rescue service. I am on my way...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Hmm... I forget.


1) Mike Lull M5V

2) Warwick Thumb 5 NT

3) Rob Allen MB-2 5 string

4) Warwick Streamer Pro-M

5) Fender Geddy Lee Jazz

6) Samick P Bass copy


Six. Luckily, I have an amplifier for each of them, so if I ever wanted to play them all at the same time, I could!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I´ve recently gone nuts on eBay and bought me some, so, up to now, my basses are not too "high level" ones, but I find something interesting and well sounding off each one of them. Let´s see..


1- a Hondo Neck-Thru 4 string with 2 DiMarzio P´s. Have never seen one like that anywhere else.


2- a 5-string black Samick. I think is Passive w. a preamp (not exactly active/passive)


3- A Rebuilt Peavey Foundation S 4-string I´ve posted some pics in other post.


4- a Hamer Slammer blue Jazz Bass w. pearloid pickguard. This one I keep at the office under my desk, to play on my night shift when there is nothing around.


5- a fretless 4-string electro-acoustic hand made by a friend who still does not settles a decent deal with me for it, and while that happens, insists on me having and playing it. Whatever. Sounds real nice.


6- (Just came in from ebay) a black Kramer "Duke" bass copy, probably by Hondo. 4-string, headless aluminum neck.


7- (Just came in from eBay) a Fiesta Red Fernandes Jazz Bass, plays like butter, sounds real good (So I ouldn´t have to move the Slammer Jazz Bass from the office every time I want to use a "J" on a gig or a recording. This one ended up being brighter and slappier


8- (In transit from eBay) an Alvarez dual-humbucker fretless 4-string.


9.- (In transit from eBay) a Washburn "Lyon" series black P-bass with "Maple" (Nahhhh... must be something else) fretboard. I plan to do some experiment on this one (for 80$ I think it would work...)


My real failure is on the amp section. I recently got a secondhand MB200 GK, which serves pretty well for small venues or parties, and for practicing and teaching. Is lightweight and pretty versatile on the patchbay section, so is easy to hook to pretty much anything. Besides this, I´ve built a 6-space rack, containing a Yamaha PB-1 bass preamp, a DBX163x compressor, a Digitech RDS1900 digital delay (Set up for Chorus), and a MosValve 160w amp from TubeWorks. Unfortunately, I am very aware the power amp is small for a bass rig (In fact is borrowed from my guitar rig), and I have no cab for the system (I used to have a small Washburn combo amp which got damaged, and I connect the rack either to the 12" on its otherwise empty cab, along with a 10" Eden also fit in there, or have to hook up on any speaker available. Am on my way of building myself a 15" cab and a 4x10 one, so I can use also the 15" as an extension cab to the GK...


Add to this the guitar rig, an Aria Strat (Office), a couple Washburns KC40 with Floyd Roses, a real old (50s?) Gibson 175 with a long story, a "Phil pro" steel string Ovation copy, then the guitar rack with a Roland GP8 (I´ll NEVER let it go!), a Rocktron Gainiac, an Alesis Midiverb III, then a Peavey Express combo, or either a BBE 381 preamp hooked on a wooden box to a silverface Fender Champ, or the Classes/parties combo: A Washburn mini guitar (2 humbuckers) and a Marshall valvestate 10, along with a Digitech RP-50 (Probably the best investment for really small venues, I think I´ve got more profit out of the small marshall and the RP50, than of anything else of my rig!)


Hope I could post a pic soon (No digital cam right now)... but will post a pic of my friend´s bass collection (Not the brand, but his collection indeed), for all us to drool over. :D

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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I've played bass since 1980. I've owned 3 basses in that time, and still have them all, sort of. In chronoligical order:


1980 Mateo Jazz copy. De-fretted (badly) about 1985,and psychedelically spray-painted (don't ask). Currently dissasembled, awaiting refretting & refinishing someday.


1985 Ibanez SR 885 5-string. My main bass for the next 9 years. Developed a bad neck bow, so had it restrung as a 5-string piccolo, or baritone guitar, whatever, B-G. Currently on loan to bassist friend who plays it better than me.


1994 Ibanez SR 1306 6-string. Still my main bass, replaced the pickups with EMG 45j's, and have strung it with Thomastik jazz flats for about the last 8 years, still an amazing bass, just a total work horse. Great, dark, woody tone, and has lived through literally thousands of gigs.


However, events in the bass world are conspiring to look for another bass. 2 summers ago, I was allowed to borrow a very nice 1971 Jazz for a recording project. Then, just last week, I was in a studio that had an amazing 60's P-bass. Using both of those classics for recording is making me lust after a more traditional bass as a backup and for recording. So I'm shopping for a good, cheap 4-string. Am currently very interested in a Korean-made G&L that seems to get a number of very classic sounds, plays great, and fits my budget.

Turn up the speaker

Hop, flop, squawk

It's a keeper

-Captain Beefheart, Ice Cream for Crow

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Here my friend´s collection... Now go drool. :D






front (l to r): Tobias 5 (hopefully pre-Gibson), Smith fretless 5, Smith 4 string, a fretless Warwick


back (l to r): Hofner, G & L, Fender Jazz, Fender P, Fender Jazz, Ibanez, Rick, Fender P


It's killing me that I can't remember what model that Ibanez is.

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Here my friend´s collection... Now go drool. :D






front (l to r): Tobias 5 (hopefully pre-Gibson), Smith fretless 5, Smith 4 string, a fretless Warwick


back (l to r): Hofner, G & L, Fender Jazz, Fender P, Fender Jazz, Ibanez, Rick, Fender P


It's killing me that I can't remember what model that Ibanez is.


The Ibanez is the Musicians Series from '81 or '82. I bought the model after that one. The neck and action was sweeeeeeeet, but the tone was lacking. I eventually gutted it, dropped some EMG's in it and everyone (most importantly, my employer) was happy.

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front (l to r): Tobias 5 (hopefully pre-Gibson), Smith fretless 5, Smith 4 string, a fretless Warwick


back (l to r): Hofner, G & L, Fender Jazz, Fender P, Fender Jazz, Ibanez, Rick, Fender P


It's killing me that I can't remember what model that Ibanez is.


Tobias Pre-Gibson indeed. Smith FRETTED 5, a real tone monster, Smith Fretted 4, Warwick Thumb fretless (must have my drool stains still somewhere).


Hofner vintage one (35+ years old), G&L ASAT Semi.hollowbody 4, Fender Jaco Pastorius model J, ´75 Fender P, late-60s Fender J (Note the brass ground strap betweeen the bridge pickup to the bridge, and stacked knobs), early 80s Ibanez Musician (neck-thru), early 70s Ric 4001, late 60s Fender "P".


I would hate my friend If I wouldn´t love him so very much, hahahahaha!!! He is, besides, one of the finest musicians I have ever played with, and a real tone beast. (Pumps some of these jewels either through a Fender "Blackface" Bassman head and a 4x12 "omnipresent" Fender cab, or a silverface Fender Bassman through an Acoustic 4x12, or a SVT-Pro II head through an Ampeg 8x10, or (My favourite) a couple identical rigs consisting on an SWR "Super Redhead" 2x10 combo atop an SWR "Triad" 4x10. Oh.. he also has a GK MB.200 mini-bass combo just as mine. :P


At least the guy knows very well how to use all of it. I´ve had several students that... well, I´d rather not remember. :(


May Santa-Bass bring each one of you the rig, the sound and the musicality of your dreams !!

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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wonderfully aged... :D:D:D:D That bass sounds (and plays) like heaven...


The same guy had a Smith 6, but found out 6 strings are rather way too much to handle, and got to keep only a couple 5´s, being a 4 more than enough for most of the work (I tend to think somewhat alike, even tho I think the one of my basses that has had more hard work on it is my Samick 5-string...


Here a glimpse of my fiver: (Playing with Goyito Yepez at TVES)

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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