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Pole Shift May 2003..World to end????

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I know most of you think it's bullshit but I was wondering if anyone has heard of the supposed approaching of "Planet X" or Wormwood or Nibiru, and the cataclysmic effects is is supposed to have on the world? For some odd reason Ive been drawn to really research this thing and It has me thinking. Here are some links: http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p00.htm http://www.zetatalk.com/index/px2003.htm

Sean Michael Mormelo


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Zacharias Sitchin. He's the one who wrote the books about the 10th planet, Nibiru. He researched ancient Sumerian texts. Pretty interesting stuff. I've read a couple of his books. As for it's truth, well I can't say . . . I keep looking for evidence of this 10th planet.

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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quoted by Laeric [quote] It's the Klingons that concern me. [/quote]Hell,I 'll be first to say I'm such a dumb fuck that I don't understand wots goin on ,but on the humour front you'll get my vote as the mayor of Nowhere Specialaville any day.
I once had a quasi-religious experience..then I realised I'd turned up the volume.
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[quote]Zacharias Sitchin. He's the one who wrote the books about the 10th planet, Nibiru. He researched ancient Sumerian texts. Pretty interesting stuff. I've read a couple of his books. As for it's truth, well I can't say . . . I keep looking for evidence of this 10th planet. [/quote]Zacharia Sitschin should be confined to a closed mental ward. His "ideas" about sumerian writing is completely self-fulfilling and self defining. Just as an example from his book "the twelfth* planet" he tells you bluntly that they talk a lot abour rockets, and landings, and aliens. And his support for this? Well he simply claims that one particular sumerian glyph in their writing means "rocket". Tadaa. Like duh? A multi-thousand year old culture has a glyph in their writing "alphabet" for "rocket"? Wow now whats next, glyphs for "internet", "computer" and "porn-site"? He provides no backing for this interpretation of this glyph, simply states that "the proof that sumerians knew about rockets is that this means rocket!!!" I dunno, I'm at a loss for words reading Sitchins drivel... Almost all is based on one single clay tablet with a stylized flower on it (a big dot with a bunch of small dots around it) which they interpret as the sun and the planets, claiming their size ratios match "exactly". *sigh* [img]http://xfacts.com/lemshay.jpg[/img] /Z (* = he couldn't even count straight, so he got this "new" planet to be number 12 by counting the sun AND the moon as "planets"... a convenient way for Sitschin to get the number 12, which the sumerians used a lot due to it's mathematical properties of being divisible by 1, 2, 3 and 4, to match his ideas, and conveniently claiming that the sumerians counted that way... )
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]anyone read about the dogon tribe who apparently knew about sirius?[/b][/quote]That would be Yahoo Sirius.... :) I've come to the conclusion science just needs cooler toys and that discovery has a short memory. Alpha....sorry, couldn't help myself with the cut and paste out of context crap I did!!!!! I mixed bluegrass for four hours straight last night...I'm whooped!!!!! :)
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [img]http://www.stomptokyo.com/img-m5/gamera-guiron-c.jpg[/img] No alien is gonna eat MY brian!!! [/b][/quote]Although Brian might like it, especially if it's the one on the left.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by skip: [b]Who in the name of Odin`s nostrils are Veliskovsky and Sitchin?[/b][/quote]Immanuel Velikovsky was a Russian scientist with some VERY controversial ideas about the orign of the solar system and the background to many of humanity's so-called "myths & legends". He was a contemporary of Einstein and basically pissed off the entire scientific community in the 1950's by publishing a best-seller about his theories called "Worlds In Collision" - (apparently you're supposed to go to the scientific journals first!) Based on his theories, he correctly predicted the composition of the moon, the suface temperature and chemical composition of Venus and several other things which have all been dismissed as "lucky guesses" by the scientific community. Next time you see your friendly neighbourhood planetary scientist, ask them how Mars managed to lose its atmosphere and how come they're so sure that happened millions of years ago. Then go and read Velikovsky.
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Seachen? I don't think we'll see the Seachen home continent for at least another book. I think that Rand is probably in thier prophecies and that know that the taint is removed, it's only a matter of time before the dark one returns. Oops, wrong fantasy.
I really don't know what to put here.
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Uh... well first of all there already have been a shitload of pole shifts, and none of them has caused the end of the world. Second, any number of heavenly bodies interacting with the earth could potentially really, really screw things up, whether it's a meteorite or another planet or what have you. That's one reason why there are things like high powered telescopes out there to keep an eye on things. Astronomers hope that should something present itself which could seriously endanger life on Earth, they'd know about it far enough in advance to do something about it. But they may not, because stray meteorites and things like that are tough to predict. The chances of this happening at some point are pretty good, but whether it's tomorrow or a thousand years from now or a million years from now, the chances are about the same as they are in 2003. And no matter when it happens, if there are humans around they're going to say: "See, the psychics were right". Well, it doesn't take a psychic OR a rocket scientist to know that the world has got to end SOME day, and that this is one way it could happen. But what good does it really do us to know that, or to get obsessed about when and how it's going to happen? Most people who come up with these web sites are just armchair prophets spreading fear without actually doing anything about it. If you're that worried about it, start studying astronomy and volunteer to man one of the telescopes that watches for such things. Otherwise... errhhhh... what's the point? --Lee
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I say we all go out to the desert with every Marshall stack, Hiwatt, Orange, Boogie, etc. Lay the cabs on the sand, pointing up into space. Then, on the count of 3, everyone hit an open E chord. The resulting shock wave will push the oncoming planetary body out of our way & into Mars, which we don't have to worry about because there's very little life there, and they don't drink Coke or wear Levi's anyway.
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[quote]Originally posted by Franknputer: [QB]I say we all go out to the desert with every Marshall stack, Hiwatt, Orange, Boogie, etc. Lay the cabs on the sand, pointing up into space. Then, on the count of 3, everyone hit an open E chord. QB][/quote]What, no Fenders? Communist!
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Uh... well first of all there already have been a shitload of pole shifts, and none of them has caused the end of the world.[/b][/quote]well. it was to the inhabitants at the time ;)



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]well. it was to the inhabitants at the time ;) [/b][/quote]Nah, they wouldn't have even noticed. Each shift took thousands of years to happen. IF the shifts had any effect on the living things around at the time (and that's debatable, because lots of other things can happen over thousands of years that affect the living things), they wouldn't have noticed, they just would have gradually become extinct. Another bogus thing about these claims is that another planet in the solar system would wreak enough havoc on the Earth to cause a sudden polar shift. You have no idea how huge that planet would have to be, and how close it would have to get to Earth, to do that. Here is an article that explains the ACTUAL effects of the gravitation of other planets on the Earth: http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/planets.html As you can see, this article was written because everyone freaks out every time there is a near alignment of the planets in our solar system that we know about. And every time, nothing happens because the effects of those planets' gravity are extremely tiny compared with those of our own Moon, whose gravitational effect changes by about 25% every month! And without any ill effects other than maybe PMS. :) This math would apply just as well if there were a tenth planet discovered in the solar system. Now if the tenth planet were the size of Jupiter and its orbital path brought it even closer to the earth than the moon is, we might have something to worry about. But we would definitely see that coming with plenty of notice. :D --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Franknputer: [QB]I say we all go out to the desert with every Marshall stack, Hiwatt, Orange, Boogie, etc. Lay the cabs on the sand, pointing up into space. Then, on the count of 3, everyone hit an open E chord. QB][/quote]What, no Fenders? Communist![/b][/quote]Fenders would have fallen under the "etc." - I couldn't sit here & name every amp in the world... And if I were a Communist, then Sovtek would have made the A list... :D
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Uh... did you even read my posts? I HAVE done a search. I didn't come up with anything remotely credible. What is your basis for believing any of what these people say? Why does it deserve any more credence than any other theories about how and when the world is going to come to an end (and there are lots of them)? And I'll ask again what the point is of believing the world is going to end? What can you do about it and why is it worth anyone's time to check this out? If the world really is going to end and nothing can be done about it, isn't it better to spend our time living life to the fullest instead of living in fear? Then again I said the same thing to countless people who believed the whole Y2K fiasco. It seems people believe what they want to believe and completely ignore any evidence to the contrary. It seems more important to some people to believe that they know something that everyone else doesn't, than to actually try to understand what they're talking about. --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Retsdet: [b]Lee's quite right on this one. Geologists discovered shifts in the magnetic alignment between bands coming from areas where sea floor spreading is occurring.[/b][/quote]Gee, is that where n'synch and the backstreet boys are from? But why on earth (literally :) ) is someone going to the trouble to measure the magnetic alignment between them? -- Rob
I have the mind of a criminal genius.....I keep it in the freezer next to mother.
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