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I just watched a gold cap and gown march down the aisle...

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...At our local high school.


Some of you might remember the "pink backpack" thread. And all of these "future musician"-type threads are so great, but such a reminder of how short childhood really is. Which, of course adds up to a reminder that I'm getting older...(sigh)...


My daughter, Lindsay, graduated tonight. Yup. Lotsa kids graduate every year. But Lindsay is our last. And so, I close a chapter in my life...the chapter of raising children through their public school years. I thought I'd be a little more wistful than I was. Instead of being reduced to a pile of jello, though, I had fun following Lindsay around the halls of the school with camcorder in hand, while she grabbed all her friends and had them mug for the camcorder.


Our family has had four graduate from Excelsior Springs High School (GO TIGERS!!!). Our two girls have worn gold caps and gowns, and our two boys have worn black. Yep, I have a grandson now, but, the main responsibility for his raising will be my son, Derek, and his soon to be wife, Alisha (yup, wedding bells ring in the Tedster household May 27th!!!). But you can bet I'll be involved!


So why am I posting this? Well, for one thing, we're friends here, and friends share that kind of stuff. My friends here on the board that are older will hopefully get a smile as they remember those times they had raising their kids...and, hopefully, those friends that are younger will hold some of those important moments a little bit closer.


So, here again...feel free to hijack this thread. It's not my thread. It's all of yours...to share some more about your kids!


Meanwhile, I'll say


"Congratulations, Lindsay!


- Love,





"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted, you've both done a blinding job! Lindsay looks like a really nice kid and sensible at that with her dads guitar :cool::thu:

Remember, as 1 chapter closes, another opens and this is just begining Ted.

Congrats on the wedding of your son to...pictures please! I have to see the Tedster in a Tux :D

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Congratulations Ted!!! :thu: That goes for both Lindsay and Derek!


BTW... Great pic of Lindsay



Tell Lindsay I said "Job well done :thu: "


So did she and Holly ever do anything with their band that they were looking to get going?

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Way to go Ted, Outstanding job.


Is Lindsay going on to college? Locally or distant?



I have one left, another two years, but then she will likely stay at home while attending college.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Good on you and your family Ted! Is Lindsay your oldest? We have very luckily gotten three through high school (one barely!) and we still have one just entering middle school next year. I would like to hook Lindsay up with one of our sons. He is a totally unmotivated heavey metal star wannabe who works as a part time pizza delivery person and hits the bars every night. I'm hoping a bright person such as Lindsay would offer him some reason to get motivated a bit. :D Our oldest is graduating from NDSU this month, but he is refusing to take part in any graduation ceremonies. I think he must have gotten that from me. I don't go for formalities much. He is getting some pretty amazing offers (mechanical engineering grad). Is Lindsay heading off to college? It appears to be so much more important these days than in my day to get a college degree. In fact, I'm finding some of my friends are going back at an older age to get their masters or doctorate to compete in the job market. Can you say "student loans"?



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Thanks, everyone!


Shars...yeah, Tedster in a tux...(cue spy music)


"Vodka Martini on the rocks, shaken, not stirred...my name is Hoffman, Tedster Hoffman" HAHAHAA...


The wedding will be in a couple of weeks. Yup, I'll post pics...


Ani...that "Lindsay and Holly band thing" is a whole 'nuther animal. Let's put it this way, if they want to rock and roll, they have to approach it in a practical way. Right now they're in dreamland. (skeptical look)


Trance...yeah, a lot of kids round these parts have gotten into music that was essentially made before they were born. Lindsay's going through a "hair band" phase. It'd be kinda like me going through a "Glenn Miller phase". :D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Bbach of Bismarck, son of Peter:

I would like to hook Lindsay up with one of our sons. He is a totally unmotivated heavey metal star wannabe who works as a part time pizza delivery person and hits the bars every night. I'm hoping a bright person such as Lindsay would offer him some reason to get motivated a bit.

That sounds like a match made in "unmotivated heaven". They'd be perfect for each other. Don't get me wrong, I love Lindsay dearly...but...she's still at that stage where she thinks the world is going to just hand her some wonderful destiny on a silver platter. But, will they listen to their parents? :mad:


Kids these days. Sheesh!


Tell ya what, Bob, since Lindsay won't listen to me, and your son won't listen to you, I'll call and talk some sense into your son, and when I'm done, we can swap phones and you can talk some sense into Lindsay... :D:D:D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Tell ya what, Bob, since Lindsay won't listen to me, and your son won't listen to you, I'll call and talk some sense into your son, and when I'm done, we can swap phones and you can talk some sense into Lindsay... :D:D:D
Maybe we should just get together and have a beer and complain about our kids. It would have the same end result. :D



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Hola Tío Ted.


I'm so proud of you. You seem to be an excellent father, a very caring one, BTW, besides of being a great friend and a cool human being.


Enjoy it, you have -together with your wife- worked hard to achieve it. Kudos to Lindsay, too.



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Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

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I like the cap and gown picture of Lindsay even better; she looks like a young lady ready to challenge the world in that shot.


I asked Stephen if he remembered Lindsay, and his immediate reply was... yeah, HOLLY was scary :D:D:D


I wish that Lindsay could have been up here the night the girls dressed up in formals; she would have had a blast, I'm sure. Amanda still mentions the make-up party on occasion. ;)

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Originally posted by Tedster:

Trance...yeah, a lot of kids round these parts have gotten into music that was essentially made before they were born. Lindsay's going through a "hair band" phase. It'd be kinda like me going through a "Glenn Miller phase". :D

Tedster, have you not experienced the coolness that is Benny Goodman? BG totally RAWKS, mon :D
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And of course, thanks again, all.


Trance, you betcha! Matter of fact, when Lindsay was a freshman or sophomore, she played clarinet in the school band. It was really hard to convince her there was anything cool about clarinet, so I downloaded "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Benny Goodman, as well as some old Artie Shaw stuff. It sunk in for a couple of minutes.


Hmmm...the clarinet USED to be cool. What happened? Perhaps we need a couple of punk-Klezmer bands to kick it back in.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Just play her Turn It On Salvador from Toy Matinee. (The late, Kevin Gilbert and former jingle and Madonna producer, Patrick Leonard.)


Strange, yet enticing song (as one might expect of a song about Salvador Dali) that has an amazing, solo plus three part harmony on clarinet. I always wished I'd taken the time to learn this instrument.


Congratulations on being an empty nester, though with as nice a nest as you're living in, I can only imagine they'll always be around. ;):thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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That's pretty awesome about the camcorder. Cool, Dad.


I have been so damn sentimental lately, it's silly. I found a whole stack of annuals from high school. Twelve years worth. Oh, my. Going through those, I thought of people I haven't thought of in decades. The older I get, the sappier I get.


I wrote a song a few months ago about this. I like it. It was born from the realization that there are people who you NEVER see again once you graduate. That's a pretty heavy thought.


Sounds like your daughter kinda realizes this.



©2005 All rights reserved


If there's any lesson I have learned

It's that all our lives take such unforeseen turns

One can go through schoo-ol with so many lifelong friends

Graduate and not see them again



Graduation Day is such a heavy duty day

The world awaits and you can't know that some friends go away

Someone oughta sit ya down and warn you like they should

Many of your goodbyes are for good

Many of your goodbyes are for good


[ BREAK ] ( chorus progression )


I don't think there's any way to know

You will stay in touch with some and some you won't

Once you move that tassel, that whole part of life is gone

You'd better hug your friends and hug 'em long




Once you move that tassel, that whole part of life is gone

You'd better hug your friends and hug 'em long

> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Congrats Ted!!!


I guess now you'll have more time to make an occasional post here and there...

(Shoots Steady B a "Doctor Lowell" look)... :D


Cool lyrics, Duke!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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