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OT: So what do you smell like?

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I hardly ever wear cologne, but do occationally. I've definately noticed that some smells work on certain people and don't on others. A body chemistry thing or something.


When I was very young, I think the first one I tried or got for Christmas was English Leather. Sure I got some Brut back in the old days which I always hated on me.


Later discovered Chanel for men which i liked at first, but later seemed too sweet.


Finally found the one that just blends perfect with my sweat and it's called Perry Ellis. Also found one more that seems to work with me and my sweetie loves called Baryshnikov.


So what do you smell like?

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With wifey being an Avon rep I use Black Suede, Mesmerize and others on a day to day basis, depending on the situation. They do have some great scents at a very good price.

I also use Stetson, Chaps and Engilish Leather, though there are others I'll use now and again.


A special evening with wifey is Aramis by choice.


Remember Nine Flags?

Great all around selection.


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I dig Aramis. I haven't used it in some time though. I got this bottle of 'Uno' which is a Shakley product that someone gave me. It's pretty good.


I'm not a big cologne guy, but I don't mind slapping a little on.


My best memories of cologne were from growing up.

My Dad always wore Brute. So when I started getting older and into girls, that's what I wore.


But that changed when one of my friends who was a few years older than me told me that the chicks realllllllly dig British Sterling. So I had to run out and get a bottle of that.


But that changed when a girl friend of mine laughed at me and said; "British Sterling is something old men wear!"


Then there was Polo. Alllllll of the girls seemed to like Polo, and one of my girl friends got me a bottle, so I wore that for awhile.


Then came Drakkar. I never actually went out and got any -this was during my 'Polo phase'-, but I remember it well because everyone seemed to think it was the best stuff, and some of my friends stole this HUGE sample bottle from a department store. They smelled like they'd been bathing in it.


Such fond memories.


I had some Calvin Klein stuff for a while that I really liked. No, not CK-1! But I think they stopped making it.


Then came Aramis, if I remember correctly.

I mostly just wear it to take the redness and sting off of shaving.


I'm married now, so I don't have to impress anyone to get laid. :D

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Originally posted by Phait:

Not a fan of cologne. I don't really like being unnatural in any form. If my body doesn't emit the latest designer scent by design, I'm not bothering.

was wondering what th smell was... ;):D
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I rarely use cologne. I believe though that Avon's "Black Suede" is almost a clone for "Aramis".


My wife's an Avon rep as well...she gets some good stuff. I rarely know the name of it. Once in awhile, if I'm going to be in a crowd, I'll put just a dab on, just enough so I won't be adding to the "sweaty human crowd" smell.

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Originally posted by Jimbroni:

Oh and Prague, women like cologne.

Some women. Kinda hard to generalize about all of us isn't it? I don't like cologne myself, and I don't wear perfume either. I don't think anyone in my immediate circle of friends really does either.
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The one that I like, that works for me, and every woman I know likes, is called Knize 10.


It's not cheap, but it's good. It's been around for a very long time. Comes from europe some place.


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I'm long past my cologne wearing days. Now I either smell like Afta or Old Spice aftershave. :D


I never liked English Leather. The stuff maks me sneeze.


I used to be a big fan of British Sterling and Drakar Noire. I really don't have any occasion to wear the stuff anymore.


When we first got married my wife got me a small bottle of Elvis cologne as a joke. The stuff actually smelled good and she liked it too! :freak::D

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Originally posted by Phait:

Not a fan of cologne. I don't really like being unnatural in any form. If my body doesn't emit the latest designer scent by design, I'm not bothering.


Maybe a dab of foo foo juice would help get a date.


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I wear Dewberry Oil from the Body Shop but I also love the new Nina Ricci scents coming out because their subtle yet sensual. Channel 5 is nice to but thats worn rarely.

Peter wears the Christina Herrera mens scents and also Safari and Armani depending on his moods but he is a real tart when it comes down to smelling good :D


Phait, do you not wear under arm or something?

You see most men have to when they get to their 20s or so because BO is not nice, not that you have BO mind but just asking as curious...

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My gf keeps telling me that i smell like beer, even when i haven't had any for a week or so.... :confused:




I quit smoking over a year ago, but my roommates chainsmoke in the house (and deny that it makes anything smell bad). Every once in a while ppl at work will ask me if i started smoking again, because i reek.




The classic. Girlfriend hates the concept of cologne (see Phait's post) so i don't ever wear it anymore. I also liked Claiborne Sport (it's actually a guy's cologne, honest), and i liked the sample of Mambo i had once, even though i don't like "musk" type things. Girlfriend often smells like patchouli though, which i like.

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Originally posted by phaeton:

I quit smoking over a year ago, but my roommates chainsmoke in the house (and deny that it makes anything smell bad).

That is very impressive that you can stay off the cigs with roommates who smoke. :thu:


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I found a cologne that I use exclusively for gigging...It doesn't disappear after three sets and, at least for me, it combines well with my "natural essence:"

"273" by Fred Hayman


And yes, women seem to dig it. Others that seem to combine well with my "body chemical type" include Santos by Cartier and Halston 1-12. Unlike you, DC, Perry Ellis and I don't seem to get along.


Long live our Natural Essence, and the Purity of our Bodily Fluids!


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The missus got me Aramis a few years ago, which I wear on special occasions, but usually I go au natural. I'm not a big fan of heavy cologne use, either; however, it's vastly preferential to the combination of patchouli oil and sweat that wafts through the average Dead/Phish/Dave Matthews Band-type show.
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I'd completely forgotten about British Sterling. Also, the Jovan Musk Oil went around when I was a teen.


I had a bass playing buddy who got in a lounge band for awhile. He said every one of the players wore cologne so strong that it drove him crazy. Finally he decided to battle it and started slapping his own on like crazy before shows (he picked something really cheap like Brut). All sorts of cologne war stories, good for a laugh.

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Right now, I'm smelling like whatever the hell that was I walked in out in the parking lot........ :D


Cheers !


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No cologne. Ever. I can't stand hanging out with guys who wear cologne. What's the matter? Do you stink? Stop eating so much garlic!


I despise most perfumes, also. I hate coming home from an evening of dancing with a cocktail of twenty-seven different perfumes stuck to me. Ugh!


So, what do I smell like? That's an interesting question. Can we smell ourselves as others smell us? I'm guessing that I smell like my shampoo and my deodorant. And maybe a little curry if I've had Indian for lunch.



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I hate coming home from an evening of dancing with a cocktail of twenty-seven different perfumes stuck to me. Ugh!


Speaking of smells sticking to you...


One office i worked at some years ago hired this guy. He was only a little overweight, didn't appear to have an especially greasy complexion or anything, and appeared to shower daily and observe proper hygiene. Throughout the day he would start to stink like rancid buttcrack- (this was in the summer) and by noon or so standing near him was literally unbearable. By the end of the day you only had to go to that end of the building to know he was there.

He seemed as if he was aware and quietly distressed about it. I'm sure that he was doing everything he could to fight it but just wasn't winning- body chemistry and all. I felt bad for the guy, really i did, and unfortunately our manager had to let him go because of it.


But anyways.... during the 10 days or so that he worked with us, i noticed that every day after i went home, my clothes stunk like him. I made it a point to never get any closer than 20 paces to the guy and yet his stench was so pervasive that it could saturate my clothes.


You have no idea how disturbing it is to smell another man on you, much less a stanky one.


Of course my first line of business when i got home was a shower and clean clothes.

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