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Good news! I have severe cataracts! The worst this Doctor has ever seen!

I really do mean that this is indeed good news- something can be done about cataracts. I am not afraid of the surgery, not leery or queasy in the least. If the surgery could be done this very minute, I'd be there with bells on.

(The last time I saw a Doctor concerning my eyes, I was told specifically that I did NOT have cataracts; apparently they developed and the problem has exponentially exacerbated since then.)

Now, there ARE other serious issues with my eyes, much or all of which cannot be helped. But ANY improvement at all would be wonderful!

Thank goodness that I landed this job with such excellent insurance benefits available, and that I had the good sense to choose to enroll in and pay for the best options offered there!

Potential results remain to be seen...

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Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Cataract surgery is the closest thing to a medical miracle I have personally experienced. Despite any other, ongoing issues with your sight, you should very definitely notice some improvement afterwards.

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I had cataract surgery in early '23. Everything is much brighter, and colors are vibrant and clear.  However, after the surgery, I noticed a white cloud that moves across my vision when shifting my eyes from side-to-side, something which persists to this day.  It is mostly visible against bright backgrounds, e.g. reading on a light monitor, driving on a bright day. It is extremely distracting but I've mostly learned to live with it (dark monitor themes, sunglasses).


Read up on posterior vitreous detachment. It occurs in < 15% of cataract surgeries and for my particular symptoms even less. Had I known about it, I'd have asked my surgeon what his post-surgery PVD ratio was. I was one of the 50 patients he operated on that day.  In retrospect, I'd have preferred someone a little slower.

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@Caevan O’Shiteet al, I had the cataract surgery on my right eye to clear up my close vision a couple of years ago.  My left eye was still OK so I'm waiting for it to be done at a later date.  I wear glasses for distance when watching TV and for driving.  I don't need glasses for computer screens, books, letters, etc.  My right eye is clearer than the left whether I'm wearing glasses or no glasses.  I can read the fine print without wearing glasses which comes in handy.  Whether you need to see clearer for up close or for distance, cataract surgery is the way to go.  Anyone who has had it done will tell you they wish they had done it sooner...Good luck with your surgery! Keep us posted... 😎👍

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Take care, Larryz
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The advancements in the medical field are nothing less than astounding.  For instance, I have had two arthroscopies done on my left knee, my right knee was rebuilt after I tore my anterior cruciate ligament to shreds, both my hips are artificial, and my left elbow was cut open and cleaned out.  Add to that eight broken bones, a car crash that made my spine go S shaped instead of straight (from a frontal X-ray), and oh yeah, 13 years ago I cut my leg open with a chainsaw.  You'd think that I should be in a wheelchair, but earlier today I was out riding my Waverunner, and playing in the backyard with Rocky when I got home.    Caevan, you're going to go from "There's not much we can do" to "your eyesight won't be perfect, but it will be better than it was before".

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I rock; therefore, I am.
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Best wishes for a great outcome. I know so many people who have had the surgery. Almost all say they wished they'd done it sooner. I think the realistic expectation is to know that your vision will certainly be much improved, even if not absolutely perfect. All the best to you.

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Scott Fraser
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I’ve always worried about getting cataracts. I guess the fear comes from wearing glasses since I was barely four. I could see well enough for normal activities but as soon as my sister started teaching me to read I started having eye strain headaches. Someone once described the process to me and I thought it sounded horrible. In reality, it is one of the easiest eye problems to correct. Good luck with the procedure. I’m sure many of us will eventually follow you down that path. 

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