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Spring NAMM 2022 Reports

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I can't come close to what others have reported and videos demoed, but I'll share a few thoughts. Also, NAMM 2020 was the only time I've attended "Winter"/Anaheim NAMM so I don't have the perspective of true veterans of the show.


Attendance was of course, down, both as far as attendees and exhibitors. There was a lot of empty space in the main building around the edges of halls A - D (ACC Level One). There were also a lot more meeting rooms set up in there than I recall from 2020. It's good that some companies felt the need to be there and at least have meetings to do business. Yet NAMM pretty much had the same exhibition spaces overall, with Level One, some vendors upstairs, and loudspeakers and software in ACC North. On the other hand, I don't know if they used the Hilton for any of the sessions, most of the sessions I saw were in rooms 20x upstairs of Level One. In 2020, I remember on the next to last day, it was so packed it was hard to move around. I never saw anything like that this year. In the mornings it was pretty easy to get around and get on the gear. But as the day picked up, more and more people were there. They may have been punters*, but there was an energy that came from the crowd.


The few exhibitors I talked to on Friday and Saturday evening said that they felt it was really good to do this. While we have learned how much we can get done online, there are certain things that can only happen in person. Seeing people, feeling the energy, sensing how people are reacting (or not) to what you're talking about, it all happens in person. There's also the community that comes together at NAMM. I think we're all hoping the show continues.


At one point, I was taking a break outside and heard a little of a band that was playing on that stage. There was a red keyboard being played. After the song, the singer comes on the mic and says, "does anyone know anything about the Nord Electro 6? [emphasizing each word] The whole keyboard is a half step sharp and he had to play that whole song with it that way! If anyone knows how to fix that, please let us know." (Yes, the way he said made me think he had no idea that was something keyboards could do on purpose.) :roll: I thought to myself, "they could just send someone to the Nord booth and ask… :D "


Since the crowds were still light Saturday morning, I was able to get my paws on the OB-X8. Damn, I could have played that thing all day. It's as rich and thick and warm as you'd imagine. I didn't dig in deep, but I didn't need to. What I encountered from just the presets and a knob twist or two was enough to tell me this is the real deal.





* punter - informal, mainly British a person who gambles, places a bet, or makes a risky investment. • a customer or client, especially a member of an audience. • a prostitute's client. • the victim of a swindler or confidence trickster.

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"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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17 minutes ago, Joe Muscara said:

There was a red keyboard being played. After the song, the singer comes on the mic and says, "does anyone know anything about the Nord Electro 6? [emphasizing each word] The whole keyboard is a half step sharp and he had to play that whole song with it that way! If anyone knows how to fix that, please let us know." (Yes, the way he said made me think he had no idea that was something keyboards could do on purpose.) :roll: I thought to myself, "they could just send someone to the Nord booth and ask… :D "




Hee hee perhaps a "Stooge" from Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Casio, Dexibell, Hammond etc etc. Maybe they all ganged up.


Unlikely a "stooge" but i feel a bit unprofessional for any gig let alone music gear head crowd???????


Poor old Nord eh id be pissed.


Great interesting read sir for us awaiting interesting reads ..thank you for this post.

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I remembered another interesting point. When I visited the acoustic piano manufacturers upstairs, the rooms were next to useless for trying them out. While they were configured similar to last time, there were so many people and it was so noisy that at best you could get a feel for the instrument, but you couldn't hear well enough to make distinctions. There were several people playing concertos in each room. They didn't seem to be dealers. It wasn't awful, but I doubt it would be terribly useful.


Kawai, C. Bechstein, Pearl River, and Fazioli (!) were there.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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If I had unlimited space and unlimited monies I would add that 3rd Wave to the herd. I always was a PPG fan boy.  Probably because I never actually owned one.  😀

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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I came across this interesting product that was apparently shown at NAMM... 





Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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4 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:

Kawai have (or had in the past) their own room, so depending on foot traffic, you might be able to catch a few minutes of quiet time. I remember the good old days of when each piano manufacturer had their own separate rooms. And they were big.

Hmmm. IIRC, what I saw in 2020 had each manufacturer in their own room, and I'm sure they did this year. For instance, Kawai had 207A & B, Fazioli was in 206, Bechstein 205B, and Pearl River was in 205A. I don't know if some of the noise was coming from the hall, or if there were simply so many people in each room. Like I said though, I can't say if these guys used to get bigger rooms. I also wonder if there's a quieter place in the hall where they can be.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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On 6/4/2022 at 6:26 PM, Jazz1642606857 said:

New: Kawai ES120 digital piano: 27 pounds, louder speakers, added SX-EX piano samples (more detailed than EX and better legato), improved vintage Rhodes, RHC action. I have ordered one.


I have been playing the Kawai ES110 digital piano  (26 lbs, RHC action, EX piano samples, internal speakers) for three hours a day for the past two years and I love it.


But as far as I can tell, it lost the DIN MIDI ports. It was the only light and portable piano with a good action and MIDI in-out, pity that it lost this feature differentiating it from the competition

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1 hour ago, Spider76 said:

But as far as I can tell, it lost the DIN MIDI ports. It was the only light and portable piano with a good action and MIDI in-out, pity that it lost this feature differentiating it from the competition

Good action is subjective, but in the under-a-grand price range, and up to about 30 lbs, at least you still have the Casio PX-360 and Kurzweil SP1. If you're willing to spend more, there are numerous options... Yamaha MX88 and CP73; Kurzweil SP6 and PC4 SE; Casio PX-5S and PX560; Roland RD-88, etc. But yeah, if you just want a simple, moderately priced slab, pickin's have gotten increasingly slim.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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4 hours ago, Spider76 said:

But as far as I can tell, it lost the DIN MIDI ports. It was the only light and portable piano with a good action and MIDI in-out, pity that it lost this feature differentiating it from the competition




Oh the humanity

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On 6/4/2022 at 6:26 PM, Jazz1642606857 said:

New: Kawai ES120 digital piano: 27 pounds, louder speakers, added SX-EX piano samples (more detailed than EX and better legato), improved vintage Rhodes, RHC action. I have ordered one.


I have been playing the Kawai ES110 digital piano  (26 lbs, RHC action, EX piano samples, internal speakers) for three hours a day for the past two years and I love it.


Looking forward to hearing your report on the ES120, Jazz. Thanks for the alert.

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13 hours ago, zephonic said:


Wild idea, this. - though the lack of depth on the key lengths does not bode well.  Will we ever see a digital action developer like Yamaha or Kawai show interest in breaking down something that plays great for travel?  Never say never, I guess.  

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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2 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

Wild idea, this. - though the lack of depth on the key lengths does not bode well.  Will we ever see a digital action developer like Yamaha or Kawai show interest in breaking down something that plays great for travel?  Never say never, I guess.  

well, the concept of a travelling/stripped down skinner guitar is around a long time and quite a few manufacturers have jumped on board. I often think of what smartphone companies are doing, like the folding devices Samsung are coming out with, Apple seem pretty slow on this uptake and while they look kinda cool I’m not sure how practicable they are in the real world?

Same with a folding keyboard, yes the idea is great but there seems to be too many sacrifices in building one. The Vax folding one from a good few years ago was probably as close as it came for me. I think you could order varying degree of key weight as well but I’ve never seen one in the wild and the company appear to have folded…..(pun absolutely intended)

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Yamaha MODX8, Legend Live.
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1 hour ago, Dockeys said:

well, the concept of a travelling/stripped down skinner guitar is around a long time and quite a few manufacturers have jumped on board. I often think of what smartphone companies are doing, like the folding devices Samsung are coming out with, Apple seem pretty slow on this uptake and while they look kinda cool I’m not sure how practicable they are in the real world?

Same with a folding keyboard, yes the idea is great but there seems to be too many sacrifices in building one. The Vax folding one from a good few years ago was probably as close as it came for me. I think you could order varying degree of key weight as well but I’ve never seen one in the wild and the company appear to have folded…..(pun absolutely intended)

I played the VAX at NAMM when they introduced it.  Very playable, fast, weighted action.  Quite playable, sort of felt like the TP-40 Nord uses on their Stage.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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2 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

I played the VAX at NAMM when they introduced it.  Very playable, fast, weighted action.  Quite playable, sort of felt like the TP-40 Nord uses on their Stage.

I always wondered why if never took off? Nice action by all accounts, and foldable, maybe it was too expensive for just a midi controller?

Yamaha MODX8, Legend Live.
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3 hours ago, Dockeys said:

I always wondered why if never took off? Nice action by all accounts, and foldable, maybe it was too expensive for just a midi controller?

Cost, honestly.  I liked it, and it was a premium build, nice job on the firmware and operation, beautiful paint job as well.  But very expensive.  

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Thanks for all this great information Geoff! I always look forward to this thread.


Fluid Chords has me excited and thinking of musical applications. I am reminded of Tony Banks contrary motion harmonies in Mad Man Moon when the song returns to A section after the 5/8 section. Also there is this spot in Faure's Requiem where the harmonic structure and bass move in contrary motion, but I doubt I could drop the needle on that spot. I am sure it's all over the choir repertoire. Maybe we will hear more of these kinds of beautiful harmonic tricks in the future. 👍 👍

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On 6/7/2022 at 6:19 AM, Joe Muscara said:

Hmmm. IIRC, what I saw in 2020 had each manufacturer in their own room, and I'm sure they did this year. For instance, Kawai had 207A & B, Fazioli was in 206, Bechstein 205B, and Pearl River was in 205A. I don't know if some of the noise was coming from the hall, or if there were simply so many people in each room. Like I said though, I can't say if these guys used to get bigger rooms. I also wonder if there's a quieter place in the hall where they can be.

My apologies if this video has already been posted elsewhere, but here's a full tour of the NAMM Show. The acoustic piano coverage starts from around 33:50 (with Kawai, although I think that's just a coincidence):




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Employed by Kawai Japan, however the opinions I express are my own.
Nord Electro 3 & occasional rare groove player.

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