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So what the hay-all do y'all look like? PICS!

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Originally posted by Tedster:

My most recent pics...in the local production of "The Music Man". I got roped into singing with the barbershop quartet. Actually, if you've never sang barbershop, it's a blast... Gave me a chance to shave the goatee, handlebar the 'stache and grow lambchops (only they're so gray you can hardly see 'em)



They cut the bass guy off in the last one.

That's gonna be me in about twenty five years, man. *laughs* Death to the one that cut off bass guy! :P
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Originally posted by zzzzzzzzz:

Separated at birth!? http://wwwimage.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/show_info/images/ls_show_info_bios_photo_pshaffer.jpghttp://www.neonflame.com/lurker/images/phil.jpg

If only I was half as hip as Paul. :( If only I had half his chops. :(:( If only I had half of his encyclopedic historical musical and stylistic knowledge. :(:( If only I had half his MONEY!!! :D
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me, the Mrs., and us about two weeks after we met, December '00.




I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Jeff da Weasel, I know you're not speaking to me, but I thought you might like to know what the name of the Wow picture is. Right click, properties.


Offramp, your wife is very beautiful.

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I really hope that one of these days, quite a few of you, and you know who you are, get to personally know the joy, heartache, triumphs, and trials of raising a mentally handicapped child. Getting to know the pride when they finally can do something at age 12 or so that other kids do when they're 2 or 3. Knowing the heartache when they come home crying because everyone on the bus has been making fun of them. Watching the other kids in high school get awarded athletic letters, honor roll certificates, their driver's licenses, go on dates, and knowing that no matter how many Special Olympics medals they win, it will really never make up for that. Worrying about what adulthood will bring, how they'll support themselves in a cruel world, and what they'll do when you're gone.


And then realizing that at least thank God, you were born "normal". And then realizing that an accident or severe head injury could yet steal your "normal" away from you.


Thank God we're slowly steering away from the times that it was funny to hurl racial and ethnic epithets around, but it's still funny to laugh at the retards, isn't it?



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Thanks for posting that Ted. I was tempted to say something, but I figured it would just be a waste of breath. But again, I'm glad you said something.


No, it's not really funny - not if you've had to deal with the sorrow of having a child with serious disabilities. I realize that most people have no clue about what that's like, and many who make fun of such people do not even think about what it might mean to others who have, and they might not really mean any harm, but yes, reminders like this do not do anyone any good, and a little thought about how it might hurt others would be a good thing before posting things of that nature.


Anyway, that's just my personal opinion, and is in no way stated from my "moderator" position.

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Originally posted by WOW:

My bad, I will remove the pic.


That you were willing to do so of your own free will speaks well of you.


It was not done on purpose to cause pain.


I understood that was probably the case, and you certainly have not been the only one, so please do not take my comments as having been personally directed at only you.


Sorry. :)


I can't speak for Ted or anyone else, but AFAIC, apology accepted.


Thank you for being considerate.


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These are the only ones that I can find on the web that I can point the "image" thingy at...the bottom one in the pool is a few years old and I have much shorter hair now.

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fairly recent...



Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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Curious, are you???


Here is the Boss Lady we were talking about in the other thread in the year 2000 prior to two major surgeries.








Here I am today pushing 45... I put on some weight during the recovery of the two surgeries, but I've been back in the pool full scale this season,and I hope to get half way back to where I want to be by the end of summer. Last year, I got caught up in the Fantasy League project and committed my time to it rather than burning the fat............ this year I said... "I'll be doing something for ME.... screw project #2" The baggage WILL be coming off; I don't like wearing love handles.




With the extra pounds I don't look 21, but I'm not trying to attract men that are 25 either. I still get the offers.

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Originally posted by Ani:





With the extra pounds I don't look 21, but I'm not trying to attract men that are 25 either. I still get the offers.

There are picture communities I look at in my blog community that would consider someone like you very attractive! Not all of us love Playboy and Maxim models, ya know! ;)
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Thanks Taz...


Yep Phait, Ani and Anifa are one in the same. I killed the other ID when I attempted to change my email address; lost all access and never was able to remedy it without establishing a new ID and starting my post count all over. :(

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I'm going to have to revisit this. The past 6 months my beard has gone from the look in these pictures to a long 'stache (down to the edge of my chin), to a full beard except for my chin (a coworker kept saying my look belonged on money. :D ), and 3 days ago I finally shaved the whole darn thing off in deference to my daughter Lilly. She had a cardboard book of "What if" questions and answers. One was, "What if this man shaved his beard and moustache off?" Lift up the flap to see him clean shaven and the answer, "He'd be a handsome daddy!" She's wanted a handsome daddy for several years. But I grew tired of dealing with my hair, so I used my moustache trimmer on its' highest setting to shave my head, so my hair looks nothing like these pics.


5 years ago with Lilly:



From the staff pic of Gibson Customer Support, 10/2001:



The headshot (This is pissing me off! :mad: I've checked this every way I know how and it still insists on putting up a URL in place of auto-loading the pic, yet I put the same address in the address bar and it comes up normally. :mad: :



Gene Simmons and me last year.



Trying to look cool next to a Predator remote contol surveillance vehicle with Mink in Pakistan. That's me in the black On Tour With Shure t-shirt. :D :


It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Nothing real recent but, here goes some...


From a long time ago, with the FG-150



Just before that damned cancer hit, with the FG-411S...



At Rusty's Surf Ranch with the FG150 http://www.daklander.com/pics/rustys022.jpg


At Canyon Amphitheater with the Guild D4



Last pic is about a year and a half old.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Not a very clear pic sorry:




This one is better:



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Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound:

Why do I ALWAYS have red eye!??



Here's one without the red-eye Valky. No Photoshop touch up either. :D



Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by daklander:

Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound:

Why do I ALWAYS have red eye!??



Here's one without the red-eye Valky. No Photoshop touch up either. :D


Perfect timing Dak - in reference to the multi-monitor / computer setup we were talking about in a couple of other threads... Valky is sitting at the keyboard station. Behind her you can see the two MIDI keyboards, and on top of the lower one you can just make out the computer keyboard for my softsynth / Gigastudio computer... and its dedicated monitor is also visible on the left side of the photo.
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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

Phil, thank you for pointing out literally what you guy would have ever noticed!!

Yeah, Ken, there's equipment in that pic? Oh, there is!


BTW...Wow, just woke up, thanks, bro, we cool! :thu:


Some pics I haven't seen of a lot of you all before. Way cool! Here's one of me with a gorgeous pink-haired bassist that hangs on the lowdown from time to time...




And Nursers, I thought all you Aussie blokes looked like this:





"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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