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Although it's been round since 2016, over the past 6 months or so, the social network MeWe has been getting a little more attention. It's key differentiator is privacy - your data isn't sold, you can't boost posts by paying for them, and there's no algorithms determining what appears on your feed.


Thanks to Joe Muscara for the heads-up, I've signed up and checked it out and I like it a lot. It's success though will to some extent depend on how many people it can pull away from Facebook and that's a huge ask. It apparently has 8 or 9 million users now so it's a drop in the ocean. Will be interesting to see.


Anyone else check it out? LINK

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I joined it last year at the recommendation of a biker group I enjoy on FB. Must admit I haven't spent much time there and haven't really learned how to navigate it. The premise for switching over was that there's less "nanny stateism" which totally appeals to me, I'm terrible at following rules or directives by people who haven't earned my respect. I don't know that I've ever been in the so-called FB jail but I may have had a post or two removed in the time I've been on it. It's quite understandable that bikers would veer away from FB. Perhaps less so for musicians who tend to follow along the more liberal idealist path but there's a "Musicians of MEWE" group I joined there.
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I am considering this, I deleted my Fakebook account some time ago.

There are limits to how bad you should be allowed to suck, Fakebook has gone well beyond those limits.


I am enjoying watching advertisers withdraw their support, that is powerful and effective.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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[font:Comic Sans MS]I'm in, but under a pseudonym. Can't give too much away online, you know...[/font]


Agreed, for Fakebook I created a new free email account and went on there as Kuru Prionz.


There is a Louis Jordan tune that ends "Don't give ya real name." Can't think of the title or I'd post it.


Thinking about using Stuart Pidd (my friends just call me Stu).

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The fact is, I'm only staying on FB because everyone I know is there. Sadly, FB has a lot of inertia on its side. I'd be much happier in a world where everyone was on MeWe (or some other FB-like social network) and used Vimeo instead of YT. (I think YT is horrible about copyright and paying artists.) But if MeWe could get more users on there and not scare people off because it currently has a reputation about having a lot of users on one side of the political spectrum, I'd happy check that every day instead of FB.


If you're on MeWe, find me if you like.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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This is the first I've ever heard about MeWe - thanks - I'll check it out.


I quit FB when I found out they were reading posts, tallying likes/dislikes, reading IM's and deciding who was on the fence for the last presidential election. Then they decided which fraudulent 'news' propaganda items to send to those sitting on that fence, lying to them to throw a United States semi-democratic election. Of course it was done by robot and an independent company.


To me, using fraud to throw a presidential election is criminal, and using data collected to decide which kind of fraud to tailor to individuals is even worse.


I figured if I stayed on FB and allowed them to profit by selling my data to advertisers, I would become an accessory to their criminal activities. That goes against my value system so I found out how to delete my data and I quit Facebook for good


Sure I can't keep in touch with my family and friends the same way and I'm probably losing some business by not advertising my band there anymore, but sometimes you just have to take the high road. By aiding and abetting their criminal activities, makes me a criminal too.


FB has the momentum so I don't know if anything can replace it soon. After all, the dvorak keyboard was proven to be superior to the qwerty, but we all already know how to use qwerty and so dvorak fizzled out.


There have been alternatives to the black and white piano style keyboards for years that would be easier to play, have the fingerings the same in all keys, and in the long run be a vast improvement. But we all know how to play that piano keyboard and don't want to invest the years of training to go to a new system.


Wes Montgomery, the great jazz guitarists played with his thumb instead of a pick. People showed him that by using a pick, he could do things that can't be done with the thumb and he tried, but he spent years learning with the thumb and it would take years to get proficient with the pick, so the pick lost the battle.


As much as I dislike Facebook and their policies, I don't think it's going away any time soon. There are so many 'net users who do facebook and nothing else.


There are even business that I look up, and they have a FB page that asks you to register, and no other website. It's like too many people think that FB IS the Internet.


So tell me more about WeMe. I looked it up on Wiki but it seems to be written as an ad, and Wiki even states that.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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This is the first I've ever heard about MeWe - thanks - I'll check it out.

So tell me more about WeMe. I looked it up on Wiki but it seems to be written as an ad, and Wiki even states that.



I am a Fakebook hater/quitter as well. I agree that their business practices are not acceptable, this includes their Instagram division.


The link in the OP should bring up a MeWe page that has links to their Privacy Policy and their Terms of Agreement.

The clear statements regarding ownership of intellectual properly are important - MeWe states clearly that what is yours, is yours (Fakebook is more "what's yours is ours").

I read both documents. I think I will join but first I will create an email address exclusively for MeWe. I don't mind using my real name but it's good to have a disconnect available too.


That's all I know so far. If either of their documents had looked more like Fakebook BS, I would have bailed then and there. Cheers, Kuru

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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A separate e-mail address is what I used for Facebook as well. I called it something like 7wsXiQYT9@nortonmusic.com (generated with my password app) and a few weeks after joining facebook I was getting spam at that address. I only used it once, to join FB and never used it again, so it was definitely either sold by FB or involved in a data breach.


I don't mind sharing some things on the Internet. Of course I draw the line at what I think it too dangerous.


I don't use Chrome and search with SmartPage or DuckDuckGo instead of Google.




I bought some etymotic active musician's earplugs. They are transparent when the audio level is low, but have compression technology to make them safe up to about 100dba on stage. That way between songs I can hear what the audience members say to me.


They take hearing aid batteries. I searched on Google to find the best prices and before long I was getting ads for adult diapers, compression stockings, high toilets, and tons of geriatric supplies.


That was a bit irritating. So I thought I'd search for guitars and saxophones. Obviously those people didn't buy names from Google. Then I tried bikinis, figuring at least the pictures in the ads would be better, I got some female oriented ads, but rarely bikinis. And the geriatrics kept coming for months. Eventually they faded away.


If MeWe takes off and gets a lot of people, I might join. But if it's like the dvorak keyboard, fuggetaboutit.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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I use Duck Duck Go and am thinking about switching to Brave browser.


I mentioned a product to somebody on one of these forums and they responded that they now had advertising for that product on their email.


My other "Never Do" is I don't log onto the internet on my phone.

If there was an emergency where I was lost I would bring up maps but I also have a Garmin, which does not link to anything personal and will find anything in the US.


MeWe may only grow if we support it. I think I am going to create an account and take it slow. They don't hide how to delete it like Facebook does.

And, they will boot you off after six months if you don't use it.


Fakebook would never do that, they advertise and member numbers are important for advertising $$$$.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Yeah that's my thoughts too - it won't grow if we don't support it. On Duck Duck Go, I use it but geez its search accuracy sucks compared to Google :(



True, but it doesn't stalk you. I've found it may just need an extra word here and there to find what I am looking for.


It looks to me like you could "ghost" the interwebz if you used Brave Browser, Duck Duck Go and MeWe. You'd be there but mostly under the radar.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I've begun using DuckDuckGo as an extension, but like someone else said, I don't like the search and some of the other functions nearly as much.


I am still on Facebook even though I agree with many of the points about their business model and ugly business practices.


I do this in part because I have a lot of friends on there and would be immediately cut off. It is still considerably more social than Instagram (which they own) or Flickr for my photography. And I have gotten all sorts of opportunities from Facebook for night photography, including a book publishing deal and a job offer to write for Photofocus.com. I have also learned a lot about music and especially night photography from the various Facebook groups, which is by far its biggest strength, in my opinion, and made a lot of good friends. So as is the case with life, I use it, but do so feeling this internal conflict.

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Funny, I use DDG 99% of the time. The only time it doesn't really work for me is stuff like "[search term] site:forums.musicplayer.com"

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Yeah that's my thoughts too - it won't grow if we don't support it. On Duck Duck Go, I use it but geez its search accuracy sucks compared to Google :(

Use StartPage. It's a European browser that uses Google for it's search results (and pays them for it) but doesn't record your IP or sell your information.




Their quote: "We don"t collect or share your personal information. Ever. There"s literally no data about you on our servers. None. We can"t profile you, and we can"t be forced to hand over your data to authorities, simply because we don"t have any data to hand over."



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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Yeah that's my thoughts too - it won't grow if we don't support it. On Duck Duck Go, I use it but geez its search accuracy sucks compared to Google :(

Use StartPage. It's a European browser that uses Google for it's search results (and pays them for it) but doesn't record your IP or sell your information.




Their quote: "We don"t collect or share your personal information. Ever. There"s literally no data about you on our servers. None. We can"t profile you, and we can"t be forced to hand over your data to authorities, simply because we don"t have any data to hand over."




Link added to my Favorites, thanks Notes!!!!!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Thanks. It also looks like you can use it as an extension so that searches automatically default to that.
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I have StartPage set as my default search in all the browsers that I use.


They also have an advanced search https://www.startpage.com/en/advanced-search.html that can come in handy if you need to narrow your search.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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