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Greg Mein

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About Greg Mein

  • Birthday 07/09/1960


  • occupation
    Electronic Technician (Retired)
  • hobbies
    Harley Davidson, Performing/Recording, Electronic Tech
  • Location
    Mesquite, NV

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  1. Thanks so much for the thoughts, well wishes and prayers, it was a horrible experience and I'm probably lucky to be alive. I spent 9 days in the hospital. My right shoulder was basically destroyed, my nose is broken in two places and I had extensive road rash. The road rash has made incredible progress in healing and although I'm sporting several different shades of skin tone I'm down to only one area that still needs to be dressed. The broken nose is a bit tender but was always the least noticeable of my problems, it was determined by my wife and the resident doctor that the surgery they'd scheduled for it wasn't all that necessary. My right shoulder was dislocated and broken. They "relocated" it shortly after arriving in the emergency room and then there was a surgery on it a few days later. There was only so much the surgeon could do. It remains to be seen how much mobility I'll have with it and we've been told a full shoulder replacement is likely the best solution. All in all I consider myself fortunate. I don't know where I'd be without the expertise and assistance of my wife, as an experienced and well educated NP having her by my side is invaluable. We also have a supportive network of friends that have helped us both a great deal. There is a lot more to the whole story but it may be a while before I can type with two hands again so I'm trying to be brief and I'll probably be rather scarce here for a while. I do really appreciate the well wishes, thoughts and prayers as I continue on my path to recovery!
  2. They also lied when they wrote, "Because you reported it, we won't show this ad to you again". Now I see it twice as often.
  3. Went to the Las Vegas store on the 18th and it was the same story.
  4. I've been revisiting our backing track system after a couple years of it being dormant because we'll need it at least once this Summer. Along with adding new sequences I also created a track to control her new keyboard, automating patch changes so she won't need to fiddle with knobs. She was thrilled and she told her friend on the phone that it was like magic. I said, 'it's the magic of MIDI'.
  5. So I'm wondering, has anyone got to the point where they change Scenes and/or Favorites remotely from a DAW? Is there a sysex to change between these modes? For example Korg/Roland keyboards traditionally required a sysex message to change between Combi/Program mode or Performance/Patch mode. I don't believe I needed to do that on my Roland FA-08 but I lost a lot of the info I had when a HD crashed a while back. I have the USB driver for the RD-88 installed on the gig MBP and I've checked the Menu/System/MIDI and believe all should be good there. I have the manuals and I'm still looking at them but I'm in a bit of a crunch for time, I need this setup going by June and I've still got plenty of other things I gotta do so anyone that can provide info would be greatly appreciated 😀 ETA: Thinking a little deeper it occurs to me that favorites are not like a separate bank, it's probably not necessary to try and access Favorites as they're just a storage method for scenes that have already been created. ETA: Disregard this post, I've figured it out.
  6. Drag-dropping midi drum patterns from a fairly vast selection of midi drum packs I've added to Superior Drummer 3 has been my primary method for creating backing tracks, and my own tracks, in Digital Performer for many years. There is a whole lot of exploration, and just messing around, I'd like to do with the drummer in Logic 10, loops in Ableton, and revisit Reason eventually but I'm in a music crunch mode yet again and have to get some work done fast for upcoming away gigs in June and July.
  7. We dropped into the Las Vegas Sam Ash this afternoon to check on the deals. 10-20% on accessories but not so good on more expensive items (amps, guitars, keyboards). It appeared they'd reduced inventory quite a bit but I imagine they're shifting things around between stores and such. They had a small selection of tube amps but the discount on those was only 5%. There were some nice guitars and a few nice keyboards still left. I should note that I'm not in the market for any high end gear; I have a fine collection of top notch guitars, all the keyboards we need and my drummer recently gave me a Marshall DSL15C that will probably become my main gigging amp for the foreseeable future so the deals would have to be rather spectacular to entice me. The staff were friendly and helpful as always but as you might expect the overall mood was a little somber. My wife and I are really disappointed to see this store close down. We bought a mic stand, a couple of XLR cables and some guitar strings. I'm not sure how long the close out will go on but we'll be leaving to spend June and July in the midwest and are unlikely to get back there.
  8. In our duo setup I have Waves Tune Real Time on our vocal channels. It has all the necessary settings for pitch, speed, tolerance, etc.. and has worked great for me. I don't have much problem with pitch so it's very transparent and the most noticeable thing is an occasional chorus type effect that actually thickens up my vocal and sounds great!
  9. The Sam Ash store in Las Vegas has been a saving grace for us a couple of times. It was incredibly well stocked with a great layout and fantastic staff. We are really going to miss it!
  10. I've had to replace the SD card in ours since this thread started also. I wonder if AKAI is aware of this fairly serious issue??
  11. For years I've used DP on MBP's with MOTU interfaces and external keyboards. It's always been a solid setup and I'd always created my own tracks. I was originally inspired by articles in Keyboard magazine where Mike McKnight and others used that same basic setup on large world tours with world renown artists and groups. The last band I was in was undoubtedly the most popular in the area and certainly the most lucrative with sound company on hire and a minimum $2000 fee. Pretty good for a regional act. My primary function was keyboards along with some vocal and guitar. I even introduced some sequencing into the group which wasn't much of a problem, they were top notch musicians who quickly adjusted to a click and we already used in-ear monitors. I'd used the same basic system live before joining that group and after I left I continued to use it as my wife and I put together a duo act. Your idea sounds like a great big load of fun, I'd love to be a part of it!
  12. I've used MBP's on gigs with bands and later, with my duo, for many years. I started with Powerbooks and have upgraded many times over the years with my current gig MBP being a 2017 model. I've nearly always used Digital Performer with MOTU 828 interfaces, keyboards, external midi devices, etc.. I actually haven't used this system for a couple years after forming my latest live band but I'm revisiting it now because my wife and I will be doing a couple duo gigs this Summer when we travel back to the midwest. It's a fairly complex setup that I won't waste time explaining unless someone is interested in discussing such things.
  13. I've also done this song for years, what is the procedure for viewing these image files??
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