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Issues re: post-quarantine music venues

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I'm jamming again tonight with 2 others. We're cautious but still want to live our lives....last time we jammed we easily maintained distance.


One of my bands lost a guitarist a couple months ago and we're getting together next week to run through some of our set list to see what songs we can still do with one guitarist instead of two, and to try out some new songs to replace the ones we will be dropping. Our lead singer won't be there as he has a child with some medical issues and he's not ready yet. He can take as long and is under no pressure to return unless he's completely comfortable.

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As I mentioned in a previous post, my band has been asked to do a live streaming show at a local venue, and I recently received some information regarding how things work. The venue is decent-sized (capacity around 300-350), has a large stage, and is designed for live music. We've played there during healthier times. The band uses only their stage amps/monitors (i.e., no PA). Drums and amps are miked like a live show, keys DI-ed, and all signals are sent to a mixing counsel in a separate "studio" room where the live stream is mixed. Full light show, three cameras to capture the action. We play for 90 minutes.


The band has not played together for over two months, so we will have to rehearse at least once. We rehearse in a large warehouse where social distancing could be accomplished. So in conjunction with the large size of the venue and rehearsal facility, this could work, in theory. The biggest wild card/uncertainty is that I'm not sure how committed my band mates are to social distancing. I suspect that I will be the strongest advocate. Some rather direct communication will have to take place which I will probably have to initiate. I will have to tell them to not touch my gear, maintain physical proximity, and to not slobber all over the place. Depending on their attitude/responses, I may give this a "go."


Not sure how the shows are monetized, but I've heard from a musician friend that a popular local tribute band made excellent $$$ from a recent show at this facility. Kind of surprised to hear that. Wondering if other clubs around here will pursue a similar business model.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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Moonglow, I am literally doing my first live broadcast video concert tonight. We will play for one hour. In between songs we will ask people to make donations via PayPal to support the guys. The details are up in the shameless plug"s section. I"ll let you know how it worked out.

Doug Robinson


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Video clip from yesterday's backyard jam, with social distancing and masks. Scott Hill-vocal & guitar, John Hall-bass guitar, Hanne Andersen-cajon, Ted Garber-pedal steel, Lloyd Pollock-guitar, Peter Loeb-keys & sax


These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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One good thing from all this: the last few years everybody has gotten very huggy. If you had a good jam or accomplished something with someone or in a group, part of saying goodbye is a hug. Or coming into a group of people you know someone always feels like they want to hug. If they are women I dont mind but all to frequently it's not. Now even handshakes are taboo.


To get back on topic, if you take your mask down to sing you might as well be spitting in they air. If you dont sing, your bands singer is spitting on you. 90 minutes of gigging and any covid that anybody has is going to be all over the place. Staying 6 feet apart is just a vain ritual. Like a voodoo dance.


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I've noticed that too. Kind of those "mafia-style" hugs as I think of them, quick and with pats to the back. Those happen at my work too among management between the various departments and it makes me want to hurl my coffee mug at them due to how fake it all is. Why do I hate happiness? Not sure :D


Seeing yet more chatter about vitamin D. This article is not about CV but talks about vitamin D and two things popped out to me: northern areas/sunlight and how that affects D production in our bodies, and also how minorities especially african-americans are much more prone to having D deficiencies.



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Oh definitely, I"d at best be 50/50 about accepting this prestigious invitation under normal circumstances...but the dude either being delusional or outright lying from the get go make it a no-brainer.
Steinway L, Yamaha Motif XS-8, NE3 73, Casio PX-5S, iPad, EV ZLX 12-P ZZ(x2), bunch of PA stuff.
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Interesting days.


We just heard from the city we are contracted with to perform their 4th of July Festival (on July 3rd)


They have decided to do a virtual show. They have contracted a studio where we will setup to be streamed live. (once I know the address, I'll provide it if anyone wants to witness this :) )


Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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Travis McCready Performs America's First Concert in Months


(I had no idea who he was until just now. Turns out, I saw his band Bishop Gunn open for the Stones last summer.)


Fans who had to have their temperatures taken and wear masks for the Travis McCready show said it was worth it for the experience of hearing live music again.


The concert offered a preview of what music fans may expect from an industry struggling to find a path forward in the age of social distancing. Forget arenas roiling with sweating, screaming fans. Here, concertgoers were required to buy seats in clusters, or what promoters call 'fan pods' â presumably a group of friends comfortable being in proximity â with scores of empty seats roped off on all sides to ensure space between strangers. Of the 1,100 seats available, just 20 percent were available for sale.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I've done a couple band livestreams from my driveway, actually 3 so far, each with a different band. My driveway is big enough that we can be set up in a square with 15' (feet, Nigel, feet) between us on all sides. My floyd band did a lean lineup, with just the 4 piece and sax (bass and sax are a couple, so safe to let them share a corner).


2 of my bands are going to be doing some really interesting live streams in the next few weeks. My improv band (4 pieces, no gtr) will be doing a livestream from the Museum of Natural History & Science in June, in the dinosaur exhibit! Dinosaurs, lasers and hazers, o my! :D There will be 7 of us including staff in the room, but with all distancing measures in place.


PinkFreud is doing a livestream from the Sunshine Theatre in Albuquerque on June 7. I'm not sure exactly how that's going to work yet logistically, but minimal staffing (no in-house audience) basically the producer of the event, sound engineer, 2 camera men, and my band, which is up to 8, including my visuals guy. It's got the largest indoor stage in Albuquerque which will help with distancing. But I'm envisioning a 2 or 3 tiered approach, with drums and vocalists on the top tier, and the 3 of us on flat stage, or else 2/2/2 with risers, stage, and floor.


I should add that the majority of my band has had to work in their various offices the entire time, and some of them are in healthcare. . I've been in total quarantine since this started: I think I've gone to the produce store 3x in as many months, I have my groceries delivered. And I have a 2 tiered keyboard stand with planks set up in the garage to disinfect the groceries before they're brought into the house, and aside from perishables, they stay in the garage another day or 2 after that. Only last week did we start doing carryout, and even then, it's microwaved (blech) before consumed. And since I expect the numbers to start climbing this weekend nationally, I'm done with the carryout for a while again. I literally only leave the house to walk the dogs. Its not an exaggeration. When we did the driveway jams, everyone was wearing masks except me while singing. I take this shit seriously as my wife is more than high risk and ..well, there you go.


I'm not in a hurry to be around other people honestly, so this will be an acceptable effort. Plus...I'm gonna be setting up a synth rig with a dinosaur. HOW COOL IS THAT? :D :D :D

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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We finally did our driveway jam today. Band leader has a huge gravel driveway in Fairfax. We set up on his porch, about 20 people spread out in front of us. During the break a cop showed up and said there had been a complaint about not social distancing. In fact everyone was wearing masks and distancing, but apparently not enough. He issued a warning to spread out more, then left.


Went well so we'll probably make it a regular thing this summer. People are starving for these kinds of experiences. We hadn't played 3 months and were rusty but it didn't matter.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Memorial day weekend. Waddia wanna bet therl be

swimmin at the beaches, churchin at the churches, parkin at the parks, sports at the sports places ect.

Thers no way this thing is going to stay corked up. I sense revo.....


Just sayin.


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Not taking that bet. Already seeing it. This country is not willing or able to handle this like some others, for better or worse. I read a story of some stores banning masks--wrap your head around that one. I ONLY go to stores (if I were to go) that enforce mask-wearing, so now we are getting two polarized groups of consumers I guess ;) The virus isn't going to stay corked up. Just a question over the next few weeks of how big a spike we get. Central Fla has been (surprisingly, to me) on the very low side of hospitalizations and death.


In a way, damn the torpedoes is good. Get it over with. If no huge effects, great. If there is a huge spike, maybe it'a learning experience, good. Right now is a sort of limbo where people are believing what they will based on the type of news they read and their politics imo. I'm still working from home so if there is a big spike from this, I'd rather it happen while me and my family are safe at home. At some point my work will make me go back to the office and my kids will be back at school. Flip side though, I don't want my brother who works in an ICU to be part of an avalanche of patients.

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I've said this before, but can we try to make this the thread that doesn't get nuked? There's useful information to share about post-quarantine gigging. The more we give in to the temptation to discuss the virus in general, the more likely this thread goes away. Moderators have made this abundantly clear.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Thanks again, Adan. There are some really bright folks here whose opinions I have come to value immensely across a wide-range of topics, but for the purpose of this thread, I'm hoping we can keep that wisdom/insight channeled within the boundaries of post-quarantine gigging. This way we can continue to share strategies and experiences as things evolve in our new gigging environment, so that we can all benefit. :2thu:

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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Hopefully we will now be keeping the conversation on track.


The situation: Band is looking to start rehearsing, would be in the BL's oversize garage (with the doors open, i trust) so should be enough room for social distancing. But with 4 out of 5 of us singing i'd still be concerned about (forcefully) exhaled droplets, so i'd think wearing masks would be called for.


So my question is, does anyone have any experience or insight on the feasibility of singing while wearing a mask ?


- Jimbo

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Moderators have made this abundantly clear.

Just to be clear, KC really has only one moderator. I happen to totally agree with his policies, because they work well and have kept this place one of my favorites on teh interwebz.


The only moderating I do is nuke posts in places like Garage Sale when they don't meet the qualifications like minimum number of posts. IOW, I'm just a janitor. ;)



I got a call from the bass player of the band that's been getting together the past few weeks. I haven't returned his texts to continue to say "not yet" because I'm tired of telling him that, but I guess that's backfired on me. I need to call him back before the rest of the band gets there.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Hopefully we will now be keeping the conversation on track.


The situation: Band is looking to start rehearsing, would be in the BL's oversize garage (with the doors open, i trust) so should be enough room for social distancing. But with 4 out of 5 of us singing i'd still be concerned about (forcefully) exhaled droplets, so i'd think wearing masks would be called for.


So my question is, does anyone have any experience or insight on the feasibility of singing while wearing a mask ?


- Jimbo


Last night I made a "microphone isolation" box for my home studio. I have a constant battle with external noise sources so I first made a sort of "singing booth" out of heavy quilts, curtain rods and stands.

Now the box. It started as a 20" x 12" x 12" cardboard box. I glued a plush carpet sample to the bottom (now the back) and lined it with thick egg crate foam on the sides. I kept the lid flaps, taped them at the corners to make the box deeper.


Reading your post, maybe it would be helpful for containing exhaled droplets. The mic is inside, recessed from the edge of the box 6".

If everybody sang into a box like this they would not be spreading their breath nearly as much. Almost all of it would go into the box, plenty of surfaces for it to land and stay.

Not perfect but maybe good enough?

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Last night I made a "microphone isolation" box for my home studio. I have a constant battle with external noise sources so I first made a sort of "singing booth" out of heavy quilts, curtain rods and stands.

Now the box. It started as a 20" x 12" x 12" cardboard box. I glued a plush carpet sample to the bottom (now the back) and lined it with thick egg crate foam on the sides. I kept the lid flaps, taped them at the corners to make the box deeper.


Reading your post, maybe it would be helpful for containing exhaled droplets. The mic is inside, recessed from the edge of the box 6".

If everybody sang into a box like this they would not be spreading their breath nearly as much. Almost all of it would go into the box, plenty of surfaces for it to land and stay.

Not perfect but maybe good enough?

One of the venues I used to play at had an outdoor stage, but complaints from neighbors were constant and voluminous. The venue built a plexiglass cage for the drums, in an effort to reduce the complaints. The cage was actually a room on 3 sides and the FOH sound had to be piped into the cage in order for the drummer to hear and play with the rest of the band. I'm thinking a portable plexiglass stand about 6 feet tall with 3 sides, each side about 3 feet wide, would be big enough to isolate vocalists on stage, including singing guitar players. For sitting keyboard players who sing, the plexiglass cage could be shorter but would have to be much wider.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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Last night I made a "microphone isolation" box for my home studio. I have a constant battle with external noise sources so I first made a sort of "singing booth" out of heavy quilts, curtain rods and stands.

Now the box. It started as a 20" x 12" x 12" cardboard box. I glued a plush carpet sample to the bottom (now the back) and lined it with thick egg crate foam on the sides. I kept the lid flaps, taped them at the corners to make the box deeper.


Reading your post, maybe it would be helpful for containing exhaled droplets. The mic is inside, recessed from the edge of the box 6".

If everybody sang into a box like this they would not be spreading their breath nearly as much. Almost all of it would go into the box, plenty of surfaces for it to land and stay.

Not perfect but maybe good enough?

One of the venues I used to play at had an outdoor stage, but complaints from neighbors were constant and voluminous. The venue built a plexiglass cage for the drums, in an effort to reduce the complaints. The cage was actually a room on 3 sides and the FOH sound had to be piped into the cage in order for the drummer to hear and play with the rest of the band. I'm thinking a portable plexiglass stand about 6 feet tall with 3 sides, each side about 3 feet wide, would be big enough to isolate vocalists on stage, including singing guitar players. For sitting keyboard players who sing, the plexiglass cage could be shorter but would have to be much wider.



Yes, for stage you would have to maintain visibility. Sounded like they just wanted to practice. It may make visual cues a bit trickier for some. I've always used my shoulders, the headstock of my guitar or my stance (cowering down means "take the volume down here").

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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For home recording I've seen people make a vocal box that worked well. They take like regular book box and cut a hole to pass cables thru and another in the top for when they want to hang the mic from a boom stand into the box. Then line the inside of the box with foam and that was it. The mic sat inside the box and singer sang into the box. Box was deep enough to vary how far back in the box you wanted it to control if you wanted any room sound.


But for singing for a show then I'd just get some sheets of clear plastic and make a shield like grocery stores and restaurants are doing. That way audience can still see the singer and any vocal spray will collect on the plastic. Just have to get creative to find a way to attach to a mic stand or make a separate stand for.

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But for singing for a show then I'd just get some sheets of clear plastic and make a shield like grocery stores and restaurants are doing. That way audience can still see the singer and any vocal spray will collect on the plastic. Just have to get creative to find a way to attach to a mic stand or make a separate stand for.
There's a business opportunity just waiting to be started here.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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So my question is, does anyone have any experience or insight on the feasibility of singing while wearing a mask ?

I'm not a singer, but it seems that things like air intake, projection, articulation, tone quality, clarity, etc., would be affected by wearing a mask. Seems the type of mask would be a variable as well.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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Restrictions are easing in Australia, and, sooner than I expected, one of the gigs I had booked prior to the lockdown is back on in mid June.


And here was me thinking I might just have retired completely. After stopping work a few years ago I have continued gigging, but after more than 50 years of humping gear around I"ve been feeling the strain. Since the lockdown I"ve had everything set up to use at home. Much as I enjoy playing with other folks, it"s not hard to enjoy just playing on my own, and I"ve enjoyed the couple of occasions when I"ve been able to have someone else to join in.


As to how the gig will work, I have no idea. Our singer/sax/harmonica is the one band member who is most concerned about the situation and he certainly won"t be able to mask up. We are all of similar age, in the high risk category. I plan to ensure I have a mask, just in case - for example while loading, unloading and moving around. I won"t be singing so I could wear a mask while playing. They have an outdoor area, so weather permitting we could play outside, but normally we are inside, and I am right next to the entry door, so the air circulation there is good. Masks aren"t prevalent here at the moment, but this is a month away, so who knows. I might ask my daughter who is great with costumes if she could make something.


We have been very lucky here and we may be able to safely move into the next stage of recovery. Personally I wish they would remove our internal state border closures, as I have family I desperately want to visit.

Legend Soul 261, Leslie 251, Yamaha UX1, CP4, CK61, Hammond SK1, Ventilator, Privia PX3, Behringer 2600, Korg Triton LE, VB3M, B3X, various guitars and woodwinds, drum kits …

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Saw last night a local Karaoke DJ advertising that there were doing Karaoke at a local bar. I'm probably one of the more cavalier on here regarding easing restrictions and performing, but sharing a microphone all night with a bunch of strangers seems like about the worst possible idea.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Saw last night a local Karaoke DJ advertising that there were doing Karaoke at a local bar. I'm probably one of the more cavalier on here regarding easing restrictions and performing, but sharing a microphone all night with a bunch of strangers seems like about the worst possible idea.


A karaoke show last night here. You could bring your own mic. The production also brought 5 mice and they were disassembled after each use, and a new wind guard put on.


Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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Saw last night a local Karaoke DJ advertising that there were doing Karaoke at a local bar. I'm probably one of the more cavalier on here regarding easing restrictions and performing, but sharing a microphone all night with a bunch of strangers seems like about the worst possible idea.


A karaoke show last night here. You could bring your own mic. The production also brought 5 mice and they were disassembled after each use, and a new wind guard put on.


Yes. Keep fresh wind guards on your mice. Very important.


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