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OK, the Corona Virus Isn't Going Away. Now What?

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And California now. CA had been doing very well to the point I was calling it the California Mystery but total cases have spiked 45% in the last 7 days, hospitalizations spiked 43%. And of course, most are now younger people. It's makes sense that new cases spread by rioters and looters could be offset by people staying home out of fear. Just last week I get an email from Catalina Express saying that regular service was starting up again after being limited to residents and workers on the island only. Now, the governor is clamping down on certain businesses again. Even if the boats are allowed to run their regular schedules, these things are large fast catamarans that have a capacity of about 450 or similar to a 747. Who's going to want to spend an hour in a crowded boat on the ocean? I haven't seen anything about limited seating but they could limit them to 50% or something but even then and even wearing a mask, I'm not going on that boat anytime soon. Just waiting in line to board would be a huge challenge. In normal times the line is like Star Wars at Disneyland. Not that I have any reason to go anyway...sigh. I kind of doubt they will start up the full schedule now.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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The consensus of everything I read is that California simply reopened too soon, and didn't meet the CDC guidelines for case numbers prior to reopening. The Phase 2 reopening started on May 8, well before people took to the streets.
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I've read a lot of these posts, but there's so many of them and I couldn't possibly catch up on everything that's been said. So I'll just say: Be careful and sensible and safe, and remember that this pandemic is not just about you. It's about all of us -- doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, how old you are, where you're from. It's been hard for most of us, especially financially, but also it's been a huge emotional burden as well. It's totally messed up my life, not nearly as bad as others' lives, but it has also provided a focus that I had lost and helped me understand what actually matters. It is scary knowing just how fragile we are; how short our time is on this beautiful planet. There is also an important lesson: If we don't work together and look out for each other, we're not going to do well, and that's what I think is happening right now (my opinion of course). We can and should try harder to be better. There are too many people deliberately dividing us up to suit their own agendas. And for what? We're all on the same team, all of us. But viruses don't consider teams, so there are no teams in play except for Humans versus Nature. Viruses don't care how wealthy you are, which politics you identify with, who you love or don't. People are losing everything they have including their lives. And those of you who are reading this right now, including me, are at this moment in time, very fortunate to be here. I truly hope it remains that way for all of you and for your loved ones.


When it happens again in the future, I hope we take our lessons learned and apply them -- but I'm not sure that we will. I'm sorry if this has been said to death already; I'm new here and I really can't read every post in this topic without devoting a couple of days to the task. If I've stepped on a toe, I apologize. But I genuinely care about not getting sick, not getting other people sick, and getting through this as best we can together. Humans. Hopefully sorting this **** out like rational beings and overcoming it. I really want to hear your music -- love watching many of you play on YouTube and elsewhere. Inspiring. And I am gonna need your help with my music setup at some point, when I can recover financially, if I do. So help us all stick around, please. Thanks for putting up with this bleeding heart post (but I'm not a bleeding heart at all -- just a person). Be well.

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Maybe we'll find that anyone who ate a lot of bacon and drank excessively is much less likely to get sick, while people who have a strict organic diet are most likely to die :)


I'm already on that experiment. So far, so good!


ordering more bacon now. :wave:

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Maybe we'll find that anyone who ate a lot of bacon and drank excessively is much less likely to get sick, while people who have a strict organic diet are most likely to die :)


I'm already on that experiment. So far, so good!



I am reminder of this from 'Sleeper'



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Here's some good news/bad news about the virus. And the link has some music-related content (unfortunately, it's bad news).


Most People With Coronavirus Won"t Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many?


Growing evidence shows most infected people aren"t spreading the virus. But whether you become a superspreader probably depends more on circumstance than biology.


The good news is that the virus may really only be spread by super spreaders, individuals who do most of the spreading. The bad news is that we still don't know how to figure out who they are.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Here's some good news/bad news about the virus. And the link has some music-related content (unfortunately, it's bad news).


Most People With Coronavirus Won"t Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many?


Growing evidence shows most infected people aren"t spreading the virus. But whether you become a superspreader probably depends more on circumstance than biology.


The good news is that the virus may really only be spread by super spreaders, individuals who do most of the spreading. The bad news is that we still don't know how to figure out who they are.


Yes, I saw that article - I'm not sure I'd go so far as to interpret it as "may really only be spread by super spreaders" - isn't that reading a sort of absolute "only" into the research? My take on the article is that some recent research simply suggests that the ratio of cases spread by "normal" people vs. "super-spreaders" could possibly be skewed toward the "super-spreaders". But to what extent? The researchers are not commiting to anything more definite than "maybe" this or "maybe" that. Certain no mention of "only by" one end of the spectrum or the other.


This may seem like a small point - I guess I'm thinking about the willingness of people in general to take an article that "suggests" something that dovetails with the reader's personal wishes and hopes, and turn it into an article of faith for some personally gratifying reason. For a scientist, the study is just one piece of a constantly morphing puzzle, one tendril among hundreds groping erratically towards a (distant) consensus opinion - unfortunately many members of the public (and certain media) simply cherry-pick studies for ammo in argumentation or to justify certain behaviors.


In this case, perhaps enforcing a bias towards thinking the taking of precautions by the "normal" person is not needed - just the "super-spreaders" need to be tackled and isolated?



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Maybe we'll find that anyone who ate a lot of bacon and drank excessively is much less likely to get sick, while people who have a strict organic diet are most likely to die :)


I'm already on that experiment. So far, so good!


I am reminder of this from 'Sleeper'

Just as long as they remember to check the cell structure:




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Here in Florida we have a nice outdoor season for music, we also have the rainy season.


It varies by year, but the rainy season is between May and October. It may start or end earlier or later than this, as Mother Nature doesn't follow our rule-book. Fortunately the tourist season happens from October to the end of April so that will work out fine.


However, we humans have become spoiled. I played a particular yacht club for >20 years. I watched the outdoor events go from everybody outdoors, to some people getting their food outdoors and going inside for the Air Conditioning, to the band and the cooks being just about the only ones outside, to the band moving inside as well. Hopefully people will be wanting to go outside again.


For me it's doom and gloom. Our season which should be booked by now, is empty. The winter residents and tourists aren't coming. We are a hot spot (this is why I was so angry about the mishandling).


Fortunately the place we played once a week for 12 years and two owners wants us back in "the season". It's outdoors, on a lagoon, with a state park across the lagoon. The air doesn't get much better there.


But there are plenty of condominiums, yacht clubs, country clubs, retirement developments, and private house parties we play every year that don't have outdoor facilities.


So even here in tropical south Florida, I don't see live music becoming profitable again for a very long time.


While we are all hoping for a vaccine, there is a possibility we will never get one. We might not get herd immunity either. After all, there is another coronavirus they have never had a vaccine for and we don't have herd immunity for either, the common cold. So we have to face that as a possibility.


There are other ways for me to make money. I have the Band-in-a-Box aftermarket business, I have social security, I have a small IRA, but I identify myself as a performing musician. With only two short exceptions when I investigated what it is to be normal, I've made my living at this all my adult life. It's my bliss. It's what I am. It's who I am.


And my wife is my work-mate so we are both unemployed at the same time in the same way.


I suppose there are a lot of us in the same boat.


I guess I should count my blessings that come season, we'll be able to gig once a week. That is if enough tourists come down to make it worth the money to keep us.


In the meantime I'll making new style e-disks and fake e-disks for Band-in-a-Box. Hopefully they will be ready in not too many months (it takes a long time to get them right, and since I put my name on them, they have to be right before I release them).


So for live music on the small scale that we as a duo work, it seems things aren't going to get better for a long time, and they may never get better.


But being unemployed is better than being under the ground.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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Here's some good news/bad news about the virus. And the link has some music-related content (unfortunately, it's bad news).


Most People With Coronavirus Won"t Spread It. Why Do a Few Infect Many?


Growing evidence shows most infected people aren"t spreading the virus. But whether you become a superspreader probably depends more on circumstance than biology.


The good news is that the virus may really only be spread by super spreaders, individuals who do most of the spreading. The bad news is that we still don't know how to figure out who they are.


Yes, I saw that article - I'm not sure I'd go so far as to interpret it as "may really only be spread by super spreaders" - isn't that reading a sort of absolute "only" into the research? My take on the article is that some recent research simply suggests that the ratio of cases spread by "normal" people vs. "super-spreaders" could possibly be skewed toward the "super-spreaders". But to what extent? The researchers are not commiting to anything more definite than "maybe" this or "maybe" that. Certain no mention of "only by" one end of the spectrum or the other.


This may seem like a small point - I guess I'm thinking about the willingness of people in general to take an article that "suggests" something that dovetails with the reader's personal wishes and hopes, and turn it into an article of faith for some personally gratifying reason. For a scientist, the study is just one piece of a constantly morphing puzzle, one tendril among hundreds groping erratically towards a (distant) consensus opinion - unfortunately many members of the public (and certain media) simply cherry-pick studies for ammo in argumentation or to justify certain behaviors.


In this case, perhaps enforcing a bias towards thinking the taking of precautions by the "normal" person is not needed - just the "super-spreaders" need to be tackled and isolated?



That's why I used the word "may." My point was, if they could figure this out, it might make it easier to limit the spread. I fully realize you may not be able to isolate a super spreader until it's too late. Unless they're the people who ate a lot of bacon and drank excessively. We can find them. They're in this thread. :)


Personally, my behavior isn't changing anytime soon. I've pretty much written off 2020 and 2021 promises to be a drag as well. That's not going to change until something(s) get figured out. Vaccines (not holding my breath), preemptively finding and isolating super spreaders (not crossing my fingers because then I can't play), herd immunity (yeah, right), the virus mutating into another common cold (I keep telling it to do that but it doesn't listen), holding my breath (not exactly practical), are all things that don't seem to be the miracle we would need. I don't know if we're getting one.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Jeez, the news today is really disturbing re: the next stage in this thing.


So here is my prediction FWIW - cash and credit accepted. Pay Craig and he'll pay me (I think.)


I am not stating my politics here - just my pre-cognition as it were:


The Dems will come out with a "back to what we should have done at the outset" plan of testing every soul that can be tested in the U.S. And initiating tracing, quarantine, and selective lockdowns. And there will be talk of subsidizing businesses that need help making their workplaces safe, while putting regulations on them at the same time.


The Repubs will start scrambling to do stuff and claim some victories in the very near future. We'll have to see what they come up with. They cannot be charged with having done "nothing" in all fairness - just note how much money has been allocated to research and to financial aid. But the bottom line will be "how much is enough".


The public in certain places will get quite rowdy while this clash of worldviews gains heat and noise. Public health measures will be cast up by some as unconstitutional violation of rights. Healthcare itself as a right will inspire many a protester. This may wind up in the Supreme Court at some point.


Immigration as an issue? At some point here, we might see emmigration out of the U.S. in significant numbers.


All I want is for people to cooperate, show some smarts, show some modicum of trust in each other, and pull together to defeat a common enemy. There's nothing but downside to anything else.



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All I want is for people to cooperate, show some smarts, show some modicum of trust in each other, and pull together to defeat a common enemy. There's nothing but downside to anything else.




If you run for political office, I will contribute to your campaign!!!

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I think Craig and others here would appreciate something I read by twitter sage wretchardthecat : "The problem with politicizing the virus is that it locks you into positions. Dealing with a pandemic is an exercise in adaptation".


DAMN straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's what I've been saying about this (and climate change) from the beginning: it's a scientific issue, not a political one. Scientists aren't always right, of course, but politicians don't seem to know much about science at all...or math, for that matter :)

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We seem to have a big anti-science movement in the USA right now. This is amplified by propaganda TV disguised as news and by certain politicians too.


The earth is flat, vaccines are bad, the earth is 6,000 years old, there is no climate change, etc., etc.


How do we enlighten these people? Is it possible?



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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We seem to have a big anti-science movement in the USA right now. This is amplified by propaganda TV disguised as news and by certain politicians too.


It's been going for a while. I had a coworker a few years ago who said that he grew up in rural Pennsylvania, where, in his words "they don't like people smarter than them".


I suppose he was a bit unfair in painting all rural Americans with a broad brush (which he did), but I couldn't help but wonder if he was really that far off from the truth.


We still got a ways to got though before USA turns out like Cambodia under Pol Pot, where anybody who was suspected of being smart was killed.

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We still got a ways to got though before USA turns out like Cambodia under Pol Pot, where anybody who was suspected of being smart was killed.

Now they're just fired from their jobs if they say things their "superiors" don't want to hear (and I'm talking about major corporations, although I guess certain areas of politics qualify as well), so we're getting closer.

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We still got a ways to got though before USA turns out like Cambodia under Pol Pot, where anybody who was suspected of being smart was killed.

Now they're just fired from their jobs if they say things their "superiors" don't want to hear (and I'm talking about major corporations, although I guess certain areas of politics qualify as well), so we're getting closer.


Coincidentally I just watched a relevant episode of "F is for Family" on Netflix.

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A famous quote from years ago:


"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public".


We may have to start with serious draconian measures to force people to wear masks and practice social distancing but still keep the economies open and that won't go over very well.


If people keep behaving like they are, by the time the election comes around the economy will be so far in the toilet you'll have to look down so you can look up. I keep saying this over and over sounding like as broken record. It's all about the economy not the virus. It is the reason for early re-openings. Everybody in government at all levels knows all about the risks but believe the risks of a second great depression is worse. That's why a liberal like Governor Newsom of CA opened "early". It's not early at all from his POV because he knows CA is losing tax revenues by the millions of dollars every week They are already laying off workers or cutting everybody's hours by something like 30% in order to keep from having to fire more people. Look at the the red states like Texas or Arizona, it's the same exact thing just couched in different wording like "freedom" or "constitutional". They like to talk freedom but it's really about tax money. The two sides use different phrasing but the bottom line is the same. The governors are seeing their state revenues dropping like rocks in the ocean. Everybody has been focused on small businesses and helping them out with federal stimulus and that's still very important but the even bigger shoe to drop is state and local governments who also employ millions of people.


Those governments employ roughly 9 million people, nowhere as many as the number small business employs. BUT, they're the ones who administer those governments, they're the ones who process all the various social welfare programs that are vital. Especially unemployment and medical. If things get so bad they have to lay off those people that means there's no money for those programs either so there will be cutbacks in the social safety net.


Both red and blues states understand this perfectly make no mistake about that. They just don't explain it like this for political reasons. With people not going to work and generating state and local tax revenue all states are going broke fast. They will couch this is their respective ways but they will not shut down their local economies because to do that is definitely the worst of two evils. What governor is going to come out and say they're willing to accept a certain number of COVID deaths to bring their economies back? They will keep saying the things their respective constituencies want to hear while all the while not saying what's really going on. Taxes.


Want to talk about people's lives? Wait until states can't pay for all those services and the unemployment rate goes through the roof because of millions of state and local employees losing their jobs. All we've heard about so far is several trillion dollars to help out small business and the unemployment associated with that. The amount needed to bail out state and local governments will make that look like lunch money. It doesn't matter who wins in November if the economy is dropping into a depression, the only way out is to get as many people back to work as possible but what if all these people still haven't changed their behavior and the virus cases haven't drastically come down? Remember, even if we do smarten up and bring cases down over the summer, most doctors are expecting a big spike in the fall regardless.


This is the real 800 pound gorilla sitting in that corner over there grinning at us.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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I don"t mean to complain but I feel like this has gone off the rails between politics and google medical experts. When the news is your source of science and not trusting the media makes you a science denier, we"re all in trouble. This was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - didn"t realize how many of you were scientists.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Look at the the red states like Texas or Arizona,


"Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Monday ordered the closure of bars, nightclubs, gyms, movie theaters and water parks for at least 30 days. Ducey also delayed the start of public schools until at least Aug. 17."


I'll let everyone look this up on their favorite news sites.


Also, its looking like "coronavirus parties" contributed a lot more to the spread than protests. I'll also let y'all verify that news for yourselves. There's no strong relationship between protests and the spread of Covid, so until such evidence appears, protests really don't belong in this thread - because that's a political topic and there have been several calls now to tone down the political here.

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I don"t mean to complain but I feel like this has gone off the rails between politics and google medical experts. When the news is your source of science and not trusting the media makes you a science denier, we"re all in trouble. This was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - didn"t realize how many of you were scientists.



Pitting reality against the drone of the idiot box is a losing battle!

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I don"t mean to complain but I feel like this has gone off the rails between politics and google medical experts. When the news is your source of science and not trusting the media makes you a science denier, we"re all in trouble. This was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - didn"t realize how many of you were scientists.


Totally tongue-in-cheek- here, but I know of quite a few scientists who are also musicians. No idea if they are here in this topic. ;) I'm not one of them, though. And I just want to get through this as much as anyone else does, as quickly and sanely as possible. I don't even know how that's best accomplished. I suppose that's the point though. No one seems to be quite certain, everyone seems to disagree, and those who do believe they have the right answers to everything are sometimes the ones who actually know very little. People gonna people, though. We're often selfish, self-absorbed, and solely focused on ourselves. Perhaps that's out of necessity in some kind of survival aspect -- again not a scientist, me. I don't like wearing masks; there isn't enough hand-moisturizer in the world to deal with all the hand-washing I've done in the past 5 months; I don't like struggling financially and worrying about that when I'm unused to doing so. I don't like a lot of things right now. But what I do know is that I, personally, will take every sensible precaution to avoid getting ill or anyone else ill. I can't fix anything else. :(

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I don"t mean to complain but I feel like this has gone off the rails between politics and google medical experts. When the news is your source of science and not trusting the media makes you a science denier, we"re all in trouble. This was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - didn"t realize how many of you were scientists.


Well, it was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - but it's hard to move forward when the ground below you is constantly shifting. It may be safe to play out in some places, but not others. Some hot spots have controlled the virus to where they're re-opening successfully, others who thought the virus was under control are finding out it wasn't. We can play outdoors, but not indoors. We can play indoors, but only if it's well-ventilated and people are a certain distance apart. Plan for this to last through the Summer, plan for it to last for another year. Let's try drive-in concerts. Let's not, they can't accommodate enough people.


And some musicians aren't making it easier. I was in a meeting with people from the Recording Academy's P&E wing, who devised the guidelines for practicing "safe studio." The guidelines make sense, and allow working in studios under certain constraints intended to promote safety. One studio owner contacted them to say that he follows the guidelines, but that has caused some clients to go to other studios that don't follow the guidelines, because they want to act like it's business as usual. So, here's a guy who's torn between trying to insure the safety of his clients - who may or may not be endangered - and trying to stay in business.


The news, as we all know, is driven by (in this order) ad dollars and agendas of owners. I've provided most of my information from someone in the CDC who reports directly to Redfield, front-line medical workers, medical journals, and stats from the COVID Tracking Project, which is non-partisan and not part of the media (although Reuters presents their data). And also note that I've said many times that the correct answer to a question is "I don't know," and I wish more "experts" would admit that.


For example, I don't know if the huge spike in cases (no, it's not due to more testing) is going to result in a major increase in deaths in a few weeks to a month. But the answer will affect how we, as musicians, will have to react to that answer. And bear in mind it's not just musicians. Self-employed "creatives" are in trouble everywhere - video editors, writers, etc. Nashville and Los Angeles are the #1 and #2 places for highest unemployment among creatives.


The reality is for most musicians, our world is on hold right now. It's only natural to try to look for any indication of when/if/how it goes off hold.

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I don"t mean to complain but I feel like this has gone off the rails between politics and google medical experts. When the news is your source of science and not trusting the media makes you a science denier, we"re all in trouble. This was supposed to be about moving forward as musicians - didn"t realize how many of you were scientists.

So what are we supposed to do, read the technical journals and preprint sites and figure it out for ourselves? Not do anything because we didn't do that or because we're not scientists? The pols are basing their decisions on what, exactly? They should be using science, and the recommendations of scientists, but too often in this case are not. How do I know this? Because I read news articles with quotes from scientists who disagreed with what the pols were doing.


I'm not saying the media is perfect, but what is? Frankly, I'm tired of the media, politicians, scientists, whoever, all getting called liars, cheats, or whatever. They're all just people. Some of them suck, and some of them are doing the best they can, and some are in between. That's because they're humans. JMO, but we should all try to keep on top of any of them to make sure we are all doing our best.


Bob is right, too often it comes down to money. The media gets messed up by it, the pols do, even science. I think if we could figure out a way to make doing the best thing to end this pandemic economic, everyone would be on board. JMO, but that's what it takes in the U.S. really get things done. And I consider myself an optimist.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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The reality is for most musicians, our world is on hold right now. It's only natural to try to look for any indication of when/if/how it goes off hold.

And that's what is frustrating.


Plus many of us even have mixed feelings about being unemployed.


I am itching to gig again - it's my second favorite thing to do :D -- but with potential lung or other organ damage as a result I'm probably better off not gigging right now, especially with the dramatic increases in cases.


So my head flip/flops between gig - don't gig - gig - don't gig - gig - don't gig.


I also love to travel. I've been to 49 US states, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Croix & St John (USVI), more than half the Canadian provinces, 7 Mexican states, Bahama Islands, Bermuda Islands, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Saint-Martin/Sint Maarten, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, England, Scotland, Wales, Gibraltar, The Netherlands, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Czech Republic, Austria, Australia, Russia, Japan and China (From the Great Wall down to Hong Kong).


It doesn't look like I'll be either gigging or traveling for a long time now.


But I'm alive, healthy, and so is my soul mate, so things could be a lot worse.



Bob "Notes" Norton

Owner, Norton Music http://www.nortonmusic.com

Style and Fake disks for Band-in-a-Box

The Sophisticats http://www.s-cats.com >^. .^< >^. .^<

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Exactly, Notes. Dan I hear you but everybody knows musicians are screwed for the forseeable future so what was Craig supposed to do, just close this thread down? There really is nothing more to say about his question Now What? That's been answered and the answer is we're all F'd.


That story about the studio trying to practice safety makes my point from yesterday. We've reached the point where it doesn't matter what any person in authority does if enough of the general public refuses to follow the rules. Our society is based on people voluntarily following the rules and laws. There are always some who don't which is why there are criminals and prisons but that's a small minority of the population. However when it rises to the level of what, 20-30% of the population ignoring the rules there's nothing authorities or police can do. Here's an article and video from the CBS Sacramento station that really nails it:




Say the governor shuts down the beaches and parks again but 10,000 people show up at a beach anyway. There's not enough cops to arrest everybody and it will be just like the protests. They'll just move to the sidelines and watch. If it's correct that the virus isn't spreading too much in the open since the protests didn't cause a spike that's probably OK. Personally, I doubt that. People can't have it both ways by saying the protests were just fine, no problem with the virus yet condemn people who go to the beach and other open areas because that's too risky.


CA is a very liberal state. Governor Newsom followed all the guidelines and was the first governor to shut down everything even before New York. Everything was going great here until Memorial Day. The way I see it is people, including young people, were willing to shelter in place for a few months. One, it was winter anyway and two, the government was basically paying them to sit at home and play video games. But, spring sprung, the sun is out, Memorial Day is here, staying home watching Netflix is getting old and they know "on average" they're in an age group that isn't getting hit too hard.. Time to bust a move and have some fun.


The only answers I have is they have to get with the program and we really need a vaccine and better treatments.



Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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