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Yamaha CP88 or Korg SV-2?

Scotty Poiano

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I would say it depends on your priorities. The CP88 is probably a better *piano* experience, while you might like the SV-2 for other instruments more. That being said, I played the SV-2 for a minute at NAMM and could live with its piano just fine for gigs and such.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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You've got to sit at these and play them. No bones about it.

They are aiming for the same player/buyer. Very tactile simplified interfaces on both.

The SV-2SP has speakers, if that is a plus for you, and the Korg is going to have more sound choices, especially in "other" sounds than acoustic and electric pianos.

The Yamaha action is better for acoustic piano playing than the RH3 - that's a strong opinion, but an opinion either way, you have to play them. And the overall build quality is sturdier.

Both are very cool instruments.




Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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the overwhelmingly majority of acoustic piano players on this forum would choose the Yamaha, search the archives and you will see this to be true. When you add in EP's and Clavinets, then it gets more subjective. This is why you have been advised to try both out.

If this is impossible, go with your gut feeling. Without question, based on past posts which you can easily find, more forum members are using the Yamaha over Korg. That does not make one better over the other.

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I think the majority of people who try both will pick the CP. I would, and it would be an easy decision. Folks who pick the SV aren't wrong, they're just expressing their subjective preference between two very good keyboards. But if you need to make a choice without auditioning both, you'd be playing the percentages by picking the CP.


Echoing Joe, I'd say if EPs are your focus then it's more of a toss-up or possibly a slight advantage to Korg.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

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I think you just wrote what I just wrote using different words. :cool:


And that is why I don't comment as often on posts as I used to. In an active thread, chances are good that someone has already expressed my opinion. Guess I'm not having many original thoughts these days. Lol


Custom Music, Audio Post Production, Location Audio



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I think you just wrote what I just wrote using different words. :cool:


Around here we call that the Doerfler Effect.


But more seriously, when someone asks a question like this it implicates issues of internet forum epistemology. Any one person's opinion could be totally off base. So could two. Three, eh, maybe not. And so on. The more opinions you read, the more data points you can use to triangulate towards reality. The more reasoned, or differently reasoned, those opinions are, also helps.


The major benefit of being a regular reader of a forum like this is that you get to know the background and preferences of the folks who post regularly. On the epistemological front, this helps immensely. It gives you a reference point from which to measure their opinion on any given topic, which adds a new and very useful dimension to multi-opinion data analysis.


Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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But more seriously, when someone asks a question like this it implicates issues of internet forum epistemology.
I was just talking about my background in literary criticism on a different thread; I must say I still get all excited when someone uses the word "epistemology."


Alternate suggestion (since we must also take into account not only forumites' individual preferences, but also their motives): get the SV2 so that I can take the CP88! :wink:


Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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The action on the Yamaha CP88 is excellent and it is a very expressive instrument with a great touch to it. I think the Rhodes sounds hold their own with any of their competitors in the stage piano category. Maybe something else sounds better here or there to your ear, but I could play a CP88 for hours upon hours and never get tired of it.


I have played an SV1, but not an SV2. I thought the SV1 was a good idea, but not enough for me to want to buy one. I would clearly vote for the Yamaha here.

Yamaha U1 Upright, Roland Fantom 8, Nord Stage 4 HA73, Nord Wave 2, Korg Nautilus 73, Viscount Legend Live, Lots of Mainstage/VST Libraries

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I don't know why, I just really wanted the SV-2 to be the one. But I can't find anybody in any forum that's raving about it. Before I pull the trigger on a CP88, does anybody have another recommendation? I just want to rock out on AP's, EP's, and Clavinet with a good Wah. And to access effects on the fly. Organs, Synths, Strings, etc. are superfluous for me really.
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I don't know why, I just really wanted the SV-2 to be the one. But I can't find anybody in any forum that's raving about it. Before I pull the trigger on a CP88, does anybody have another recommendation? I just want to rock out on AP's, EP's, and Clavinet with a good Wah. And to access effects on the fly. Organs, Synths, Strings, etc. are superfluous for me really.


Check the Korg Grandstage as well. But if SV2 appeals to you - buy it and don't listen to anybody. It's your money and you'll regret it if you buy something that other people think is better.

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No one can rave about the SV-2 because it hasn"t hit the stores yet.


I tried a CP88 and thought it was limited for the money and it"s same old same old as far as Yamaha"s versions of what those AP/EPs etc are supposed to sound like. I think I"ve played too many Yamaha DPs to get exited. Liked the action, though.


I ordered a Grandstage, which will arrive any day now. Lots more of what I"m looking for, especially in the EP category. and I"ve always thought Korg led the way




Here for the gear.

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Another discussion on subjective things, namely the keyboard action ;-)


My opinion: I like my SV-1 action, I don"t think the Grandstage has a MUCH better action than my SV-1 (which I bought in 2009, to be precise). I never tried the CP88, so I can"t give any opinion.


I can only imagine that the SV-2 action will be better than the SV-1 action, or at least on the same level. At least, it has a graded-hammer action unlike the SV-1.


I don"t know why Yamaha is so much more popular than Korg for stage pianos. Probably there are good reasons ;-).


The SV-2 is my number one candidate to replace my SV-1. But maybe I"m also not objective ;-)


There is one thing, though, which would drive me to the CP88: it is much lighter than the SV-2! And I have to say that I"m less and less keen on carrying heavy keyboards all around...

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Another discussion on subjective things, namely the keyboard action ;-)




There is one thing, though, which would drive me to the CP88: it is much lighter than the SV-2! And I have to say that I"m less and less keen on carrying heavy keyboards all around...


No, the CP88 is not much lighter than the SV-2. I weighs about 18kg. Only the CP73 is about 13kg.


Nord Stage 2 76, Nord Electro 5D 73, Rhodes Mk2 73, Sequential Prophet 10 Rev4, Akai Miniak Synth, Roland JC 120


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My Korg SV2 88 came today. It is the no speaker version. Available from Sweetwater, GC, and Sam Ash online and phone. Maybe not in stores yet.. I wanted to like it more than the Grandstage. A/B"d them. Played with them for about an hour, and realized that many of the APs actually kept the same characteristics and sound of the corresponding Grandstage patches (ie Italian, Japanese, German, etc...) but something was definitely missing. EQ helped a lot, and the velocity curves are definitely different on these instruments, so adjusting that made it closer too.


I also can"t say that I loved the SV2 EPs more than the GS ones. Although, the is SV2 ones are more tweakable, have amp sims and effects. I"m not a great tweaker, and want decent factory patches. I respect if you want to tweak and fiddle, but I don"t. I just want to play awesome sounds out of the box. I have too much to learn about playing. Don"t have time to learn how to tweak.


I only messed around with APs and EPS. I listened to the 'others' but they"re mostly novelty even though very cool on both instruments. My band doesn"t really use a whole lot beyond APs, EPS, and Organ. By the way, the organ on the SV2 is much better than the Grandstage. That being said, I"m using a legend solo/vent2, so that was a non-factor.


Action was very similar. With the sounds off, for some reasons, the SV2 felt better? I dunno why. Not a whole lot. With the sounds on, I really disliked the SV2 after playing the the Grandstage for the past week.


So, there you have it. Also, the 88 SV2 felt like it was full of bricks when lifting it onto the stand.


Sadly the SV2 is the one going back, despite how much I love the front panel and that really cool looking tube. I am happy with the Grandstage. I thought it was going to be the other way around.



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Another discussion on subjective things, namely the keyboard action ;-)




There is one thing, though, which would drive me to the CP88: it is much lighter than the SV-2! And I have to say that I"m less and less keen on carrying heavy keyboards all around...


No, the CP88 is not much lighter than the SV-2. I weighs about 18kg. Only the CP73 is about 13kg.


Sorry I should have said just « lighter » as the SV2 88 with speakers weights 21.5 kg, which already makes a difference in my opinion ;-)

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My Korg SV2 88 came today. It is the no speaker version. Available from Sweetwater, GC, and Sam Ash online and phone. Maybe not in stores yet..


Where did you order your SV-2? Sweetwater says available for per-order and MusiciansFriend says shipping in March.

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My Korg SV2 88 came today. It is the no speaker version. Available from Sweetwater, GC, and Sam Ash online and phone. Maybe not in stores yet..


Where did you order your SV-2? Sweetwater says available for per-order and MusiciansFriend says shipping in March.


Only the 88 key version with no speakers is shipping now, but check Sweetwater, Guitar Center, Sam Ash again. That model should be available

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MBy the way, the organ on the SV2 is much better than the Grandstage.

That's a surprise, since I think the SV2 is a sampled "rompler" organ and the Grandstage has the CX3 engine (albeit without the tweakability).


Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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MBy the way, the organ on the SV2 is much better than the Grandstage.

That's a surprise, since I think the SV2 is a sampled "rompler" organ and the Grandstage has the CX3 engine (albeit without the tweakability).


I should add to that. I didn"t play with the Leslie on the sv2.. Just listened really quick because I had no intention of using either for organs. The Grandstage organs sound really quiet even with master volume and patch volume up. But from the few minutes I played, something sounded better about the SV. So, I guess my comment on the organs should be taken with a grain of salt.


I am definitely disappointed in general that the SV2 didn"t smoke the GS. I love the interface on the SV2. So freakin badass to look at. Again, tweakers may be able to get much more mileage out of the SV2 than me.

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Kwyn, thanks for the report. That's disappointing to hear about the SV2. How different were the EPs on the SV2 from the Grandstage? And did they have the same kind of noticeable jumps between velocity layers that plagues the SV1?


I haven't played the CP88, but the EPs on the CP4 have left me absolutely cold the handful of times I've played them on gigs. APs were a pleasure, but the EPs were a fight from the get-go.

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