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Monitoring. Can I use IEMs while rest of the band doesn't?

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I've used IEMs since 2003 and they are great.

I have Ultimate Ears SuperFi Pro Extended Bass and have clutched them close to me as they are irreplaceable - no idea why they stopped making them.

I have a Kronos 61/Hammond SK2/Kronos 76 plus ProSoloist Rack/Roland XR and I sing most of the BV's.

The band has the Behringer X32 plus P16s.


I recently went for Samson SM10 with Radial Pro D8.

My set up is vocals in CH1 (which has built in phantom power for my head mike), keys into mono/stereo as required and input from the P16 into CH 8.

This way I have full control of my individual keys to balance against the band.

I mix guitars/bass/bass pedals/drums to left or right to get clarity, vocals to centre.


For rehearsal I can take the output of the Samson SM10 to the rehearsal mixer and still use the IEMs.

After all this time I now have the perfect set up!

Yamaha CP70B;Roland XP30/AXSynth/Fantom/FA76/XR;Hammond XK3C SK2; Korg Kronos 73;ProSoloist Rack+; ARP ProSoloist; Mellotron M4000D; GEM Promega2; Hohner Pianet N, Roland V-Grand,Voyager XL, RMI
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+1 on getting nice molded IEMs once you know you like them... but nothing wrong with starting out on some Shure 215s first to see if IEMs are going to work for you.



Key largo into 1 input and FOH into other input on Rolls PM55P? Then I would get my keys and be able to turn then up and down independently for my own mix, I would get my vocals with FOH mix, and it has a limiter.


So all I would need to buy is the PM55P and the Earphones and I"m set?

This is my exact setup and works as you mention here. Shure 215s and the Rolls PM55P. My stereo keys in the 1/4" input & the monitor mix coming into the XLR â both inputs have independent volume controls. Works fine.


I was wary of spending money on IEMs then finding out I hated them, so I started out with the MEE M6 Pro. The next-gen model is less expensive than what I remember paying, and they claim to be improved over G1. Read the reviews â for the price ($40!) I don't think you can beat these. I may get a pair to use as a spare â or make them my main IEMs & keep the Shures as spares. They sound fine to me and come with a bunch of eartips including the Comply memory foam which I think are more comfortable than silicone.


You mention stereo keys in the 1/4! Input. I assume mono would be fine too?


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I have used IEM or headphones on stage for many years. Most of the bands I play with still choose floor wedges so I'm usually the only one but it has really saved my hearing. My voice doesn't get strained and no headaches after a show. Last night I played with a six piece band and I was the only one with headphones. With digital mixers now being used I can get a dedicated stereo aux mix back to my stand where I use a small mixer to input the left and right sends from the mixer. I run my keyboard with DI's direct to the house, use my Ipad to control my own mix and always have a mix I'm happy with. I run my IEM's or headphones direct from the headphone out of my small mixer. If the band I'm playing with does not have enough aux sends to get a stereo return I will send keys to my small mixer first then send it to FOH. I get a mono aux mix back from FOH to get the rest of the band and still hear my keys in stereo. I use Shure in ears or Audio Technica headphones. A friend has recommended the KZs10 in ears which have 5 drivers and sell for around $60 US. I'm considering trying those next.
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I suggest that people skip as many steps as possible on their path to molded. Buy once, cry once. (Think about how much you are willing to spend on Keyboards or submixers or speakers; do you really want to let price be the focus on the piece of gear that is literally in your ears and the last piece of an otherwise expensive chain of equipment?)


Hmmm. Sorry if this sounds pedantic/condescending/preachy. My intention is to help

Anybody have experience with Ultimate Ears CSX IEM? It uses what UE calls FitKit, a do it yourself at home molding process. Starting at $500. Info at UE website of course, but I found this page to be a good summary.
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Hey guys,


This past few days I've tried a lot of foam earplugs but I got some pain and redness in my ears maybe because I have a weird angled ear canals. A friend suggested I order custom-molded plugs but I'm thinking of trying other earplug brands first. I really appreciate all the response here. Did anyone try custom earplugs from this family-owned hearing protection business called Big Ear Inc? I did some research and find their youtube videos entertaining and informative. They seem legit. I'm planning to purchase.








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This is my exact setup and works as you mention here. Shure 215s and the Rolls PM55P. My stereo keys in the 1/4" input & the monitor mix coming into the XLR â both inputs have independent volume controls. Works fine.


I was wary of spending money on IEMs then finding out I hated them, so I started out with the MEE M6 Pro. The next-gen model is less expensive than what I remember paying, and they claim to be improved over G1. Read the reviews â for the price ($40!) I don't think you can beat these. I may get a pair to use as a spare â or make them my main IEMs & keep the Shures as spares. They sound fine to me and come with a bunch of eartips including the Comply memory foam which I think are more comfortable than silicone.


You mention stereo keys in the 1/4! Input. I assume mono would be fine too?

If you're talking about the PM55P, the 1/4" input is TRS but it accepts TS plugs too, and there's a switch on the side to select mono or stereo.

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I suggest that people skip as many steps as possible on their path to molded. Buy once, cry once. (Think about how much you are willing to spend on Keyboards or submixers or speakers; do you really want to let price be the focus on the piece of gear that is literally in your ears and the last piece of an otherwise expensive chain of equipment?)


Hmmm. Sorry if this sounds pedantic/condescending/preachy. My intention is to help

Anybody have experience with Ultimate Ears CSX IEM? It uses what UE calls FitKit, a do it yourself at home molding process. Starting at $500. Info at UE website of course, but I found this page to be a good summary.


I have two pair of the custom ones (UE 6 Pro and UE Reference Remastered) and love them to freakin' DEATH. That said, I would never try to do my own molds, no matter how simple they make the process.


Honestly, you can get a pair of UE 5 Pros for the same price as the UE 5 CSX models, plus the cost of hiring an audiologist to shoot your ears, and I regard that extra expense as a very good investment. Ear impressions are by no means trivial to make properly, and if you have unusual ear canals or just plain aren't sure what you're doing, you'll end up with unusable IEMs. Seriously, spend the extra.




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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Hey guys,


This past few days I've tried a lot of foam earplugs but I got some pain and redness in my ears maybe because I have a weird angled ear canals. A friend suggested I order custom-molded plugs but I'm thinking of trying other earplug brands first. I really appreciate all the response here. Did anyone try custom earplugs from this family-owned hearing protection business called Big Ear Inc? I did some research and find their youtube videos entertaining and informative. They seem legit. I'm planning to purchase.






I think a lot of people don't understand how easy and affordable it is to have ear impressions made by an audiologist. This company isn't one I've worked with personally, but a lot of the IEM makers will also make earplugs of various sorts based on the same impressions, so the basic idea is sound.


I applaud your looking into getting custom plugs made; the more comfortable they are, the more likely you are to use them, and no earplug can protect your ears when it's left at home on your desk. :)




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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I've used IEMs since 2003 and they are great.

I have Ultimate Ears SuperFi Pro Extended Bass and have clutched them close to me as they are irreplaceable - no idea why they stopped making them.

At a wild guess, because they have newer models that they feel sound better? If you're looking for a stage-friendly UE Pro IEM with extended bass response that isn't nosebleed-inducingly expensive, I love the UE 6 Pro to pieces. I couldn't mix on them, but they're fabulous for on-stage work and casual listening when I'm out and about. No reason to give up the ones you love, but don't feel your world has come to an end if anything happens to them.




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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+1 on getting nice molded IEMs once you know you like them... but nothing wrong with starting out on some Shure 215s first to see if IEMs are going to work for you.

I agree wholeheartedly on this approach, with respect to trying out logistics, stage use, mix setup, PA integration, band integration, etc., without breaking the bank.


However, I will caution against one thing if you take this route -- if you get to the point where you're saying, "My God, using IEMs is solving so many problems, but it really hurts my ears to have them in for a long time -- I'm not sure I could make a career working this way," go get your ears gooped and buy some customs immediately. A lot of people give up on the advantages of IEMs because they're convinced that the irritation would drive them nuts, and they don't take that last critical step. Remember: "universal fit" is not. It's "one size sorta can be crammed into anyone's ear canals, but then you're on your own."




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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Honestly, you can get a pair of UE 5 Pros for the same price as the UE 5 CSX models, plus the cost of hiring an audiologist to shoot your ears, and I regard that extra expense as a very good investment. Ear impressions are by no means trivial to make properly, and if you have unusual ear canals or just plain aren't sure what you're doing, you'll end up with unusable IEMs. Seriously, spend the extra.



I hear the ring of truth. Thanks.

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I'm stumped lol... I'm looking to run my keyboard mix and get everything I would normally get in my stage wedge, as in ears. I'm looking to have separate stereo control on one channel of all my keys along with a separate control, on one channel, of all the other instruments on stage. Therefore, 2 channels with separate volume control of each, in stereo (or mono when the only option) and be able to adjust my general keyboard level without affecting the mains that are sent to the house p/a. I usually have 2 to 3 sources of keys and will need to have that come back to my ears as one general mix but also want that separate control of the band mix. Is there anything out there for that?
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I'm stumped lol... I'm looking to run my keyboard mix and get everything I would normally get in my stage wedge, as in ears. I'm looking to have separate stereo control on one channel of all my keys along with a separate control, on one channel, of all the other instruments on stage. Therefore, 2 channels with separate volume control of each, in stereo (or mono when the only option) and be able to adjust my general keyboard level without affecting the mains that are sent to the house p/a. I usually have 2 to 3 sources of keys and will need to have that come back to my ears as one general mix but also want that separate control of the band mix. Is there anything out there for that?


This product seems to be discontinued, but is available regularly on Reverb and eBay. This is what I've used since I first started with IEMs in 2011. Shure P4M that has four inputs which can be mixed separately. I use 1/2 for stereo keys send coming from my Key Largo and 3/4 for stereo band mix (sometimes just 3 for mono band mix). It works great. I believe a few other products cited in this thread have similar capabilities.



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I'm stumped lol... I'm looking to run my keyboard mix and get everything I would normally get in my stage wedge, as in ears. I'm looking to have separate stereo control on one channel of all my keys along with a separate control, on one channel, of all the other instruments on stage. Therefore, 2 channels with separate volume control of each, in stereo (or mono when the only option) and be able to adjust my general keyboard level without affecting the mains that are sent to the house p/a. I usually have 2 to 3 sources of keys and will need to have that come back to my ears as one general mix but also want that separate control of the band mix. Is there anything out there for that?

The Rolls PM55P, which has been discussed in this very thread can do this â actually, it does exactly this, though it'll be mono for the "other instruments." And it does have a limiter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I"m the OP


I was finally able to use them (Shure 215s and RollsPM55P) at rehearsal. However, I just used them to monitor me and the rest of the band heard me through the PAs. I let the rest of the band 'leak' in.


I was very pleased as I didn"t have to touch my volumes and could finally hear myself clearly, with no issues, despite how loud the guitars were getting. In fact, I didn"t even realize how loud it was until I pulled the IEMs out and, trust me, they were loud. With the IEMs, the volume was very comfortable for me.


Letting them leak in was not ideal, as it did sound it a little muffled. Still it was better than fiddling with my volumes constantly though. Much better. I did have to take to one of the IEMs out on the song I sing.


Next time, I"ll get a full band in the second input of the rolls from the board. If my vocals come through that, I think the vocal thing will no longer be an issue. The only issue is that, often, they don"t like to mic the guitars and drums in many of the small places. Fair enough, the leak through was not unworkable for me at practice.


Overall, I"m happy so far with my first experience with them.



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