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Wow. Just wow.


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Wow is right. Nothing good about that, either, in my humble but honest opinion... maybe coulda gone to a benevolent charity of some sort one way or another, mighta been parted-out for reusable components...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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The news release Gibson put out used the term "unsafe components" in explanation of why the guitars weren't parted out.


What in the world does that mean?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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The news release Gibson put out used the term "unsafe components" in explanation of why the guitars weren't parted out.


What in the world does that mean?


Apparently there was a charger for the thing, probably to drive the robot tuners, and the onboard FX. That's the only potentially "unsafe" component I can envision, if the charger were, say, prone to overheating and starting fires in people's homes and studios. OTOH, you'd think someone would have made a BIG noise about it, if such a thing happened anywhere, and there would have been a very loud lawsuit, besides. I can see the headlines in Music mags: "Gibson's New Model is SO HOT, It BURNS!"


It's also possible that releasing a $5000+ POS that no one wanted, with features no one liked, while besmirching the name of an iconic Guitar design, was "unsafe' for Gibson's already collapsing reputation.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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The news release Gibson put out used the term "unsafe components" in explanation of why the guitars weren't parted out.


What in the world does that mean?


Apparently there was a charger for the thing, probably to drive the robot tuners, and the onboard FX. That's the only potentially "unsafe" component I can envision, if the charger were, say, prone to overheating and starting fires in people's homes and studios. OTOH, you'd think someone would have made a BIG noise about it, if such a thing happened anywhere, and there would have been a very loud lawsuit, besides. I can see the headlines in Music mags: "Gibson's New Model is SO HOT, It BURNS!"


It's also possible that releasing a $5000+ POS that no one wanted, with features no one liked, while besmirching the name of an iconic Guitar design, was "unsafe' for Gibson's already collapsing reputation.

Sooooo...the first TRUE Firebirds?!?!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Welcome Aboard Konnector!


+1 there has to be more to the story...but I've never been a fan of Firebirds so I'm not really that interested. Only way to make them worse would be to add robot tuners LOL! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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They're barely Firebirds, if you look at the specs for the things. You could get two or three genuine Firebirds for what one of these monstrosities originally sold for.


My first thought on seeing the video elsewhere was, "Those have got to be confiscated counterfeits," but no, they're real Gibson Firebird X's.


I've worked on and with Electric Guitars for decades, and I know I'm not alone in here. Other than my theory regarding the charger, I can't think of any other part on an Electric Guitar that would be so dangerous as to require a complete and total recall of the line? I would think it would have to be life-threatening.


I did wonder if this wasn't a step to de-value the whole robot tuner tech, where Gibson had yet another outstanding lawsuit. "Oh, we had to destroy those Guitars, they were unsafe," would make quite an argument as to why Gibson had no obligation to the original designer/developers. Still, they haven't recalled any other models that we know of.


In that case, I have to wonder about potential liability issues with the surviving Firebird X's? Which parts are unsafe, what exactly is it that makes them unsafe? If it catches fire in someone's studio, or electrocutes someone on-stage, is Gibson liable, because they didn't recall the privately owned Guitars, just the ones gathering dust in retailers?


"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I came very close to ordering a Les Paul gold top with robot tuners. At the last minute I went with a cherry sunburst classic with Grover locking tuners. I was very happy with the Grovers and so glad I didn't go with the robots. For some reason Gibson seemed to be dumping them on many of their models which I think was an effort to get rid of them. Moving right along, they use a lithium battery which has to be charged after every 200 tunings. It reminds me of those Vape batteries that have been known to catch fire and burn people. I wonder why they would just destroy an overpriced Firebird model and not recall all of their robot wonders on LP's, 335's, etc. if so equipped with those batteries? I think they maybe just wanted a write-off on those overpriced Firebirds that would not sell off the rack...who knows? Could a baby get their finger caught in the tuner tightening a string? I doubt it. Could the battery being store in a confined case cause it to overheat? I doubt it. The airlines worry about batteries in the luggage but cell phones, lap tops, etc., all use batteries...Something fishy may be going on at Gibson IMHO. :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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