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OT: Times goes by like . . .

Winston Psmith

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Got lousy news this AM, friends. I'm sorry to bring this here, but I really didn't know where else to go.


One of my buddies from the local EM community had a massive heart attack on Election Day morning, and was rushed to the hospital. This morning, his wife told us that he's been taken off everything but pain meds, and she's waiting for the end.


He was an interesting guy, who built his own little robotic toys, thing that rolled or spun, which he'd set inside an inverted gong, or down on a tabletop among a bunch of random objects, where they'd gyrate about, making a sort of Music. He played around with Looping and Sound Collage, grabbing audio off of news feeds, and warping it, and he used a similar Cut-&-Paste approach to create posters for our performances. Unlike so many, he had a distinctive, readily identifiable style. If you saw a table full of toys and Loopers at an event, you knew Keith was there . . .


We were supposed to get together sometime soon, to sit down with a Synth he'd gotten a while back, a little MicroKorg, one of my personal favorites. He'd had it for a while, and we kept planning to find a time to get together, so I could show him some tips & tricks - I guess time just ran out.


The last time I saw Keith, I was driving away from my last show of the season, up by Baltimore. Pulling out onto the road, I saw Keith, standing outside the venue, looking over at us, and I remember thinking, in that moment, that I hadn't gotten to see him and talk to him that day. I figured I'd see him again, soon enough. Instead, I'll keep seeing him, as he looked when I last saw him, a small distant figure . . .


Like I said at the beginning of this post, I'm sorry to bring this here, but I really didn't know where else to go this AM. I'm going to spend the rest of my day calling friends I haven't talked with in too goddamned long, while I still can, then, I'm going to go sit outside with my dogs.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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WP, trust me

(& the others who'll add condolences)

yer not alone either in the loss you feel,

the quandary of losing track of valued focus

or the self-recrimination you perhaps feel.


We're a community here on this page,

in the larger world of musicians

& the world overall.


I ain't gonna start singin' Kumbaya

but I will offer these 2 musical strophes

that may help return you to the Magic of Music....





Did I say 2 ?

For a musician I can't count very well, eh ?

Here's where the chorus picks up the Chant For Change & we head Down The Road toward Onward !

Stick w/it through the end to learn the meaning of the Zulu lyrics.

[bTW Leon was a hot gtr player,too !]




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My small circle of buds are all about the same age as I am and it will be tough when we start passing on to the spirit world. We go way back and are like a band of brothers (literally). It will be hard on the wives and those that survive to be the Last Man Standing (like Willie's new song). Keith is lucky to have a friend like you Brother Winston...sometimes it's best to remember our friends and relatives while they were alive. It's like they never left. Anyway, too many stories I can tell having lost quite a few and feeling lucky to still be alive. Be there to give condolences to his wife who has a very tough job right now. You always know you have our condolences as well...





Take care, Larryz
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One of my buddies from the local EM community had a massive heart attack on Election Day morning, and was rushed to the hospital. This morning, his wife told us that he's been taken off everything but pain meds, and she's waiting for the end.


I hope your buddy Keith passes without too much suffering amigo. Rest in peace Kieth.


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Yeah, sorry too, to learn of your friend.


Friday morning also, the dialysis place called and said AGAIN that my wife's hemoglobin was low; get her to the ER and blah, blah, blah...


Last time they did that ('bout a month ago) it turned out her hemoglobin wasn't low enough for concern. Waste of time. :mad:


But this time it was low enough to take note and she's still there today(Sunday) but got her transfusion and will likely be home tonight.


So, while it's good news for me, I'm sorry it's not so good for you and Keith's friends and other loved ones. Now, besides this hard news you and other of his loved ones will have to endure(like I did at my Mother's funeral) people saying what sounds like dumb stuff while constantly struggling to say the right thing at a time when there's really no right thing TO say beyond condolences. And too, I hope it's peaceful.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Whitefang, I hope your wife is home with you soon, brother.


Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts, and the Music. Sadly, the hits just keep on coming, this week. While waiting for news on Keith, another one of our buddies crossed over last night. At least Harvey had a good run, made it well into his 80's. He was a poet, writer, philosopher, and one of our community elders, among a bunch of old Hippies and Radicals. It's like watching a great tree fall.



"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I hope this comes across the way it's meant.


It's not much in the way of consolation but it does one well to try to remember that the world is always full of wonderful things & terrible things & that while we may face unhappiness at times, so do others.

In fact many we know may have difficulties we never know of.


Not a lotta cheeriness in that concept, eh ?

Personally, that's when I draw on the power of music to help keep my boat afloat---not in a Pollyannaish (or even Paulie-annaish) way but as an anchor.

Recently I tried to start a thread: the Magic of Music, [https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2957233/The_magic_of_music#Post2957233]

which somehow never got much beyond comments on the band Queen [ :rolleyes:] but this is what I was tryna express.

That's one reason I posted what I did above & what yer being offered here.


I'm The Luckiest Cat In The World.

Sometimes that's good luck; sometimes bad.... :idk

When it's hard for ya stay strong but when ya need some support...



& as someone once said...


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Brother Winston, I can relate-more than I ever want to. This year alone, my mom had a stroke, I lost two best friends over the summer and one of my uncles just last weekend. I can`t think of one single reason not to feel terrible 24 hours a day except that instead, is that what they would want? I don`t think so. I think the best way to show tribute and respect to those in our life, is to do more and be better. Emotionally-well personally I don`t paste a happy face on myself unless I have to. That just seems dishonest. But months and years can go by being traumatized and paralyzed by losses in life. I could easily put a blanket over my head, sit in a corner and rock back and forth and mumble to myself. I`ll just say, don`t fall into that. It`s a one-way dark tunnel with no exit. In any case I`m here for a chat anytime.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Thanks Winston, my wife returned home last night. All's as well as it can be under the usual circumstances. But please, still do pass on my best to your friend and his loved ones. Lost enough of mine in the not too distant past to know how they feel.


And Skip, hope your Mom is doing OK, and give her my best too. Been 19 years since mine left, and I of course, still miss her dearly.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Surfergirl, it doesn't matter how old you are, losing a parent is a huge loss. Please give our best to your mother's friend.


Whitefang, I am truly glad your wife is back home with you!


Skipclone, my best to your mother, as well. Stay strong, brother. For my part, I promise you, I am not hiding in or under the bed.


d - believe me, I hear you. Right now, I'm sitting in a warm room, in a warm house, with a cup of hot coffee next to me, and my wife and dogs happily sleeping in the other room. No one is shooting at me, my house hasn't just burned to the ground or been blown away by a hurricane, and I'm not facing some health crisis of my own: plenty of people would gladly trade places with me, right now.


Much as Larryz says, most of my circle of friends are at or approaching retirement age. When we start dying off, it's going to be like dominoes falling, and someone, undoubtedly, will be the "Last Man Standing". Like Willie, I'm ambivalent about that status; in no hurry to go, but don't really want to be the last one left?


In either case, it's not an issue I have to face today . . . at least, I hope not. I've got places to go, things to do, people to see, and Thanksgiving pies to deliver later this week. Sorry, none of you are close enough for me to bring you one, or I'd offer.


Thanks again, to all of you, and wherever you go, or whatever you do this Thanksgiving, know that I will be thinking of you, and that I am very thankful to have you all in my life. Now, stay safe, please . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Right back at you and I would love to share that pie with you Brother Winston! (even though I'm not supposed to as I'm a diabetic type II but I can sneak a little sliver with a little Redi Whip!). I share your thoughts about all of our cyber friends and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Don't be sorry to bring this here.


We're glad that we would be where you would bring that.


I'm sure that we can all relate and have had our losses and experiences that we have in common.


You're a friend and a Brother.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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