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Japanese heat wave / stay funky cool, Skip !

d  halfnote

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Yeah, the last year I lived in Austown it didn't get under 90F even at night :P & that was before the current global warming thang.

Tejas = almost as bad as Aridzona

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I saw a report that a place in Siberia recently hit 90...40 degrees above normal.


Those poor souls must be absolutely flattened by the temps. I doubt most buildings there have AC.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Despite appearances this actually has vox starting abt 1/2 way in



This 1 def has vox & some funky ska bits PLUS a gtr solo !



Then there's this / not quite the Mamas of Invention but they tried (dial up 1:12+ & 2:07+ :puff: )



Palate refresher (dig the string arr !)



But now for something completely diff

New Day / Nu Times / Live Goes On Goin' On / We'll B A'ight !




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It is only 114*F here in the lovely Arizona Sonoran Desert. @ 2:56 PM, and that means several degrees hotter yet to come today. My AC unit is perking along nicely.........It is no big deal after living here for 21 summers......In fact this is the only place I ever lived where the locals say; "hooray it is only 99 degrees F here today" (That is, when it gets down to double digits)



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Lately 'round here it isn't too out of whack hot OR cold, and sorry to hear how Japan is affected. Sounds pretty bad according to what I see on the news.


I hate the hot anyway, so I feel for 'em. I'LL never be one of those oldsters who gravitate to Florida or Arizona. Never really understood it m'self.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I am with you fang. I never liked hot now I can not function in it. If I work an hour in 85 or 90 F I wilt sometimes almost pass out. More likely to retire to the UP of Michigan.


I did not hear about Japan but I have been watching the heat in California. I manage energy supply to the company plant in Corona and there is possible natural gas and power shortages that could cause our plant to shut down.

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Dig Larry's hat :D



This 1 features the late but still great Sharon Jones

No gtr solos but a blazing sax excahnge [2:55~3:35]



Before ya call the station, here's some nothing but gtr content

featuring some exquisitely nuanced work!

Jazz-oriented David Walker whipping up a quiet storm back in 1971



& here's the late Abu Talib/Fred Robinson taking us on a more funk-jazz drive



Finally here's a cat I only know as "trouble-clef" (:freak: yes, that's not a typo)

showing what 1 person + 1 gtr can do to make the world a better place ! :2thu:


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We have averaged 102 degrees every day this last week here in the Sacramento, CA. area and it will stay the same all this week...we may drop down into the high 90's next week. That's the local report and I just heard on the radio today that the record high in Sacramento was 115 degrees. That was back in 1961. :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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In fact this is the only place I ever lived where the locals say; "hooray it is only 99 degrees F here today"


Thats been us the past couple of days. :)


For the record, I, too, prefer the cold. I sleep with my ceiling fan on 365/year.


As an Army Brat, Ive had the privilege of nearly dying of hyperthermia (heat stroke at HS football practice) AND hypothermia (frostbite after walking home from the bus stop in a blizzard). IMHO, the latter was more tolerable...maybe the best way to go of all the close calls Ive had.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I worked at a school on the 17th and 18th, where the main hallway was so hot it was literally uninhabitable. I could see throwing POWs who had outlived their usefulness in there. I`m mostly worried about my guitars. There is no central temp control in buildings here, which means you either leave the heating/AC on even when you`re not around and pay the insane bills, or take your chances.

I have used my room for making bread dough.

Six months from now it will be freezing cold.

The guitars are clearly not happy, I`m doing WAY more adjustments than I ever did in the U.S. but, they are hanging in there.

Anyway thanks for the good word everybody.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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My brother and his family live in Osaka. He makes a point of getting them all out of their this time of year for a month to visit my mom who lives just north of Toronto. He's been doing this for over 10 years. He says the summers in Osaka are brutal normally, but especially bad this year. It's been warm in Ontario also but cooling off a little now so I'm sure they're very comfortable up there now. I always fly up there myself every year to spend a week or so with them. My wife and I will be up there in a couple of weeks. My mom has a cottage on Lake Muskoka. Beautiful area. My Japanese/Canadian nephews are identical twins. They're 12 now and both play in a junior baseball league in Osaka. It's fun to hang out with them. I take my Ovation up there and do the campfire thing. My brother and I enjoy drinking some of the excellent Ontario micro-brews and judging them. Anyway, good luck with the guitars Skip. Let us know how things work out.
"Let me stand next to your fire!", Jimi Hendrix
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Larryz right now it`s a little cooler, due to the main alternative to deadly summer heat-a typhoon. Tomorrow`s daytime temp will be near 90 F.

Beer sounds like a good idea but, right now the day`s just getting started.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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90 is OK but 100+ is a little too hot for me to operate outside. Luckily it stays mild and doesn't get to 100+ until about two in the afternoon. I try to get things done early in the morning and then cozy up to the AC in the afternoon. Hope you have a few more cool days but don't get washed away in that typhoon! :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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Well the heat and humidity are a one two punch-I believe the average year round is about 74%.

The wind was pretty sharp a few hours ago but I think it should be out of here by lunch tomorrow. That is a good thing-I have a live performance in the evening. My guitar hates downpours.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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The heat and humidity here is the mountains of SW Virginia has been up and down seriously. 90 degree days followed by 75 degrees - both with 70% humidity.


@ Larry, hope you are not affected by the Northern California wildfires.

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@ Doc, the fires are a couple hundred miles north up in the Redding area. I further south in the Sacramento area. Kind of the southern end of northern Cal. So we are pretty safe from the current Car fire (which is the big one!). :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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We used to get a lot of "car fires" in Southwest Detroit(actual cars and for the insurance or to wipe out a theft), And I'm wondering why THAT fire is called that? :idk


But, I really feel bad for those folks suffering all that irreplaceable loss of property, and especially bad for those who've lost loved ones. Both in the fires, and in some of the heat waves, which too, for the elderly, can be just as dangerous as an out of control fire.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Let me remind you

Sometimes my job is to make light of the serious.

Tough job but that's why they picked me. :facepalm:

OK here's a musical comment that will help you to stay cool! My favorite summertime song too:


Hmmm...less a comment on the music than a musical comment


yes, Mr Ray Davies, the proto-Randy Newman :thu:


Y'know, almost all the covers of "S Aft" were trite in their imitativeness but try these on for size:

From a delightful young lady...



& if y'got a taste for the modern...

[LarZ, dial up 1:00 & you'll feel OK]


Sometimes my job is to make light of the serious.

Tough job but that's why they picked me. :facepalm:



Relentless music




Relentless heat


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I'm a sucker for the jazzy versions of anything so Haley's take on the Kink's tune definitely does it for me. She has the crisp clear clean vocal that makes every note ring true. The finger snap reminds me of the old jazzy Fever and when the harmony comes in I'll bet she lights up the room...



I can skip the modern Webby rap and if it wasn't for Sunny Afternoon saving the day at 1:00, it would have lost me at the get go...



The 1st Sun Still Burns reminds me of:







Here's the classic Heatwave for me:






Take care, Larryz
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It's spelled CARR fire. But, the fire actually did start by a car having mechanical problems... :cool:



Wow.... hope that guy's INSURANCE was paid up. Thanks for the info.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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As a Japanese, thank you so much for the music! I know that my families and friends are disturbed with the heat wave. The thing is that Japan is very humid, so everywhere you go, it is like you are in sauna :(



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thank you so much for the music! I know that my families and friends are disturbed with the heat wave. The thing is that Japan is very humid, so everywhere you go, it is like you are in sauna :(

I suspect the humidity's gone up a bit now.

I wish all weather reprts had such cool bg music as this. :facepalm:



I know yer not there now, Kenji (at least I think not) but we'd love to hear from you more often. :wave:


I'm a sucker for the jazzy versions of anything so Haley's take on the Kink's tune definitely does it for me. She has the crisp clear clean vocal that makes every note ring true. The finger snap reminds me of the old jazzy Fever and when the harmony comes in I'll bet she lights up the room...

Yes, she new on my radar but everything so far sounds good.

Chk her out further, LarZ.



I can skip the modern Webby rap and if it wasn't for Sunny Afternoon saving the day at 1:00, it would have lost me at the get go...

Yer loss, IMO, but the Kinks thing is under the entire thrack from the get go. I think it's high-larry-ous (mebbe give it another listen :idk ).

Thanks for reminding me abt Ms Reeves & The Vees ! :cool:


Speaking off Weather Reports...

here's a sample from what might be the eye of the storm

Note the sustained, uh, sustain underlying the track



&, just to, uh, justify things, here's a track w/something unique: Weather Report w/ gtr !

The great Ralph Towner, displaying some terrific dexterity, sets the stage for one of the most atmospheric compositions by Miroslav Vitous.

It sounds so pretty...then @1:45 the storm that was holding back since the beginning of that Sunday in August breaks out.

Don'y miss Vitous's bass lick at 2:46 (repeated 4:06) :rawk: !



Ralph T at work elsewhere, doing a classic piece in his own particular way



Couldn't recognize it ?

Me, too...here's what he was hearing



But, getting back to the Weather Report, here's what Miroslav was hearing in his head, I believe, when he played that epic line above.

Jimmy Garrison, taking us back to bassics (esp 2:40~3:50)



& more to the point of this thread, does the heat give you the blues ?

It sure did to Don Van Vliet, who delivers this rundown on the sun getting tooooo hot


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The Heat don't give me the blues but the blues helps me deal with it, like this very cool cut from the movie Black Snake Moan, when it gets too hot t handle:







Take care, Larryz
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