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Marshall Code 25 amp


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I got a heads up on The Marshall Code 25 combo. $199 +$69 for the pedal, watch the video it is an awesome amp for cheap. I am almost gassing on this item. Plus you can edit the thing on your I Phone or I Pad as well as on the amp or computer.





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Somewhat O.T. - But amp related...


My mentor and dear friend played 95% of his recordings through a custom Standel Amp.


Just found this on Craigslist.


The nameplate alone is worht the $40.00. The chassis, etc. is well worth investing in and getting someone to troubleshoot the problems.



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My kiddo got his Code 25 combo today. No tone report yet. He actually told his wife I bought it for him, I guess now I have to remember to say your welcome when I get thanked during my visit next month. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/artists/just_cuz/JC-hysterical.gif
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DBM, yeah I got mine for the $199, with 10% off and free shipping cause they didn't have one in the store -GC-. So far about 10 days in and I'm really loving it!! Still exploring all the FX it has. Found a few "fav's". I have not ventured into a pedal or the phone app yet. It connects thru blue tooth. 5 star at this point!!
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DBM, yeah I got mine for the $199, with 10% off and free shipping cause they didn't have one in the store -GC-. So far about 10 days in and I'm really loving it!! Still exploring all the FX it has. Found a few "fav's". I have not ventured into a pedal or the phone app yet. It connects thru blue tooth. 5 star at this point!!


Thanks, my kiddo wants to send his back, he did not seem to like it outta the box.

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Well Larryz he decided to download the iphone app, the preset editor app called Marshall Gateway. He did not send it back yet and he did find some sounds he likes. He is also looking for a place where people share presets.


He is a network engineer working with Citrix and other stuff so he understands computers, but he never got the hang of editing guitar amp modelers or modeling amps. So I gave him some clues as to how to approach it. After all his main instrument is bass guitar, all you gotta do is tune up, plug in and play. So he needs the mental adjustment of tweaking before expecting a great sound.


Find a preset you like,

Turnoff all of the effects on that preset,

Adjust the tone controls to get the sound you are after.

Then add back some effects, tweaking the effects one at a time.


That was my method with the PodXT, Digitech RP2000, Digitech GNX2, Digitech RP155, Tonelab Tabletop, and the Fender Super Champ X2. I always was able to find decent tone with all of them. I also had a bunch of hardware synths back in the late 80's and I could program all of them, and I had about 20 of them, so I am used to the idea of recreating sounds from factory presets.

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+1 DBM, I was thinking you were going to visit him soon and tell him "your welcome" as you mentioned he told the wife you bought it for him LOL! Hoping you were going to make that trip soon (i.e. before he returned the amp) so we could hear your review...sounds like he may be having second thoughts on sending it back. Will wait to hear more after he tries some of your suggestions. That video on the Sweetwater demo may be of some help too if he hasn't seen it yet...anyway, keep us posted. Thanks! :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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I will be going Sept 10th through the 17th. He is a computer network engineer and may be out of town for most of the time I am there. He is going to meet me at Trader Joe's in Marlton NJ. I am bypassing his house because of the hour that I arrive, Then I have another hour drive to my sisters house, so my meeting with him will be brief and not at his home. If he does not have to travel that week, I will go and have dinner at his house. So I may or may not get a chance to try or tweak his amp.
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Ok tried the code 50 today. Ive owned quite a few marshalls and still have a couple of small logo 50s . Ive had several jcm 800s as well. I played the code 50 in GCs small little loud room with a Gibson jr lp100 with a p90 dogear. Not the best guitar in there but closest to what i use. I only played on it for half hour or so and mostly used the silver jubilee and american od models no reverb or effects, medium gain at as high a volume as i could get without feedback due to being right next to the amp in 10 x 10 room . Id call it a fun amp that gets sort of close to the sound of what it is trying for but recreates the sound that amp would have if it recorded. Thats different than modeling the playing experience of the real amp. What i mean is it was like micing an amp and recording it and playing it back but not like playing the amp itself like you were just olugged into an amp in a room. And the louder it got the less real it seemed. And the noise gate which is adjustable was just too strong to get the stones tones i prefer without audible artifacts. So, good for a kid not really useable in a pro or semipro gig or studio situation. Just my opinion. Somebody who owns one and has dialed it in probably disagrees.


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Id call it a fun amp that gets sort of close to the sound of what it is trying for but recreates the sound that amp would have if it recorded. Thats different than modeling the playing experience of the real amp. What i mean is it was like micing an amp and recording it and playing it back but not like playing the amp itself like you were just olugged into an amp in a room. And the louder it got the less real it seemed. And the noise gate which is adjustable was just too strong to get the stones tones i prefer without audible artifacts.


That's largely been my experience with using digital-modeling in general through an amp or PA and monitors.


Not long ago, I went to an open-mic jam affair, where many of the other guitar players plugged into a digital-modeling guitar-amp that the host player had brought; I had brought a real-live tube-amp, and shared it with anyone else that wanted to use it there that night. What a night and day difference- the digital-modeler sounded thin and like a radio or CD player playing back the recorded sound of an electric guitar, while my amp sounded BIG, FAT, WARM, FULL, and REAL. When I played, instead of switching channels and/or programs, I simply rolled my guitar's volume-knob up and down, and adjusted my "touch" accordingly. The host guitarist commented on how I would have a good volume-level when I played chords and fills, loud enough but not too loud, yet would come up louder and fuller when I'd play some lead-solos.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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DBM your comment about finding a preset and dialing in what you like is exactly what I have been doing. I found an FX and then add delay or reveb to my liking. Still at this point the amp is GREAT. I have not gone too far off the deep end YET....
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DBM your comment about finding a preset and dialing in what you like is exactly what I have been doing. I found an FX and then add delay or reveb to my liking. Still at this point the amp is GREAT. I have not gone too far off the deep end YET....



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DBM your comment about finding a preset and dialing in what you like is exactly what I have been doing. I found an FX and then add delay or reveb to my liking. Still at this point the amp is GREAT. I have not gone too far off the deep end YET....


Thanks for the follow-up Big Dave! :thu:


@ Caevan, +1 It's hard to beat a real tuber! I'm still keeping that Laney Iron Heart 30 in mind when I get my next GAS attack LOL!

Take care, Larryz
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Update: Got that GAS attack and decided to go with a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe 112. It weighs in the same as the Laney @ 45lbs. Picked it up from a good friend today for $400. It's hardly used and looks brand new. Beige cab with brown grill clothe. Super nice and sounds great! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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