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Different type of clone wheel recommendation ?


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I wasn't using organ sounds much in my sorta-country band, so I sold my Hammond SK-1. Got a Yamaha MX49, and ran its organ sounds thru a vent- not bad, but only a half dozen or so of useable B3 sounds. Fine for this band, but I miss drawbars/CV/61 waterfall keys.....

So, what I'm asking is-what used/bargain basement clonewheel would be magically transformed into B3 goodness with a vent?

I'm thinking an XK1 (@800), older CX3 ( seen some cheap ones, but might be beat, newer versions still expensive) Nords all seem to hold their value too well for me, and older ones don't have drawbars. Never cared for VKs, but maybe they would benefit from the vent?

Anything else I should be checking out?


Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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So, what I'm asking is-what used/bargain basement clonewheel would be magically transformed into B3 goodness with a vent?

I'm thinking an XK1 (@800), older CX3 ( seen some cheap ones, but might be beat, newer versions still expensive) Nords all seem to hold their value too well for me, and older ones don't have drawbars. Never cared for VKs, but maybe they would benefit from the vent?

If you're using a Vent and don't care about travel weight, my first choice would probably be the VK8 just because I really like the action, and I think the Vent makes it competitive with any of your other choices sonically.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Thanks, Scott. I'll try and see if I can get my mitts on one. It's gonna be hard to find something to play (locally) and ebay is the old "pig-in-a-poke". I just joined another band and there will be a lot more organ happening (yea!). No rush, but I do need to upgrade!

Thanks, again.

Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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I have a Hammond XK3c and an XK1 that I use for small gigs, and they sound pretty much the same to me. I recently got a Ventilator, which gives a small improvement for the price but worthwhile; however, the XKs are both quite usable on their own.


I used the XK1 on these live demo tracks (no Ventilator, just the inbuilt overdrive and Leslie; bass is also XK1).






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Check your Nashville Craig's List....I noticed a couple of clones for sale on the Nashville listing that might work for you. Also take a look at the Memphis listings. You are in a music-driven area...there's got to be some good used clones out there.
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It's interesting that Scott mentioned the VK8. I like a lot of things about it.... great C/V, great overdrive, great key feel.


The only problem is that most of them I have seen tend to double trigger. That means that some of the notes trigger on the up stroke as well as the down stoke, particularly if you slide half steps ( such as Bb to B , etc.).


The VK8m module does not suffer from double triggering, and I used to see them all the time on e bay in the 600 dollar range used.


Another option in the cheapo category might be a Voce module. The chorus vibrato is not as good on these as on the Roland, but there are people who still swear by the tone.


The module choices are pretty much dependent on e bay availability. The Roland VK8m is way overpriced at 1399 dollars new. But used clone availbilty is often luck of the draw.


I have seen some pretty good deals on used Numas too.





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800 is in the ballpark for the version 2 cx3, at least through guitar center used. But have them check the serial number, I bought one of the first 600 v2s (even after having the guy check for "lips on the keys", he said there wasn't and there was :D) and it had a bad double-trigger issue. I could set it to "deep" but that sorta negates some of the appeal of having a waterfall board. Anyway other than that I really liked it.


Ended up with a Kurzweil pc361 which has done a great job on organ IMO, it's not a clonewheel obviously but it really does sound good after tweaking. Like the cx3 you can adjust almost anything with the tone or leslie settings. The keys are very playable for organ despite being regular synth keys, and it does give you sliders for drawbars. I imagine a vent would really sound great with it but so far it works well enough in a large classic rock band setting for me (and the band!)

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Another option in the cheapo category might be a Voce module. The chorus vibrato is not as good on these as on the Roland, but there are people who still swear by the tone.

Count me among the Voce fanboys. I used a V5 for years and was very satisfied. I hear the V5+ has improved C/V but never played one. Unlike the VKm, you will need your Vent because the V5 or V5+ does not have a built-in Leslie sim.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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At one time I had a Voce DM64(?)- rack unit, run through an Alesis multiverb for Leslie & verb. I thought it was the sh$t ! Does the Voce 5 allow you to play with the drawbars "live"?

Thanks for the input from all you guys! So far the most appealing thing to me would be an XK-1 at a steal (650-750 ???).

Professional musician = great source of poverty.

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I use a Voce V5+ and a Vent and it will give you the tone you are looking for. Read about the V5+ here:




and here:



57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

Delaware Dave



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Hey Delaware Dave - any chance you could post some audio of the V5+ through the Vent? 888 with and without C3 and 800000008 with an without C3 would be a decent start ;)
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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Dave, I recall I used some of your tweaks on my Kurzweil pc3 (ramp up time and others). Since you've used both, how does that Voce sound compared to the pc3, with or without ventilator?
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I would also like to hear a Voce V5 plus someday.


I bug Dave Amels every time I see him at the NAMM show to let me try one, but he doesn't seem to have much to do with Voce these days.


I was looking at the manual and it says that you can set up a split on the V5 without needing a controller with split function. I have a Micro B that does this too. That way you can use a variety of different keyboards as a controller and still get the split,or so I presume.


I would also be curious to hear the chorus vibrato on the V5 plus. I am wondering if it is comparable with Key B, Mojo etc. etc.

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