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Speaking of bandmates not playing nice...


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First, Axl pulls a hissy-fit about G'n'Rs induction into the R&R Hall of Fame.


Then we got news of Van Halen's tour imploding:




Now we get this: this year's Sab shows won't be with the full living lineup.



Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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It usually comes down to a power-play. Either about money or about who has final say in set lists, arrangements, etc etc.

IMHO Roth should concede to Van Halen. I'm assuming that the big harrange is mainly between those two.

I would pay to see Eddie with a reasonably good back-up band... on the other hand I would not pay to see DLR as the headliner w/o Eddie.

Of course I'm a guitar player and maybe a bit biased. But I believe EVH has always been the main draw in whatever band he was in.



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I have to wonder about the cost of canceling all those tour dates - it can't just be a matter of ticket refunds. Isn't there a contract, or a series of contracts, essentially obligating the band to perform, at X venue(s), on X date(s), never mind all the silly riders about M&M's? If I were a concert promoter, dealing with a band that had a history of implosions, I'd want one hell of a penalty clause, just as a safety net. I'd also have to wonder about ever getting involved with these guys ever again, if their conflicts were just going to cost me time and money, in the end. At what point does it become a risk no one can afford to take?

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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At this point in their lives, it sounds like the rock'n'roll version of "The Sunshine Boys"!



Haha! very good Whitefang! I think SNL should do a parody of old rockers on tour...



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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At this point in their lives, it sounds like the rock'n'roll version of "The Sunshine Boys"!



Haha! very good Whitefang! I think SNL should do a parody of old rockers on tour...

I can see it now...balding longhairs with guts snorting lines of Metamucil!


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I remember talking with an old friend, when the Police were gearing up for their "reunion" tour - we'd both been fans, years before, and had seen them put on some very exciting shows, but my take was that these guys hadn't sat in a room together in twenty years or so, and that the whole tour was just a highly contrived effort to generate income. I couldn't see spending over $200, so my wife and I could supplement the retirement portfolios of three guys who seemed to hate each other. It also seems disrespectful of one's audience - "Just put the name up there, and the sheep will turn out, it doesn't matter that we're not really a band anymore."


Well, at least VH will probably make some money off the new album - I guess that's what it was really all about, anyhow.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it's unfortunate when bandmates hate one another!

But don't a LOT of us have to work with people who get on our nerves, even if it doesn't come to outright enmity, God forbid!

There is also the fact that the person you think is a jerk might be excellent at their job, and your best buddy mediocre at best.

I remember hearing that Milt Jackson and John Lewis of the Modern Jazz Quartet hated each other, but kept the band together because it paid so well, at least compared to scuffling in cheap bars. I don't think we're talking rock star megabucks here!

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You know, the FANS don't give a shit about nothin' but the MUSIC! Rock acts, in their closing statements make a lot of fuss about how much the FANS mean to them. "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for YOU!" they often say, and well they wouldn't be. If not for the fans buying tickets and recordings, they'd still be garage bands. Too bad for the FANS that these assholes couldn't suck up enough professionalism to forego their petty concerns and soldier on in a spirit of gratitude for those who made them what they became. Actors William Frawley and Vivian Vance couldn't personally stand each other, but when the cameras started rolling for each "I LOVE LUCY" episode, it went out the window because they were PROS. And it was NEVER about THEM.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Oh ya, because musicians are artists and they`re supposed to be honest about their feelings.

Good, you get the syringe, I`ll bring the atropine.

Anyone for mic duty?

"...and I`d jump at the chance to take all your money and leave the bunch of you freaking ants in in my jet exhaust. You chumps aren`t worth a change of strings. You`re so busy listening to yourselves scream you don`t hear what I`m playing anyway. I don`t know why I practice. Thanks, I`ll be here all week-cause that`s how long it take to get paid..."

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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At this point in their lives, it sounds like the rock'n'roll version of "The Sunshine Boys"!



Haha! very good Whitefang! I think SNL should do a parody of old rockers on tour...

I can see it now...balding longhairs with guts snorting lines of Metamucil!



err... You got a problem wit dat - ya confound Chicken Picker? :laugh:


And when you answer, speak loudly. I can no longer hear worth poop!


Tom (from The Keyboard Corner)

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I'm with you Tom (from the Keyboard Corner)...us old guys can still rock and roll...these young whipper snappers that wrecked your hearing may laugh at our greying balding pot bellied SNL spoof, but dag gum it we can still get the right feel to the best music ever made...


Not really in to EVH but I'm thankful for this thread as my brother just won tickets to his show in the Bay Area...I emailed him the cancelled tour article and hope his show did not get cancelled...

Take care, Larryz
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Hey! Don't piss on ME!! I cut my now long teeth (at least those I have LEFT)on "Jack the Bellboy" on radio. I used to have luch with "Soupy" (from who I jacked the "Whitefang" moniker), I saw President Eisenhower give an address on TV, And saw my first grade teacher cry when Elvis went into the army.


I watched "Ozzie and Harriet" when Ricky still had a CREW CUT. I bounced in my seat to the beat of Ray Charles' "Mess Around" and sniffed the scent of bubble gum on my Al Kaline rookie card. Constuction sites still used those round kerosene lanterns for markers and Nikita Kruschev was pounding his shoe on the table. I recall when the Everly Brothers were the "new kids", when "Stagger Lee" went home and got his .44. There were "A Thousand Stars In The Sky", Rydell was in "Swingin' School" and Bobby Darin was takin' a bath.


Sam Cooke was calling for the "Water Boy", Belefonte would tally me banana, girls were in the backseat, kissin' and-a huggin' with Fred, and we kept a lookout for a "Purple People Eater"!


Now, get off MY lawn!


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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You forgot the Mickey Mouse Club and Howdie Doodie...I was there with you watching Elvis and The Beatles on Ed Sullivan in black and white...love the Clint Eastwood quote...Good night Johnboy, now just say no to snorting Metamucil :bor:
Take care, Larryz
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Oh, YEAH! Howdy Doody, Shari Lewis( my first crush!), Kukla, Fran and Ollie and the Mickey Mouse Club with ANNETTE!!( my SECOND crush!)


Thanks for the reminder, Larry.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I used to have a Charlie Horse puppet I got for Christmas. I also used to have a Jerry Mahoney puppet, too. It came with a little booklet that was supposed to teach ventriloquism but I just couldn't get the hang of it!


I'll have to Wikify KFO, but likely Fran has passed by now, so Kukla and Ollie probably retired.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Buffalo Bob, Tinker Bell, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Flintstones, George Jetson, The Honeymooners, Roy Rogers, The Lone Ranger, Hop-a-Long Cassidy, Phil Silvers, Lost in Space, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, Machale's Navy, Sky King, Gilligan's Island, Gene Autrey...the list goes on...+1 on Annette,

thanks Whitfang :thu:

Take care, Larryz
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Any time, Larry. Kinda jumping around the timeline there aren'tcha? And some of it puts a crick in my back. For instance, too many people I talk about this sort of thing with can only go back to "Timmy and Lassie", while I can recall when the kid on the show was "Jeff"( Tommy Rettig). Others only remember Bob Denver as "Gilligan" while I started digging him as "Maynard G. Krebbs" on "Dobie Gillis".


A personal aside: My daughter, a big "South Park" junkie, always hated it when I slammed the show's cheezy animation. Then it struck me...I was, and still am, a huge "Rocky and Bullwinkle" freak. And THAT stuff wasn't exactly Disney quality animation either! Both are off the wall funny.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Yep, you caught me jumping around a bit and I too loved Maynard G. Krebbs and remember the 1st Lassie, Abbot and Costello, The 3 Stooges, Ma & Pa Kettle, The Real McCoys, etc., taking up a lot of my time...but a big +1 on Rocky and Bullwinkle, I'm still a fan...I was also a big fan of Mad Magazine in those days and the two went together like peanut butter and jelly on Wonder bread...Mad and R&B were more for adults than kids but this teenybop caught on early and they were full of a 1,000 laughs for me...
Take care, Larryz
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Larry, that makes you my "brother from another mother"! You could have signed MY name to the reply and friends of mine wouldn't have known the difference!


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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