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How many of you "older" guys still do the late night gigs?


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I'm debating if I want to get involved in a new band. The old cover band has called it quits. No issues, the band just ran it's course. Many of the same guys are talking about a new project. Probably 80's heavy from all genres. There is talk of sequencing, programmed keyboards, maybe even click tracks, etc. That's all fine and dandy, no problem with that mix of tunes, although I kind of prefer being able to "adjust" tunes if appropriate and some of those possibilities will make it a pretty planned performance. I know it happens all the time on big tours ND stuff, but we're not on a big tour.


Here's the deal. The last few gigs with that band were private events that were done around midnight. The jazz quartet gigs are finishing up by 10 or 11 or so. I haven't played a 10-1:30am type gig for a long time - and I love it.


Around here, most opportunities are NOT Friday or Saturday, it's often Wednesday or Thursday - that's "school night" for me. It's darn hard to be ready for kids - my own and my students - after a long (short) night. I'm seriously thinking of bagging the cover gig and just doing the jazz thing.


It's difficult because the guys are probably the best musicians around and great to play with. One problem is that we have tried a number of times to get a band together that really "takes off" and it never happens. I think part of it is that we try to do something different, and I'm not convinced that "diffent" works around here. Play the same old stuff and you seem to het gigs. Another issue is that we are great musicians, but not great performers. Im also about 12 years older which isn't an issue with them, but may be with an audience. For the jazz gig that's not a big deal.


Not sure what to do. Am I just being lazy? Are the late nights an excuse for other issues like no matter what we do we never seem to get popular. Do real musicians just have to suck it up and stay up late and deal with it?



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I don't think you're being lazy, you just happen to have a life outside of music, and that makes things more complicated. With a regular job and a family, time is usually the limiting factor. I say you should choose the thing that you get the most out of, and I'm not talking just about money. Your time is worth the world, so make it count!


If you can get a good jazz band lineup together, and enjoy the music & working hours more than playing 80's heavy until dawn - even if the "metalheads" are great musicians - this should be a no-brainer. Life is too short to waste in a band that isn't fun, even if you do it semi-pro!




PS. And I'm not even old!

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+1 JC!

LIVE dammit! Don't look at the can'ts. If you WANT to do this, do it.

If the younger guys want you in the group you are doing something right.

If you feel you need to work on your stage presence then do it.

One thing IMO is song selection does need to be tried and true.

Use songs that you know work and then start to slide the outside tunes in and see what reaction you get.


Whatever choice you make is YOUR right decision.

But when was the last time you took a chance?



Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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It's the alcohol that does me. I can do late nights as long as I drink plenty of water. Just one pint of beer and I'm in trouble the next morning - many more and I'm still strugling on Wednesday after a long Saturday night.


OK, so I'm a lightweight :(

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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When your are on your death bed and looking back over your life, are you going to say to yourself: "If only I had gotten more sleep."


You know, I really will. I am a notoriously bad sleeper and the lack of sleep makes me far grumpier than I should be some days.


Having said that, I am finally in a cover band that does not think like an original act (i.e. 1 set list of 45 - 60 minutes) so I may actually get to experience SteveC's problem first hand!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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My problem isn't that I can't stay up late to play, my problem is that when I tell friends my band is playing a gig at a bar and that we are starting at 9pm, they look at me and say: "wow, that's late."
"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." Leo Tolstoy
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Ok, so I'm an "older" rocker at 38. Here's my take.

The mostly original band that I play in doesn't play out that much, but when we do it is usually a late weekend night. I'm fine with that because I usually have a day or two to recover before work starts again Monday morning. I would do the late night weekday gig on a rare basis, but no way would I ever do that weekly basis.


Music is a hobby for me. It does not pay the bills. It does not pay for my house. It does not pay for my car. And it does not pay for the farm equipment, vet bills, and things that my wife wants.

I love playing out and relish it every time I do, but unfortunately, I have other priorities.


A late week night gig would interfere way too much with my life. Unlike a lot of people here who say "eff the consequences and go do it!", I would have to say weigh the pros and cons. And like Eddie, I am a notoriously bad sleeper. Even the late night weekend gigs wreck havoc on me. I gots to get my beauty sleep in! :)




"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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My problem isn't that I can't stay up late to play, my problem is that when I tell friends my band is playing a gig at a bar and that we are starting at 9pm, they look at me and say: "wow, that's late."


Ditto! LOL!



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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My problem isn't that I can't stay up late to play, my problem is that when I tell friends my band is playing a gig at a bar and that we are starting at 9pm, they look at me and say: "wow, that's late."


We have that problem with our 7-10 jazz gigs! That's a little ridiculous.

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Ok, so I'm an "older" rocker at 38. Here's my take.

The mostly original band that I play in doesn't play out that much, but when we do it is usually a late weekend night. I'm fine with that because I usually have a day or two to recover before work starts again Monday morning. I would do the late night weekday gig on a rare basis, but no way would I ever do that weekly basis.


Music is a hobby for me. It does not pay the bills. It does not pay for my house. It does not pay for my car. And it does not pay for the farm equipment, vet bills, and things that my wife wants.

I love playing out and relish it every time I do, but unfortunately, I have other priorities.


A late week night gig would interfere way too much with my life. Unlike a lot of people here who say "eff the consequences and go do it!", I would have to say way the pros and cons. And like Eddie, I am a notoriously bad sleeper. Even the late night weekend gigs wreck havoc on me. I gots to get my beauty sleep in! :)


It doesn't pay bills, I make about $2,000 a year. It's "fun money" for me and in a pinch I do pay some bills.


It does take me a couple days to recover from a late gig. The boy wakes up really early (5:30 am most days) and that's tough. Granted, that won't last forever, but...


I'm 45, certainly not my death bed or anything, but things do get tougher.


I probably should have posted this at 5 am instead of 11 pm. :):bor:

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My problem isn't that I can't stay up late to play, my problem is that when I tell friends my band is playing a gig at a bar and that we are starting at 9pm, they look at me and say: "wow, that's late."


Exactly. Say 10:30, and they laugh at you.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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You've got a bunch of questions in your first post. I'll comment on two.


As to the weeknights, you need to look at that. You might be able to do one every couple of weeks, if other gigs were on weekends. It's a stretch, but you may have to make some changes in your routine on that day.


There are a lot of "work situations" in the posts above. Chad has a work situation that can handle a night gig. I have a corporate job that has early mornings, but I could probably manage because if I'm "out of it" I can get by. But I'm not sure I want my kid's teacher falling asleep because he had a late gig - I respect that your situation requires you to be "on". You might be able to do this depending on the frequency and other adjustments. Sounds like you think it is worth a try.


I'm 56 - we play weekends only, but they can be very late because of travel. Many of my gigs have me walking in at 3:30AM - and I'm pretty shot the next day. I also get the "you guys start late" comments, but that's the way it goes. I tell people "its past my bedtime too", but they know I'm out there rockin'. I'd love a gig from 4-8, but it hasn't happened for us very often.


Next - stage presence. Yes - you can improve it. It takes some study, friendly advice, and concentration. It doesn't mean gymnastics on stage. We are an oversized band, so we don't have much stage room. Still, I manage to move around. I sometimes do a "freeze" when the music stops (like playing Red Light Green Light 123). When I describe it, it sounds dumb - but the audience pays attention. Sometimes it takes nothing more than swaying and looking like you are enjoying yourself and interacting with the band. Go for it!!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I'm a notoriously bad sleeper too. The trick to it is to know your disease. No matter what time I come home I still need an hour or two before I can sleep, no matter what the circumstances. It's also pretty rare for me to be asleep past 7 if I go to sleep before 11:30, I'll wake up at 1 and be awake for several hours.


Naps are good, get one when you can.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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I prefer early gigs and I don't understand why audiences don't. If it pays enough I'll stay up late - bearing in mind travelling times. I stopped playing until 3:30am last year at 46 - not because of age though - more health, family and lifestyle choice.


Now I try to finish gigs by 10:30 midweek and 11ish on the weekend if I have a say in the matter.


Now what about early gigs - I have to rehearse at 8:30 am for Church gigs. That ain't right!

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I must admit I'm not a fan of the late night gig anymore. Most of the gigs I do these days are done by 11, but occasionally there's a 1am finish. Not that big of a deal as I don't have a day gig, but I tend to get up by 8 anyway, especially in the summer as it's the only time of day I can ride my bike without getting heat prostration. If I have to play late, I try to take a nap during the day. But long, late night drives are definitely a drag. I avoid those gigs whenever possible. What really sucks is playing out of Travis Co. where smoking is still legal in bars. I did one of those last week and I forgot how bad it was. I have put that particular club on my "will not play" list.
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..... smoking is still legal in bars. I did one of those last week and I forgot how bad it was. I have put that particular club on my "will not play" list.


Right on. NY has been smoke free for awhile, and it's been a boon for the early gigs. Club owners figured out that they can do an early happy hour show on Fridays for the old crowd, then do a second shift for the 20-something year olds at 10:00.


Also, I live in a 1:00am county. That helps a little.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Just turned fiddy this year. The classic rock project plays about three gigs a month on Saturdays. Typically, it's 9 PM to 1 AM


The jazz band typically knocks off from the wineries between 9 PM and 10 PM.


I don't do "school nite" gigs as a rule unless the pay is insane. The rest of the band is older still, and my health is way better than theirs.


As you can tell by the avatar, I needs my beauty rest. Not all of us were fortunate enough to be born with Erik's devistating good looks.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Our bars are smokey. We play till 1:30am or 1:45 if encore is needed. Usually a short drive... I don't might the hours... I hate the smoke... There are laws but so many loopholes that they essentially don't apply....
"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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For myself, I get up at 4:45 in the morning so I can get ready for work and still allow the wife time for herself. Then I proceed to work a 10 hour day sitting in front of a computer trying to concentrate on what I'm working on. Very difficult when I'm awake let alone when dead tired. Weeknight gigs are pretty grueling. Although I've done them occasionally I prefer not to any more as it's getting harder to bounce back as I get older. Also jobs being difficult to get these days I don't want to lose mine. So I try to limit gigs to weekends. I can never give up gigging though as it's way to big a part of me but I must prioritize. The other guys in the band feel the same as we have jobs and families to care for. Late night gigs on the weekends? Hell yeah, bring 'em on!

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I'm "older" and still do the late nighters. I don't mind the time so much as the weight (load in and out - especially load in). I know that I have little in common with those on the forum except for the aspect of playing bass. As long as I get paid, I'll load in and out. I play out to gain experience and for the challenge of complementing other good players. In an establishment that is for profit, and/or where other people are getting paid? My services require that I be compensated also. Otherwise I'd just play for my own personal growth. Gigging and staying out late are for hire, not for free. Thats why I do that.
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For myself, I get up at 4:45 in the morning so I can get ready for work and still allow the wife time for herself. Then I proceed to work a 10 hour day sitting in front of a computer trying to concentrate on what I'm working on. Very difficult when I'm awake let alone when dead tired.


So, you sub-contract to the Department of Energy?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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