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Smallest Portable...

David Quillin

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Wow, you guys are fast. I couldn't tell, but I think both of those have less than full-size keys... Any others? I hate to mention this, but I want it for doing right-hand finger exercises, and the occasional jamming, in the car (I know its probably not endorsed by the Highway Patrol...), so key size is important.
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Oh good heavens. I also tap my fingers on the steering wheel "drumming" to the radio. If you have done this too, apparently you are a menace.


In any case, please don't hijack this thread about whether its a good idea or not: does anyone know of any good small portable keyboards with full size keys? Thanks for your help,

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I don't know if you'll find anything with speakers. You might have to rig that up separately... many car stereos have aux/MP3 player inputs, maybe you can use that. You'll also have the issue of power, unless you find something battery operated. There are inverters that give you an AC outlet via your cigarette lighter, you'll have to make sure you don't draw too much power. You could end up with a mass of cables and gadgets here.


Anyway, the Alesis Micron and Korg R3 come to mind. There's also the Korg MicroX, but because of its big side panel, it gives you fewer keys without really saving you space.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Could you be more specific on your location? "United States" is a pretty big place.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Multi-tasking on a highway. It's not enough that people talk and text. Now people will be playing a keyboard. Good grief...


I love walking into a convenient store and the clerk will be on the cell phone. As hard as they try they never can serve you correctly while engaging in their meaningless conversations to get them through the 12 hour days. During multi-tasking something gets ignored; let's hope it's not the person with their brakes on in front of you, while practicing a b7 Altered scale...

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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I'm not hijacking this topic, but I gotta say that a melodica jutting out could obscure your view of the road and/or the dashboard, and interfere with control of the steering wheel.

I want it for doing right-hand finger exercises
You won't get hardly any finger exercise benefit from a non-weighted keyboard, not to mention the lack of concentration both in driving and practicing. You're better off doing simple, effective hand exercises while driving, and focus on practicing keyboard exercises with both hands when you can do it properly on a more professional keyboard. Listening to good music in the car also helps your playing when you do practice.


Or if it's just to jam along with the radio or CD's in the car while driving, I'd recommend taking up singing.

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The rational part of my brain understands that you need more than two data points to define a trend. Nonetheless, the fact that we've had two people asking about this within a few months scares the bejeezus out of me.


To the OP: If you think you can manage not to be dangerously distracted by "jamming while driving," then to be perfectly blunt about it, you are wrong. Massively, spectacularly, 180 degrees wrong. I realize you probably think that you're not wrong. Unfortunately, thinking you're not wrong is part of being wrong.

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Okay, I know where the OP is. If we're lucky, when he drives off the road, he won't hit anything when he drives into the Atlantic. Worst case, he ends up in Delaware. Big deal. :D

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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....I realize you probably think that you're not wrong. Unfortunately, thinking you're not wrong is part of being wrong.

Love it! That is signature material!

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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If jazz is your fancy there is so much mind exercises you could do while driving. Circle of fifths, working out Giant Steps in every key, taking a lick you like and using numbers or syllables working them out in every key. I wish I did those things more often. I think working your mind is more beneficial than technique. (disclaimer: I wish I listened myself more.)

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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If you have to do something musically useful while driving mental and aural exercises are your best bet. IMO doing fingering exercises while driving is both worthless AND dangerous. The point of fingering exercises is lost if you can't focus on the activity to correct your technique, which is impossible to do effectively or safely while operating a motor vehicle!. I wonder why neither of these posters want to practice while chopping vegetables or folding laundry. I guess those activities require they pay too much attention, unlike operating a motor vehicle which they feel they can pay less attention to than they do now. These guys can't be married because any spouse with sense would slap them upside the head when they told them what they planned to do!
Instrumentation is meaningless - a song either stands on its own merit, or it requires bells and whistles to cover its lack of adequacy, much less quality. - kanker
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Why not pick up a small guitar or even lapsteel and learn that instead? Only six strings must be safer!


Ok I will admit to dabbling on harmonica while driving. But it didn't help. I still suck (no pun intended).


Ear training CDs and songwriting on the other hand has been more productive.


Sent from my iPhone but not while driving.

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