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new MacBook Pro


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512 GB SSD is indeed something of great interest. Would that be blazing fast for writing? One thing's for sure, I wouldn't be nearly as freaked out about accidentally bumping my laptop against anything or having it take a spill. The hard drives always go first on these computers.


Expresscard slot only in 17" MBP. Don't know if the last generation was also like that, but if I want my UAD card that means I HAVE to get the 17", which I didn't necessarily want to do.

Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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Expresscard slot only in 17" MBP. Don't know if the last generation was also like that
Yes it was.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Oh great: G A S, Big Time... All of my software instruments in one place, including the newest Logic instruments/Effects: some fav's that I can't use on any other platform...


And to further torture myself, I just 'configured' a 15" 2.66 at the Apple Store, on-line.


What to sell, hmmm... Will not speculate - specifically - on that here, as it might create another "Uro concours" (like the one thread about a month back).


We'd then have a true, '3-ring' circus on our hands: :blah::poke::facepalm:


I believe I'll stick with PM's, or emails/FB communication on this one...

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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I must say I still miss two firewire ports....



Exactly. Either put multiple FireWire ports on the thing, or put and Expresscard slot in so you can add FW ports if needed. That's why I got a previous generation 15" MBP on the cheap last summer when the new Expresscard-less models were introduced.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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most interesting new feature is the optional 512 GB SSD. I have not yet seen that anywhere else.




I haven't really seen those offered as an option either, but solid state drives that size have available for a while now, so the option has always sort of been there. At a premium, of course. Anybody price out what one of those Macbooks with that drive would cost? I bet it's ridiculous.

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Apple's wishy-washy firewire inclusion is annoying.
Do you mean the way they left it off a couple of the models a few generations ago (I think it was the 13" MacBook, IIRC) or something else?

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I must say I still miss two firewire ports....



Exactly. Either put multiple FireWire ports on the thing, or put and Expresscard slot in so you can add FW ports if needed.


Can't you daisy-chain firewire peripherals without much problem or loss of speed? Or does that not work well when it's being used for music production/audio work?



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most interesting new feature is the optional 512 GB SSD. I have not yet seen that anywhere else.




I haven't really seen those offered as an option either, but solid state drives that size have available for a while now, so the option has always sort of been there. At a premium, of course. Anybody price out what one of those Macbooks with that drive would cost? I bet it's ridiculous.


What do you mean ridiculous? I priced it out and it only cost $4,249.00. And the shipping is FREE!


Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37


My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section


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I must say I still miss two firewire ports....



Exactly. Either put multiple FireWire ports on the thing, or put and Expresscard slot in so you can add FW ports if needed. That's why I got a previous generation 15" MBP on the cheap last summer when the new Expresscard-less models were introduced.


yeah I did the same thing - it seems like a better machine for it express34/fw800/fw400/3 usb & I've got them all in use!

Yamaha P22 Upright / Nord Stage 2 SW73
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Big disappointment. Rumor was that it would have quad-core CPUs. Will certainly wait another cycle before I buy a new MBP (I have 2 now) which will probably have a quad core that makes this the most expensive model (since it is now new) that will depreciate when the quads come out.


As far as I read remarks about Solid State hard drives here. I will buy one or two instantly when MAC supports TRIM. Windows 7 OS and Windows with some manufacturers providing a toolbox, only supporting Trim.


There are some creative ways around not having this support for the SSD in MAC but it requires, backing, formating, reformatting, reloading and other tricks. With oodles of posts about this throughout the Internet, Apple has been silent about this important feature. Perhaps in a new OS and they want to use it as a major selling feature? I don't know. Many are mystified.


Without Trim the solid state hard drive will slow and slow and slow until it is optimized with Trim built into the OS or a manufacturer provided toolbox that will run on MAC.




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Big disappointment. Rumor was that it would have quad-core CPUs. Will certainly wait another cycle before I buy a new MBP (I have 2 now) which will probably have a quad core that makes this the most expensive model (since it is now new) that will depreciate when the quads come out.
There's always someone who is disappointed. :)


The Core processors also use Hyper-Threading. By using four virtual cores, Hyper-Threading allows each of the two cores on these chips to process two threads at once.



Is there even a quad-core mobile processor available?

The MacBook Pros use the mobile version of the Core i5 and Core i7, both of which have two cores and support for four threads. The iMac, on the other hand, uses the desktop version of the Core i5, which has four cores but does not support Hyper Threading. (The build-to-order Core i7 option for the iMac is also four-core and supports Hyper-Threading for up to eight virtual cores.)

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Is there even a quad-core mobile processor available?


Sure, I found one in 2 seconds.


Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds 2758 - Core 2 Quad


Here is another: HP Pavilion Dv7-2270us Entertainment - Core 2 Quad 2 GHz


For high-end laptops dual core is just about legacy like the single core.


Obvious, short-term planned obsolescence for the new Macbook Pros.

If you have good and usable laptop now, just wait for those considering a new MBP purchase, in my opinion.


Crafty and a bit crass marketing from Apple. Give the dual core yet another go around.


Who knows? Probably should have been introduced earlier and had delays in production why they are releasing yet another dual core a bit late. (one of many guesses)


The lack of Trim support for SSDs is yet another flub, in my opinion. Having said the above I am a MAC person and just about all I use today.


Also, Apple selling an SSD (optional) laptop without OSX software support to *clean up* the said SSD so it doesn't eventually bog is selling you an incomplete package, imo.



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I don't know why you assume its all due to marketing.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I don't know why you assume its all due to marketing.


Called planned obsolescence. Many times it is mysterious what will make an item obsolete and what IS planned. Here is a more rarer case of where we know.


Apple cannot lag *far* behind in quad core laptops. They have to move on and compete with other manufacturers of higher end laptops. This puts them behind the better competition with still using the dual core and a perceived drawback to the consumer. Not good.


A buyer of this vintage laptop is probably going to have more purchase-remorse if purchased (especially down the pike) before a release of a quad core than a purchaser who purchased an earlier dual core with a better dual core coming out, imo. Wait.



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The number of cores is not everything. For a single or dual-threaded application the mobile i7 processor in the latest MacBook Pros is the fastest there is. They are about 50% faster than the Core-2 series.


To go to four cores (in the latest i5-i7 processors) you either need to slow down the processor frequency or increase the power consumption - not good if you want battery life. The Lenovo laptop you mention has manufacturers estimated battery life of 2.1 hrs compared to Apple's 8. The HP has about 3.5.

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The number of cores is not everything. For a single or dual-threaded application the mobile i7 processor in the latest MacBook Pros is the fastest there is. They are about 50% faster than the Core-2 series.


To go to four cores (in the latest i5-i7 processors) you either need to slow down the processor frequency or increase the power consumption - not good if you want battery life. The Lenovo laptop you mention has manufacturers estimated battery life of 2.1 hrs compared to Apple's 8. The HP has about 3.5.


The preponderance of all the technical articles of this Macbook Pro call it just another "refresh"


No company would do that. Speed and processing capability are still the prime objective. If that is the reason Apple did not go all the way to the quad core because of battery life I would find that amazing.


I would hate to think Apple is rolling back speed potential because of the long battery-life heralding.


I, personally, do not like the new battery scheme on the new MBP that have to be soldered in though would not stop me from buying one. Yes, they can last some time.


Soldering or having soldered batteries in a MBP vs changeable battery?


. . I also never understood the big hype of long battery use on one battery. I would personally rather have a changeable battery. It takes about *2-4 seconds* to put in a battery in a MBP. I consider that a non issue though others may find that important. I just change the battery. Newer MBPs you can't do that. I personally do not like the idea of chemical battery cells deteriorating and soldered in a laptop. A lot more happenin' than just a small system battery.


About upgrading from last years?


Engadget wrote: (a respected reviewer)


"we're not convinced there's enough here to warrant an upgrade for people who bit last year"


"Apple has carved an amazingly large niche out for itself by building incredibly expensive laptops incredibly well, and this generation is no exception, but we're not convinced there's enough here to warrant an upgrade for people who bit last year."


Just a "refresh".


Quad-core (and it will happen) will be considered more an *upgrade* to the line. Buyers now will be buying the final "refresh" of the dual core. If you like that then buy it and enjoy it.







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Engadget? They're too snarky to get my respect, sorry. I also don't think Apple expects people to buy up from one generation to the next. They know most users skip a gen or two and use the same Mac for at least a few years.


I have the previous MBP to the new ones, and I love it. I rarely concern myself about battery life. I go to meetings or events, and many times I don't even bother bringing the power supply. That's easier that having to have another battery. Most people *never* buy a second battery. I never have. This is a much better solution for most users.


Speed and processing capability are still the prime objective for you and power users. But for many of Apple's MBP customers, it isn't. Go to an Apple Store and watch the people buying MBPs. I'll bet you most of them want a nice, fast, easy-to-use computer. Very few will be doing processor-intensive tasks all the time that need quad-core processing.


My point is, you are a different type of user than most of whom Apple is selling to. These are excellent Macs for those users, but unfortunately, not for you.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Most people *never* buy a second battery. I never have. This is a much better solution for most users.
Gotta disagree. First, I use a second battery - regularly. Second, If i have a battery go bad, I want it replaced now, not later. Of all the "we know better" practices at Apple, this is one that irks me as much as any other.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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Most people *never* buy a second battery. I never have. This is a much better solution for most users.
Gotta disagree. First, I use a second battery - regularly. Second, If i have a battery go bad, I want it replaced now, not later. Of all the "we know better" practices at Apple, this is one that irks me as much as any other.
I think you're disagreeing with my assessment that "this is a much better solution," because I'm sure I'm correct in saying that most people never buy a second battery.


Well, at least I'm pretty sure. :) I know I saw or heard that somewhere and I do doubt most people carry a spare.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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