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Song Demolition Thread


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OK fellow "musos", before you click off this thread in disgust or confusion, this is just for "fun" now (I won't sully the 'hallowed' pages of the Reharm Room with this. It's beyond reharm.)


Sax player Steve Marcus did several funny records years ago with Herbie Hancock and others, destroying old tunes like "Wild Thing" and "Hey Jude." Think of the infamous "Jump" video, if it were intentional.


So against my better judgement... if anyone ever gets the urge to demolish a song, here's the place to post it. :thu: Any type of tune applies. I'm not into 'bad' music, but sometimes it's liberating to hear something different. I hope others will add more crap to this page, and I'll try to post more later.


This one's like R2D2 on crack, Circuits Gone Wild, the robot shreds...




(To protect the innocent, I should request a self-ban button.)



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So against my better judgement... if anyone ever gets the urge to demolish a song, here's the place to post it. :thu:


So you want me to post my KCC2009 submission? :D



This one's like R2D2 on crack, Circuits Gone Wild, the robot shreds...





LOL! I love it. Reminds me of Billy from Roger Waters' Radio Kaos.


DigitalFakeBook Free chord/lyric display software for windows.
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Yes SK, very well done. I just have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.


First, what is the best fingering technique for the Speak 'n Spell? Are you using thumb under or thumb over? Are you concerned about possible tendinitis from the force exerted during bending of the circuit? Also, it sounds like you modulate in the tune. Are you using the relative harmonics or an inverted diploic approach? Also, from a gear-related aspect, is that a cardioid mic pattern for the voice-over. And speaking of mics, which mic do you think is best, and what do you think of the FP-4 action, and which sax patch do you like best the alto, tenor or bari and also,............


Oh, sorry about that...I was suddenly possessed by "the forum poster from hell". ;-) What I meant to say was.....great thread and great tune!! More please!!

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So you want me to post my KCC2009 submission? :D

Sorry Mike, your tune is too good for this thread. Thanks for offering. :) Plus, I wouldn't want you to lose your Gold Membership.


Yes SK, very well done. I just have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.
Not at all.


First, what is the best fingering technique for the Speak 'n Spell? Are you using thumb under or thumb over? Are you concerned about possible tendinitis from the force exerted during bending of the circuit? Also, it sounds like you modulate in the tune. Are you using the relative harmonics or an inverted diploic approach? Also, from a gear-related aspect, is that a cardioid mic pattern for the voice-over. And speaking of mics, which mic do you think is best, and what do you think of the FP-4 action, and which sax patch do you like best the alto, tenor or bari and also,............

Sure, I'm happy to try to answer all of your questions. The answers are mostly no; details available through our high tech search engine. :cool::)


I'm actually all thumbs on this contraption. It's not all button pushing either - there's quite a bit of interactivity.


Now here's hoping someone will post some tunes in this thread. :)



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Seriously? You want to invite a thread like this with a guy like me hanging around? :D


How about some Rodgers & Hammerstein?


Don't like the vocals? Prefer something more instrumental? Joe Harnell seemed to be an easy target....


Or maybe you wanted something more subtle, where the melody was expressed, but not by the originally assigned melodic instrument? Larry Kusik and Nino Rota work fine to that end... :D

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Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Griff!


General comments: Inventive.


The first tune brought out Hammerstein's lyrics nicely.


The second tune - tight band!


The third was, well, my least favorite. Intonation was good. :thu:


If there was ever a thread where the phrase "it's ALL good" applies, it's this one, especially after my contribution. :)


Is this the start of another comp CD? What am I thinking. :freak:

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PS: You can expect this thread to be bumped regularly, as I find a twisted pleasure in taking songs that should never have been made metal and, well, making them metal.


I've been toying with a recent addition to the Real Book as my next target. It's a hell of a challenge, but if I pull it off, it will definitely cement (at least in my mind) my arranging skills...

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PS: You can expect this thread to be bumped regularly, as I find a twisted pleasure in taking songs that should never have been made metal and, well, making them metal.

I've always wanted to hear Helen Reddy's I Am Woman covered like that.

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I've always loved this song. In fact I think it was the highlight of The Blues Brothers movie (the scene with them in the elevator).


I loaded this into my MP3 player so I could listen while in the Men's room (it's the only time I have these days). :rolleyes:


I am here to report that with this "music" I no longer have to rely on Jamie Lee Curtis for er... inspiration.




Thanks SK. Good work! :thu::D









"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Thanks Tom.


Griff, it wasn't the drummer or the screaming, it was the vibrato. I also request "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar" - but you have to sing it/scream it. :)


Dave Horne, I wish I had more free time. If you get some, post a tune. I know you know the esoteric secrets of destroying a tune.


I tend to take real music rather seriously, so sometimes I have to keep myself in check and do something dumb, like this thread.


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Know what's funny wmp, someone emailed me and thought I did all the vocal sounds myself. I speak in the beginning, but the electronic sounds are not me - they're all from the device.


It has a 1/4" output, so there's no limit how loud it could be. I tried this because I was imagining if I was asked to sit in with a band, and I show up with that thing, making noises until they ask me to leave. :freak:



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I tried this because I was imagining if I was asked to sit in with a band, and I show up with that thing, making noises until they ask me to leave. :freak:

Ask you to leave, are you kidding me?! R3's hot.


What a presentation! LOL. You make a good team.


EDIT: I bet that bot could melt Griff's iron heart with a little Carpenters.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Thanks Tom.


I'm still gaga over my favorite SK tune about going back to my hometown - Mayberry.


I've listened over and over and over again trying to determine from which idea drawer SK borrowed. Where does he GET this stuff? Somebody ask him what key it's in - I dare ya. It's all over the place - even within the measures.


If you can determine a man's IQ by his sense of humor (humour for Aidan and Mike Warren), SK is right up there with Einstein, Jonas Salk, and Twiggy. Laurel and Hardy. Becker and Fagan... Lucy and Ricky. :laugh:






"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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EDIT: I bet that bot could melt Griff's iron heart with a little Carpenters.


Dunno about the melting heart, but I had a drunken ex-girlfriend who tormented me with Carpenters all the damned time. You play that stuff in front of me and I'm liable to have a psychotic break. :freak:

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EDIT: I bet that bot could melt Griff's iron heart with a little Carpenters.


Dunno about the melting heart, but I had a drunken ex-girlfriend who tormented me with Carpenters all the damned time. You play that stuff in front of me and I'm liable to have a psychotic break. :freak:


How could we tell? :)

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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EDIT: I bet that bot could melt Griff's iron heart with a little Carpenters.


Dunno about the melting heart, but I had a drunken ex-girlfriend who tormented me with Carpenters all the damned time. You play that stuff in front of me and I'm liable to have a psychotic break. :freak:


How could we tell? :)


Ever watched my show? When those knives stop being used on food, that's when it's time to run... ;)

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oh yeah, jazzers are very good with song demolition - in fact, this is the only thing they're good at. :grin:


You play that stuff in front of me and I'm liable to have a psychotic break. :freak:


How could we tell? :)


Ever watched my show? When those knives stop being used on food, that's when it's time to run... ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Apparently, a little song demolition brings out the very best in people.


Just being totally silly here Tom, thanks. Twiggy has a sense of humor?? I learned something new.


So Griffinator doesn't appear to like the Carpenters... hmm. I'll see what I can do.

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