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OT: Computer defenestration

Eric Iverson

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I remember one time a computer malfunctioned and I lost several days' worth of work. I was so mad I used language I don't normally use around ladies and wanted to throw it out the window ("defenestrate" it) from the 15th floor! Which might have killed an innocent passerby or worse, damaged the computer.... yes, I still have a conscience!


Have any of YOU ever been so mad at a guitar (that, say, refused to stay or even get in tune) or amp or other piece of malfuctioning equipment that you wanted to throw it out the window?


Let's not get into PEOPLE.....

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I remember one time a computer malfunctioned and I lost several days' worth of work. I was so mad I used language I don't normally use around ladies and wanted to throw it out the window ("defenestrate" it) from the 15th floor! Which might have killed an innocent passerby or worse, damaged the computer.... yes, I still have a conscience!

Have any of YOU ever been so mad at a guitar (that, say, refused to stay or even get in tune) or amp or other piece of malfuctioning equipment that you wanted to throw it out the window?

Let's not get into PEOPLE.....


One of my studio clients many years ago told of coming home after a gig & getting into a big fight with his wife. He was so pissed he threw his Telecaster through the window of their 2nd floor apartment. He went out & picked it off the sidewalk & the Tele was fine. Indestructible.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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I've always built my own audio computers, I ony ever bought two. I didn't buy from the guy that I wanted to buy from, because I thought that I could not afford him. o I went to one foo the popular DAW box makers. After 10 months and two or three trips back to the site of origin with still no joy, I lierally threw it away and called the guy that I knew that I should have used to start with.


Though it has been superceeded by newer faster boxes that I built myself, his machine is still a vaible part of my setup.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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I`ve found that getting into fights with inanimate objects, especially if I own them, is not a good idea. One little voice says, `Yeah how do you like THAT qualified service only, ya piece of ****`. The other voice says, `Um...you PAID for that piece of ****, remember?`

That doesn`t mean breaking stuff isn`t a good option, I just think it`s better to break something cheap. I should keep a couple of shot glasses around just for that-in fact I could use whipping one against a wall right about now, if you saw the `voltage`thread...

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Never a guitar, never a computer.


While not defenestration...I do have one shiny example of losing my cool completely while holding something expensive.


I once hurled...and I mean hurled, with every ounce of strength- a $300 Snap-On 3/8"drive air impact against a wall in the workshop at Burbank Yamaha....in response to something really stupid the service manager told me to do.


It deformed the cylinder and prevented the machanism from turning, so I spent the rest of the afternoon with a hone and wet or dry easing down the high spot.


I got it working and still have it. I had to get it to work..I could not afford a new one at the time. Pretty stupid, being as that wrench was a huge part of my bread and butter.

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Have any of YOU ever been so mad at a guitar (that, say, refused to stay or even get in tune) or amp or other piece of malfuctioning equipment that you wanted to throw it out the window?


I've never been that mad, myself, but I have witnessed someone that angry.


It was my first bona fide rock concert: a group of us went to see Savatage/Megadeth/Dio at The HemisFair Arena in downtown San Antonio, around 1987-88.


That show was so F-ed up, its a surprise I ever went to another one. My friend Maribeth- a freelancer for Kerrang! at the time- assured me that most shows weren't that messed up, so I gave live rock music another try...and have been rocking ever since.


The opening act, Savatage, was having problems. For some reason, the bass line kept cutting out. The bass player would get a run of 15 or so notes out, then silence, then a flurry of roadies & techs...For their entire 45 minute set.


New cable, effects and even a different bass were tried. Nothing worked.


At the end of the set, the bass player took of his bass, grabbed it with both hands by the neck (by the headstock), and then threw it axe-style stage right at those in the wings (presumably the roadies & techs).


Remember how I said the show was messed up? Savatage's bass player and any slow roadies weren't the only victims.


About a third of the way into their set, Megadeth told us that the show was being filmed for MTV, so we were told to "get f***king loud!", and then launched into "Devil's Island." On the second repeat of the chorus, the entire arena went dark and the band went silent. Everyone cheered.


10 minutes of silence and darkness later, even the most stoned in the crowd realized this blackout was NOT part of the show.


When the house lights came up, Dave Mustaine announced that they "blew a f***king fuse!" Cheers went up, and the show continued.


Finally, it was Dio's turn. This was in the days when he had his "million-dollar" stage show featuring robotic critters firing lasers over the crowd and at each other.


Late in his set, the robotic laser-shooting spider was fighting the robotic flamethrowing and laser-shooting dragon...and the spider's laser missed the dragon...and struck the cloth on the front of one of the many amps on stage left, setting it on fire.


Again, many thought this was part of the act and cheered...but when the lead guitarist cringed and edged towards stage center (near Dio, and, commendably, never missing a note) while the roadies sprung into action with extinguishers, it was clear AGAIN that this was not part of the show.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Remember the Gibson solid state amps that had a pretty, sparkly blue-green grillecloth? I remember watching BB King kicking one over and over again at a gig at Carnegie Music Hall, trying to get it to stay working. They replaced it three times, and finally his second guitarist gave BB his Fender amp.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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I defenestrated a cassette by a band called Deicide once, out a 2nd story window. I would have liked to have done a skeet shoot with it, but I didn't have a shotgun handy...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I had a cheapie leaf blower, and after 1/2 hour of pulling the cord trying to get the thing to start (almost did, but sputtered and died evert time) I threw it on the garage floor and proceeded to kick it as hard as I could. Forgot I only had sneakers on and ended up with a broker big toe, later with a painful bone spur. Think the blower won that one, as it enjoyed early retirement at the junk yard.


Best, Paul


WUDAYAKNOW.. For the first time in my life, I'm wrong again!!
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I've never hurled my gear or a PC out of a window, tempting as it may have been at several times. However, I had great fun when I worked at Montgomery Ward in the warehouse & parcel pickup. When there were floor models that were broken and not worth reparing & selling, we would get to destroy them. I felt like Joe Walsh, putting a sledge hammer through a large TV screen. Quite cathartic.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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