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Bush Recall Petition - sign up now!

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As you're undoubtedly aware, there is no way to remove a sitting President by "recall" )unlike other elected officials). See, the guys who wrote the constitution were pretty smart cookies. They knew that the public is fickle, and that the resulting havoc from electing and removing a President every time he became unpopular would result in chaos. So, there are some rather detailed steps to removing a President, called an impeachment. It's only been attempted three times in over 200 years. How about waiting it out, then voting for someone else in the next election? I'm not going to sign a silly petition that has no merit. - Jeff
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Excellent point, Jeff. I look at the chaos that the current gubernatorial recall is wreaking here in California, and I shudder to think what would happen on a national level. There was a letter in the L.A. Times yesterday complaining about how the "Eastern Media" keeps portraying California politics as "circus-like". Well, let's see, you've got pornstars, porn publishers, a former child star, a washed-up action star, a whole pile of single-issue crackpots, and a handful of machine politicians all drooling over the governor's office. Heck, throw in Michael Richards as the whacky next-door neighbor, and we've got ourselves a new hit sitcom.
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Funny how a recall effort against George Bush can at all be considered serious while a recall effort against Mr. Davis is considered a circus. I personally think the recall is a good idea. Politicians, all politicians, should be accountable for their actions. Those that blame Mr. Bush for our current economic and employment woes should then be fair and blame Mr. Davis and the liberal legislature in California for the 34 Billion dollar deficit in that state. Here in Oregon, we just passed the largest tax increase in Oregon history during a period of the highest unemployment in the United States, loss of huge numbers of companies, etc. Thanks to our Democratic Governor who was just elected on a campaign guarantee "we will live within our means and not increase taxes". There may soon be another west coast state with a recall election going on. And the fact that most of the country looks at the California recall effort as a circus certainly can be attrubuted to the less than sane actions and activities of Michael Moore, Charlie Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Ed Asner and Barbara Streisand, among others. California is an excellent example (Oregon is another) of how the liberal agenda can, has and will destroy a state. It must be frustrating to not be able to blame George Bush for these prime examples of how big money and union connections with a democratic governor can ruin a states economy.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Seems to me that a goodly part of that deficit is a direct result of Republican backed "de-regulation" of the energy industry coupled with Bush's old buddy Ken Lay's market manipulation and subsequent extortion of prohibitive long-term energy contracts with the state, that the industry puppets at FEC won't consider voiding despite the fact that they were negotiated both under false premises and bad faith on the part of the energy providers (if you got a contract signed under those circumstances, the courts would be voiding it so fast, your head would spin. Oh, you'd probably be on your way to jail, too). So, yeah, I can easily hold Bush and his ilk to blame for a lot of California's current woes. And that's neither conservative or liberal.
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]How about waiting it out, then voting for someone else in the next election? I'm not going to sign a silly petition that has no merit.[/b][/quote]Keyword: [i]VOTING[/i] If people would just vote... How different the country might be.

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b] And the fact that most of the country looks at the California recall effort as a circus certainly can be attrubuted to the less than sane actions and activities of Michael Moore, Charlie Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Ed Asner and Barbara Streisand, among others. California is an excellent example (Oregon is another) of how the liberal agenda can, has and will destroy a state. It must be frustrating to not be able to blame George Bush for these prime examples of how big money and union connections with a democratic governor can ruin a states economy.[/b][/quote]Ummm - No matter how hard I try (and I'm trying!) I cannot make the connection to this issue from a lib pundit vs. con pundit viewpoint, other than just more opinions. Look, SFOracle had a couple of great non-partisan posts on this topic that helped me understand more about the situation. Perhaps you might benefit from their insight. Go ahead, click & read! :thu: http://www.musicplayer.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=014391;p=2 Best to all, Dogfur
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]As you're undoubtedly aware, there is no way to remove a sitting President by "recall" )unlike other elected officials)... - Jeff[/b][/quote]\ Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think many, if [i]any[/i] other states have laws allowing for recall elections. It may only be an issue in California... Unless the result does turn out to improve California's current woes, at which time other states could follow their lead. On the other hand, I don't think too many politicians will be in a hurry to enact laws pro-recall in their states. ;)

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b]California is an excellent example (Oregon is another) of how the liberal agenda can, has and will destroy a state.[/b][/quote]Ohio has had 12 years of republican rule. Tell me the long running conservative agenda has done my state any good. You comment on people who love to bash large companies, george bush, or whatever- yet you love to bash liberals. You are doing the very thing you despise. Just because somebody is a liberal doesn't mean they follow the agendas of crazed politicians who don't represent their constituancy, regardless of party affiliation. You just live to drop those labels anywhere you can, don't you? Liberal, conservate, republican, democrat...two sides of the same coin. Two management teams bidding for control of the ceo job of slavery, incorporated. It all their to control you. Make you believe you have a choice. It's all totally symbolic. No substance. Want the puppet on the right, or the puppet on the left?
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[quote]Originally posted by GeorgeVW: [b]Seems to me that a goodly part of that deficit is a direct result of Republican backed "de-regulation" of the energy industry coupled with Bush's old buddy Ken Lay's market manipulation and subsequent extortion of prohibitive long-term energy contracts with the state, that the industry puppets at FEC won't consider voiding despite the fact that they were negotiated both under false premises and bad faith on the part of the energy providers (if you got a contract signed under those circumstances, the courts would be voiding it so fast, your head would spin. Oh, you'd probably be on your way to jail, too). So, yeah, I can easily hold Bush and his ilk to blame for a lot of California's current woes. And that's neither conservative or liberal.[/b][/quote]Thank you.
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Of course, a recall election of the President of the United States is not possible, as others have stated. Regardless, of the ramblings coming from disgruntled liberal wackos, I'd just like to inform, that you ain't getting my vote, even if this recall is a depraved fantasy. alon
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[quote]Originally posted by fantasticsound: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]As you're undoubtedly aware, there is no way to remove a sitting President by "recall" )unlike other elected officials)... - Jeff[/b][/quote]\ Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think many, if [i]any[/i] other states have laws allowing for recall elections...[/b][/quote] [url=http://slate.msn.com/id/2086409]18 States have recall provisions[/url]
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I was just about to post that 18 states have recall provisions, but then Doug beat me to it. This isn't a liberal/conservative issue. A politician's popularity can change drastically over the course of his/her term(s). Republicans and Dems are equally susceptible. If it were made easy to swap leaders every time his/her popularity swung downwards, we'd be screwed. - Jeff
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This is essentially similar to the situation in many Parlementarian styles of government including the ones in Britian and Israel... As noted, the founders intentionally left this out of the constitution... In Britain or Israel, if you're perceived as having lost the "popular" majority's approval, you're subject to a "no-confidence" vote which can cause a new election... sometimes meaning that frequent elections can swing the parties in and out of power, sometimes over a single issue. This lack of continuity provides a more chaotic and "populist" leadership reaction, and makes it hard to do "unpopular" but "right" things... or at least "right" in the mind of the chief executive. There's also the issue that leaders embroiled in such a fight for their governance are greatly distracted from doing their normal goverment tasks... This doesn't sound like the US we want. Four years between Presidential elections hasn't proven to be too long... and there's always impeachment if things get to that point. guitplayer

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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]How about waiting it out, then voting for someone else in the next election? I'm not going to sign a silly petition that has no merit.[/b][/quote]Keyword: [i]VOTING[/i] If people would just vote... How different the country might be.[/b][/quote]Actually you all voted... and Bush still WON the election... right? :freak:

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[b]Originally posted by the stranger: Originally posted by GZsound: California is an excellent example (Oregon is another) of how the liberal agenda can, has and will destroy a state.[/b] [b]Ohio has had 12 years of republican rule. Tell me the long running conservative agenda has done my state any good. You comment on people who love to bash large companies, george bush, or whatever- yet you love to bash liberals. You are doing the very thing you despise. Just because somebody is a liberal doesn't mean they follow the agendas of crazed politicians who don't represent their constituancy, regardless of party affiliation. You just live to drop those labels anywhere you can, don't you?[/b] Yeah, I love it. The fact you have had Republican rule for 12 years and we have had Democratic rule for longer than that speaks for itself. We have the highest unemployment in the United States. Our economy is in the tank. Check out the US census and see what the average income is in your state. See what the average tax and fee load is on folks that live in your state. See how much money is spent on government employees in your state. Then see where Oregon lands. California is not 34 billion in debt because George Bush made a deal with Enron. Not to mention Ken Lay from Enron was a good buddy to Bill Clinton. Providing free health care to illegal aliens, a totally top heavy government structure, early retirement programs for union employees, public retirement funds that are upside down (Oregon PERS is 18 Billion in debt), etc. all helped lead to the California deficit. To blame it on one cause is just false. The liberal social agenda will bankrupt us all. We simply cannot expect the top five percent of our population to give up all their money for social programs. We cannot tax small business out of existance. This is what happened in California and it is happening here. Our country cannot be turned into a land of "takers" when the "givers" can no longer function under the load. I am not just dropping "Liberal" and "Conservative" labels. It is simple reality.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by GusTraX: [b]...Actually you all voted... and Bush still WON the election... right? :freak: [/b][/quote]According to one webpage I found, the total number of votes for the top 4 candidates (Gore, Bush, Nader, & Buchannan) in the 2000 U.S. presidential election totalled 103 million. Another web page lists the U.S. population at approx. 291 million. Yet another page states the percentage of U.S. citizens under the age of 18 (and, hence, ineligible to vote) is 26%. (291 million x .74) - 103 million = 112 million eligible voters who either did not register or did not vote. Even after you factor in others, who through mental ability, severe disease, etc. were unable to vote, I figure there are still close to 100 million Americans who, technically, could vote but didn't. I wouldn't say, "you all voted", Gus. It's not close to being true. ;)

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Unfortunately, with laws changing like the wind, next election year may be too late to stop the downfall of the American economy and our right to ask for change. As it stands, our energy prices are skyrocketing, insurance rates are through the ceiling, and American wages are being either forced to take concessions or positions are being eliminated and replaced by cut-rate labor. As Americans are being stripped "left and right" (and I say that with emphasis for a reason), people are living in a police state of law. In all things that have come to pass, virtually the only thing visibly and crucially missing from the reign of Hitler, is the right to bear arms. That will be in the making as people are chastised into believing that these new laws hitting the books are to protect us against terrorists. Another tactic used during the Hitler reign; instilling fear into a population of people to gain voter approval for enacting laws that would protect them against the terrorists. Our government, Democrats and Republicans both, are our country's own worst enemy! People don't want to listen, but rather they continue allowing staged episodes to escalate our costs of necessity in living, yet a degradation in our quality of life is rapidly changing the face of America as we know it. I WARN any and all of those in the state of California to be wary of the HYPE around electing Arnold Swartzenegger (sp?) as Governor. He originally stemmed from Austria, which is also known to be of a German descent. Much like the instance of using a famous status in life, Ronald Reagan was elected "Governor" while leaving his motion picture career behind. I don't know anything about the approach that "Arnie" is using to persuade voters to support him; but history repeats itself in many ways and I would say, "Use EXTREME caution when tossing out the old and bringing in the new!" I wish that I knew who had written that bit about Hitler, to where it sounded exactly like we were reading about the Bush election and questions of it's illegalities, where intellectuals scorned the mentality of the country's leader, the destruction of the world's most famous building, the laws being placed against peoples' right to protest, and etc.; where the entire time you felt you were reading about Bush until the facts began to unfold and you found that you were actually reading FACTS in history about the reign of Hitler. Does anyone remember who wrote that piece in these forums, and can anyone provide a link back to the article? I would suggest that ANYONE read it and then investigate history in comparison to what is happening in America today.

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[quote]Originally posted by Sventvkg: [b]Bush will be recalled legally next year........Sorry GZ...[/b][/quote]When they do remove him(legally),I believe the dumpster is located in the rear of the joint. ;)
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Bush is the least of America's worries. They need to clean up Congress and put restraints on the Corporate pilfering of taxpayer dollars. We need to CLEAN HOUSE and in a BIG WAY! When it becomes a "terrorist" act to protest in the streets, people need to take notice and react. Before you know it, Impeachment may not be an option. Many American's are already working two, three, and sometimes four jobs to meet demands for maintaining their home and standards of living due to the loss of higher wages. As more and more jobs are "downsized" there will be more and more people seeking employment to replace current wages; and they're not to be found in today's market. People will either take large cuts in lifestyle by being forced to sell their homes, they will take on extra jobs to afford the expense, or they will face bankruptcy and foreclosures due to not being able to meet expectations. Bankruptcy laws are changing rapidly so that BANKS will own the homes of those not capable of adapting to the forced change of life. If your job is facing cut-backs or you have already lost your job, your employer is asking you to take concessions in pay and benefits, and you are a still supporter of the current Administration............. WELL, WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by Anifa: [b]Bush is the least of America's worries. They need to clean up Congress and put restraints on the Corporate pilfering of taxpayer dollars. We need to CLEAN HOUSE and in a BIG WAY! When it becomes a "terrorist" act to protest in the streets, people need to take notice and react. Before you know it, Impeachment may not be an option. Many American's are already working two, three, and sometimes four jobs to meet demands for maintaining their home and standards of living due to the loss of higher wages. As more and more jobs are "downsized" there will be more and more people seeking employment to replace current wages; and they're not to be found in today's market. People will either take large cuts in lifestyle by being forced to sell their homes, they will take on extra jobs to afford the expense, or they will face bankruptcy and foreclosures due to not being able to meet expectations. Bankruptcy laws are changing rapidly so that BANKS will own the homes of those not capable of adapting to the forced change of life. If your job is facing cut-backs or you have already lost your job, your employer is asking you to take concessions in pay and benefits, and you are a still supporter of the current Administration............. WELL, WAKE UP AMERICA!!![/b][/quote]You are so right on Anifa...It's not just Bush or his Pussboys, it's the whole Government and structure....I say Term limit them All....get them out and start anew...BAN soft money completely..this is all fine and dandy and would work if our Government were truely a By the People, for the People entity that it masquerades as. But as we know it is certainly not and the true power behind it all would never abducate...People do need to wake up...READ...RESEARCH the Truth..Don't just believe the official "line" handed to you...God Bless.

Sean Michael Mormelo


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[quote] I WARN any and all of those in the state of California to be wary of the HYPE around electing Arnold Swartzenegger (sp?) as Governor. He originally stemmed from Austria, which is also known to be of a German descent. [/quote]This is an outrageous statement. Sorry Anifa, but I could not disagree more on your entire post. I dont have time to address all, but your comparing the current US President to hitler is just plain OVER THE TOP.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] [quote] I WARN any and all of those in the state of California to be wary of the HYPE around electing Arnold Swartzenegger (sp?) as Governor. He originally stemmed from Austria, which is also known to be of a German descent. [/quote]This is an outrageous statement. Sorry Anifa, but I could not disagree more on your entire post. I dont have time to address all, but your comparing the current US President to hitler is just plain OVER THE TOP.[/b][/quote]Not really. The parallels between the two figures are disturbing.
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You and GZ are absolutely incredible in your dogmatic conservative doctrine. You have [b]so totally bought in[/b] to this puppet game you're blind to the reality. Dems are crooks GOPs are crooks They're all fucking crooks. Every last one of them. Years upon years of "Lesser of two evils" and "Vote for me because I'm not him" mentalities have brought us to this point. It's time for something different. It's time to stop the merry-go-round.
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[quote] You and GZ are absolutely incredible in your dogmatic conservative doctrine. You have so totally bought in to this puppet game you're blind to the reality. Dems are crooks GOPs are crooks [/quote]Griff, I like you. You are a nice guy, BUT when you started on this board, you didn't know the GOP from the NAACP. Give me a break. Keep postin. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by Sventvkg: [b]I say Term limit them All....get them out and start anew...[/b][/quote]I'm not sure that's the answer. I agree, the last thing we want are fatcats just sitting there. But there is something to be said about having the integrity and experience of someone who works hard and KNOWS the ropes. Politics is nothing if not deal making. You must have people who know how to cut a deal to make things happen. New blood is good and important... People who are visonary and idealistic. But it's also important to have the vets, who have been in the trenches and know what takes to get results.

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