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Official NFL 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Hardly worth arguing with him, Mike. If the Pats are involved, there must be a conspiracy, as far as Kevin is concerned. ;)
Of course. The Pats also killed the Kennedy's, blew up the U.S.S Maine and organized the assasination of Ceasar ;)


In a strange bit of coincidence, the Maine just popped into my head, but after a quick look at wiki, tomorrow will be the 110th anniversary of its sinking.

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Quote by Kanker:


"Of course. The Pats also killed the Kennedy's, blew up the U.S.S Maine and organized the assasination of Ceasar"


Ahh........I'm not so sure about the assassination of Ceasar! But everything else...........hmm. :/


Mike T.



Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Quote by Giffinator:


"You mean you never heard the story of Brutus' accomplice, Belichickus?". :D




Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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I hear Oliver Stone is gearing up for a movie about BB's involvement in those no-bid contracts for Halliburton! :freak:
I hear that The Mitchell Report was missing approximately 2,538 pages dealing exclusively with BB's involvement in distributing and administering steroids to Expos Single A prospects during the days between his resignation as HC of the Jets and his acceptance of the Pats job.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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You guys are FUNNY today. :D:thu:



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Belicheat had been taping since he became head coach in 2000. This might get ugly...


Congratulations, Arlen Spector, you broke through the tangled web of deceit (insert dramatic movie style "slow clap" here). Thank you for telling us that the Patriots did something that every team has done since the invention of videotape. What's next in this twisted fable? The Patriots had practice during the week before games? Did they, Heaven forbid, hold team meetings in their locker room during games at halftime? Oh, the scandal! The horror!


But seriously, of course BB has taped games since he became a head coach. That's because every team does it. Up until now, it's been an accepted practice. I think that if they're going to go after this taping thing, they have to step back a bit and investigate the game itself, a la the Mitchell Report. Right now Arlen Spector is that crazy guy in Vietnam who could care less about winning the war. He just wants to shoot someone.

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Arlen Spector is from Pennsylvania, my state. He's probably still looking for an excuse why the Patriots beat the Eagles in the Super Bowl, DUH. One of the reasons the Eagles lost was that Donavan wasn't in very good physical condition (the reason TO was screaming at him on the sidelines) and was too tired to play well in the 4th quarter. We do have film of that, don't we?


Politicians can't get anything done in Washington, except give themselves a dream healthcare package for life, a retirement program so they will never "work" again (did I say "work") and generous pay raises. Gee, do you think my boss will let me give myself a raise? :rolleyes:


They should concentrate on the business of government and butt out of sports. God, give it a rest.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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This is really getting stupid...


Ex-Ram files $100M suit against Patriots

Associated Press


Updated: February 15, 2008, 5:39 PM EST

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - A lawsuit filed Friday by a former St. Louis Rams player and others seeks millions of dollars in damages from the alleged taping of Rams practices by the New England Patriots before the 2002 Super Bowl.


The Patriots won the game 20-17 in the Superdome.


The $100 million suit, filed on behalf of former Rams player Willie Gary in U.S. District Court in New Orleans, names the Patriots, team owner Robert Kraft and head coach Bill Belichick.







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What a coincidence. I hear Tom Brady is suing the entire Giants D for physically assaulting him, causing him "pain and suffering" which resulted in his team losing the 2008 Super Bowl.


That's a mighty big can of worms you've got there, Mr. Spector. Good luck with allllll that (said in Seinfeld voice).



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Before the Super Bowl each team has a whole mess of championship swag (hats, shirt, etc.) printed up in hopes that they'll win. That's how Eli Manning was able to be donning a Giants championship hat just seconds after the game ended. What happens to all that stuff when your team loses?




At least the Pats are 19-0 somewhere...

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At least the Pats are 19-0 somewhere...
Yep, somewhere in the world Chicago won Super Bowl XLI, Brett Farve won a second Super Bowl, and Buffalo won four. A little bit of extra good does come out of these events.
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Quote from Peter King's SI MMQB column this morning:


"Has anyone out there looked at the Steelers' schedule for this fall? Schedules are organic things in terms of degree of difficulty; they tend to change week-by-week during the season. But looking at Pittsburgh's slate right now, we might be seeing the toughest schedule a team has had in recent history.


Lots of teams have division schedules as tough or tougher than six games with Cleveland, Cincinnati and Baltimore, though the rising Browns, Carson Palmer and the presumably rejuvenated Ravens will be a difficult six-pack.


Amazing. Horrendously amazing, if you bleed black and gold.


Eight of Pittsburgh's 10 non-AFC North games are against 2007 playoff teams.


All 10 non-division foes were .500 or better in 2007.


New England plays four games against teams that finished over .500 in the 2007 regular season. Pittsburgh plays 10.


Excluding the Steelers in 2005, the last four Super Bowl champs (Giants, Colts, Pats, Pats) are on Pittsburgh's schedule."


In addition to the above teams, Steelers will play San Diego (12-6), Dallas (13-4), Jacksonville (12-6 beat us twice this season), Tennessee (10-7), and Washington (9-8).


Last Preseason, I predicted my Steelers would go 8-8 and not go to the playoffs. I was counting on Baltimore winning twice and one of the other AFC north teams winning another one. They finished 10-6 then lost to Jacksonville in the first round of the playoffs. Basically, the Steelers stunk this year. They couldn't beat a team with a winning record. Ha, couldn't even beat the Jets!


Next season, I can see a worse outcome than what I thought this past season. Drat, why don't they give that schedule to one of "America's teams" (Dallas and New England)


Its going to be a Looooooooooong season for the Steelers. :eek: 6-10 season is not out of the question. Now we'll see what they are made of.....Steel or mush.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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I'd just as soon have the Steelers fail to get in the playoffs than have them lose in the first round. The Steelers need to rebuild the OL, and we really don't have enough great players are skilled positions. I think we will get our asses handed to us this coming season. :P


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Yeah Kevin, that is if any of our players are still upright! We were playing second rate teams and losing this season (yeah, the Steelers were second rate or they wouldn't be losing to them) so what do you think is going to happen if we play all those GOOD teams? Can you say blood bath boys and girls?


Its already a long season and it hasn't started yet.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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You can't base this years schedule based on last years results.


Last year the Bucs schedule looked tough. Most Buc fans thought 8-8 would be an excellent season. Most thought we would go 6-10. Then Vic goes away. The Saints fold. The 49ers fall back to earth. etc... The season turned out to be easy.


Right now it is way too early to predict what true strength of schedule is. There will be new sleepers this year (last years Cleveland). There will be new flops this year (last years Bears and Saints).



A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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I don't think that New England, Indy, Jacksonville, NY Giants, and Dallas are going to lay down next season. Our opponents have almost a 70% win ratio. I also realize that some teams melt down the next season, take the Steelers the year after we won the SB. Went 8-8, didn't go to the playoffs and basically......STUNK up Heinz Field. Next season's schedule still doesn't look to promising to me.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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I don't know how well you can trust the strength of any schedule these days. In 2006, the NFC was almost universally mediocre; and in 2007, they won both the Super Bowl and the Pro Bowl. Six out of the last seven Super Bowl losers tanked the following year; so if the best team a losing Conference can offer is so inconsistently good, how can we depend on any team in this era?


Who's going to be tough to beat in 2008? Your guess is as good as mine.


But yeah, based on how well teams played last season, the Steelers' schedule looks exceptionally hard.





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I don't know how well you can trust the strength of any schedule these days. In 2006, the NFC was almost universally mediocre; and in 2007, they won both the Super Bowl and the Pro Bowl. Six out of the last seven Super Bowl losers tanked the following year; so if the best team a losing Conference can offer is so inconsistently good, how can we depend on any team in this era?


Who's going to be tough to beat in 2008? Your guess is as good as mine.


But yeah, based on how well teams played last season, the Steelers' schedule looks exceptionally hard.






I'm mostly with Geoff, with the one difference of opinion being that I don't trust the strength of schedule at all.


The Chargers had several opponents on their 2007 schedule that turned out to be surprisingly tougher than advertised (eg. Packers), and some that were surprisingly weaker (eg. Ravens).

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The Chargers had several opponents on their 2007 schedule that turned out to be surprisingly tougher than advertised (eg. Packers), and some that were surprisingly weaker (eg. Ravens).
And one that they owned (Colts) :whistle:
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