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Official NFL 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Good point, and while the Bills and Jets can stake a claim to being "better," it looks like the Pats will ge easiest divisional ride in the AFC again. Not that they didn't beat good teams last year--they beat ALL the good teams last year, in fact. It's just that none was in their division...

They didn't beat the Packers. ;)






I knew you were going to say that.

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No one sounds optimistic about his team. Well, someone's going to have to win it all. So I'll step up and take it. The Giants will pull off the most unlikely repeat since...ever.


Why? Mostly, the emergence of the offense. Ahmad Bradshaw is going to have a huge year. Steve Smith is really going to step up, as is Will Jennings, who was hurt all of last year. Schockey's going to play like he means it, and the Boss/Shockey TE combo is going to be extremely productive. Burress will stay healthy. Eli will play smart, making plays but not attempting to be something he's not.


The D line, sans Strahan, is still one of the best on the league, with Tuck probably moving outside and having a huge year opposite Osi.


Yep, Giants it is. This year with a bye and homefield throughout, 'cause the Cowboys aren't as good as y'all thinks they is. Hate to say.

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I don't have to tell you how difficult it is to repeat in the NFL. So many things have to go right for a team to win one Superbowl, much less two in a row. Funny thing is, Dallas is favored in the NFC, despite the fact that they CHOKED in the playoffs against the Giants. A team they beat twice during the regular season. I almost enjoyed the Giants/Cowboys game as much as the Superbowl. The TWO teams I hate the most, beaten in the playoffs. If it can't be my Steelers, I'll settle for any other team doing it. As the old saying goes, "My team is the Steelers, and whoever is playing Dallas". Lately, you can add "Whoever is playing New England". Football is just around the corner. :)


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Aren't the Jags getting any love? A full year with Garrard at the helm?


Dude, in all honesty.. As an AFC South-Titans guy, they scare the living sh*t outta me! :sick:


Garrard's on-field maturing, great backfield, adding a vet like Jerry Porter to there mostly young WR core, updating there defense and injecting a lot of youth at DE.


Not a lot of houshold names, but a team full of guys who are football players to there core. The Jags are comers for sure.


As for the South, Yeah, were going to beat the crap out of one another as always. This year however, I wouldn't expect the beatings to suddenly stop when we all step outside the division. The south is maturing and quietly getting better.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Aren't the Jags getting any love? A full year with Garrard at the helm?


Dude, in all honesty.. As an AFC South-Titans guy, they scare the living sh*t outta me! :sick:


Garrard's on-field maturing, great backfield, adding a vet like Jerry Porter to there mostly young WR core, updating there defense and injecting a lot of youth at DE.


Not a lot of houshold names, but a team full of guys who are football players to there core. The Jags are comers for sure.


As for the South, Yeah, were going to beat the crap out of one another as always. This year however, I wouldn't expect the beatings to suddenly stop when we all step outside the division. The south is maturing and quietly getting better.


I agree about the Jags. They are a realy sleeper this year and after watching them play the Pats last year in the playoffs, its clear they are close to taking the next step. They are a true sleeper in every sense of the word. Then again its the NFL and chances are someone who don't suspect is going to jumo up and be better than expected. The Jags and Vikings are the two teams in each division that I think could have huge years.

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- Rush

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My picks:

The Pats would be my pick to take it all if Brady stays healthy.

Anything can happen in the playoffs, though. Just takes one loss.


I think the Cowboys are scary in the NFC.


The Colts are always a safe pick.


Other than that - I don't see many standouts, and I don't see the Giants making it too far this year.



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No one sounds optimistic about his team.

Actually, I'm pretty optimistic about Green Bay's chances this year. True, Brett Favre's gone; but as I mentioned earlier in this thread, Aaron Rodgers could be Steve Young to Favre's Joe Montana. Even if he's just Ben Roethlisberger, that could be good enough with the rest of the young Packers maturing and starting to come of age. The team has plenty of time left to make it happen -- at least a season or two beyond this one -- but it wouldn't surprise me if they won it all this year.


On the other hand, it also wouldn't surprise me if this season were the step back after two steps forward. They might go 10-6 instead of 13-3, but I still expect them to at least make the playoffs.


So who do you think will be at the big dance next year?

That's a good question.


Before Brett Favre announced his retirement, I might have picked the Packers. (Hey, I still might!) They were probably one interception away from beating the eventual champions, the Giants, in the NFC Championship; and as the youngest team in the league, they can only improve -- that is, until free agency finally picks this squad apart. The big question mark is Aaron Rodgers. He showed a lot of promise in his performance against the Cowboys last year, but he's already proven more injury prone than Favre and -- let's face it -- no one's going to ever completely fill Brett's shoes.




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Actually, I'm pretty optimistic about Green Bay's chances this year.


but it wouldn't surprise me if they won it all this year.


On the other hand, it also wouldn't surprise me if this season were the step back after two steps forward.


Yeah they still have a good team, no doubt. I can't say anything about this team until I've seen Aaron Rodgers play a full pre-season, and about 5 reg season games 1st. Anything prior to that and it's just a guessing game for me.


I will say goodluck to you however. You came so so close last year, and lets hope this year is a step in that same direction! BTW, My guess on Minnesota is based purely on the strength of the offensive & defensive dominance in the trenches, having Peterson, adding Allen, and the Jackson kid at QB seemed to start 'getting it' for the most part, toward the 2nd have of the season. I have no dog in the NFC 'Norse' fight. :D

TROLL . . . ish.
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Speaking of the Raiders, I was just reading this article on SI (written by former Raider Personnel Executive Michael Lombardi).


Here, he agrees with some recent quotes from Warren Sapp. Man, does it sounds like a very bizarre environment.


In an interview with the St. Petersburg Times, Warren Sapp gave a vivid description of his time with the Raiders: "As dark as a black hole," he said. "Stuff went on in that organization that shouldn't go on in sports. I don't think there's one person who knows who or what is making the call. Let's just say the Oakland experience is unique. The phone rings quite a bit on that sideline. Insubordination is grounds for termination in any company." Having worked in that "black hole" for eight years, I know exactly what Warren is talking about. And those calls to the sideline are from one man and one man only. At times I have been the reluctant messenger on a few of them myself. They are never pleasant.




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This is Al granting Darth Vader eternal life in return for his soul. This was about a week before the Emperor got hold of him. :freak:


Oh crap, the secret is out. Darth Davis is indeed a sith lord. I imagine the conversation started something like, you don't know the power of the dark side, to which Darth Davis replied ya whatever, but how many games will the darkside help me win.

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- Rush

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This is Al granting Darth Vader eternal life in return for his soul. This was about a week before the Emperor got hold of him.


I see it, I really can now.. 2 babies one mother.




"Always 2 they're are.. Master and Apprentice". -Yoda

TROLL . . . ish.
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I suppose I can't blame non-Packers fans for not reacting to today's top story -- if you can call Brett Favre's "itch" a story.


I just hope ol' Brett makes up his mind soon.


True, Brett Favre's gone; but

...not for long? Here we go again:


Source: Favre has 'itch' to ditch retirement, report to camp




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I saw the Favre story, shrugged, and moved on. Honestly Geoff, you know my feelings: he should stay out, and stop inserting himself and making himself a distraction from the inevitable building process for the team under the new QB. It's getting undignified and will sully his memory if he keeps it up.
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Yeah, I have to admit that my first reaction this time was, "oh no..."


Green Bay has spent the entire off-season gearing the offense around Aaron Rodgers, and it's even evolved a little bit. For Brett Favre to return at this point would at least initially be something of a setback.


Of course, ESPN began playing a countdown of the ten greatest comebacks of all time, which gave example after example of athletes who came out of retirement to accomplish great things. I felt like they were making a pitch for Brett to return, just in case he was watching ESPN to see what the reaction to his words might be.


I agree that it's pretty disruptive to the Packers at this point; but if he does come back and guides Green Bay to another title, Aaron Rodgers will be the only one with mixed feelings about Favre's return.


On the other hand, if he comes back and finally shows his age, it will tarnish his image. It's a gamble for sure, but then Brett's always been a gambler.


It's normal for retired players to feel like they should be on the field the first year after they retire. Favre's itch is probably just that; and if that's all it is, then he should contain his feelings to the privacy of his family.


I guess we'll finally know for sure soon enough.





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Brett should go hunting and fishing and get on with his life. Anyway, the poor judgement in those throws he made in the playoffs lost the game for Green Bay, even though they were being outplayed. Brett never seemed to stop making rookie mistakes. Time for Green Bay to move on too.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Let's not forget all of the come from behind victories Favre led last season too.


There's a reason why he not only leads the record books in receptions but also in just about every positive record too. He puts everything out there. Most of the time it's good; sometimes it's not. And that personality trait is affecting his retirement too -- he's putting everything out there: both his burnout and his itch to play.





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I'm not saying he's a bum. I remember an interview with Fran Tarkington about Brett and he pretty much said that Brett is far to experienced to be making those kind of mistakes at this stage of his career (that interview was last season). Yep, he's a gunslinger, but I thought that interception against the Giants was a terrible decision and throw on his part. When Neil O'Donnell made those kind of throws in the Super Bowl against Dallas, he was just about run out of town.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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That's the bottom line -- if you make poor decisions like that you'd better be making A LOT more good ones.


In other words, if you're going to be Brett Favre bad, you'd damn well be Brett Favre good! ;)


Stats-wise, no other quarterback in the history of the NFL has ever been Brett Favre good ... or bad. That includes O'Donnell and even Tarkington (who was one of my childhood favorite quarterbacks).


It's too bad for Favre, because without that downside, he might be heralded as the GOAT. Instead, most pundits merely place him in the top five.


Still, that's quite an achievement!





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I heard a report on the sports radio station that apparently Favre told his local paper that the story's false and that he's happy in retirement.


Oh yeah well I read in the national enquirer that Brett has been possessed by an alien and everything he is saying and doing is being manipulated from thousands of light years away. Furthermore I also read Oliver Stone is looking into the movie rights. :D

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