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New Roland RD-700GX PIANO (pics)


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It's just the issue of the ivory-textured keys, as one excerpt from an official Roland product announcement posted over at Gearslutz (I can't find it now and don't have the time or energy to go sleuthing at the moment) specifically stated the RD300GX has "ivory touch".


I do understand that it is already resolved that the keybed action itself is different, which is to be expected as all manufacturers other than GEM "dumb down" the keybed action except on their top-most digital piano models.


The "ivory touch" is very important to me as it makes a big difference in playability to not have slippery keys at a gig, under the hot stage lights, etc. This was the reason I originally went for the GEM RP-x module vs. the PRP700 keyboard. The Studiologic VMK188plus has very nice slip-resistant textured keys, as does the Yamaha CP300. Not quite "ivory touch" but close.


Hey Mark,


I can confirm unequivocally that the RD300GX *DOES NOT* have the ivory touch like the RD700GX and Fantom G. I touched and compared the keys on both of the 700GX/300GX rigs they had at NAMM and I also played the home piano versions of each at length. The 300GX action is fine, but it is the usual plastic feel like previous Roland/Yamaha digital pianos. There's nothing wrong with it at all (we never knew any different until the 700GX).


Hope this helps.




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Thanks for clearing that up.


Either the news release from Roland was hastily written and inexact, or the person who cut/paste it paraphrased it and made mistakes.


Another possibility is that the floor model at NAMM was a prototype and the final version may be slightly different.


Roland doesn't tend to do that though. So I'm going to assume you are correct that the RD300GX will not ship with the textured keys.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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You can look at Rolandus.com. Ivory Feel is mentioned three times in the over/detail info on the RD700GX. It's never mention with regards to the RD300GX. If the 300 had it, trust me they'd tell you.


Also, there is nothing like "Ivory Feel" from the competition. I've played the StudioLogic and Yamaha. This is not the same thing at all. Try, you'll see.



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Good to know the Roland site is back up and that the info is now up-to-date :-). I didn't bother looking the last day or two after my last few visits either failed to connect or crashed the browser (I wish Flash would be banned from the internet -- especially as the first thing that pops up when you visit a page at 2am).

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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(I wish Flash would be banned from the internet -- especially as the first thing that pops up when you visit a page at 2am).
ESPN had a survey available on the front page of their site the other day. My comment was just that - too much Flash. Nice to see someone at least appearing to honestly be interested their users opinions of their site.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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Good to know the Roland site is back up and that the info is now up-to-date :-). I didn't bother looking the last day or two after my last few visits either failed to connect or crashed the browser (I wish Flash would be banned from the internet -- especially as the first thing that pops up when you visit a page at 2am).


That would be bad for Macromedia :D


How about Firefox ? would that help ?


Finally, the snotty answer- get a mac





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when is this out


Here's what I posted earlier in this thread.


Roland rep told me they would be hitting the streets in about April. MAP is $2395.


Musicians Friend says they'll have it Feb 7th. Are they just making that up? (no snarkiness intended)

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when is this out


Here's what I posted earlier in this thread.


Roland rep told me they would be hitting the streets in about April. MAP is $2395.


Musicians Friend says they'll have it Feb 7th. Are they just making that up? (no snarkiness intended)




With their sterling record, I think you should listen to Roland



April, dood

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Too bad all the audio demos are greyed out for all the new products at their site.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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I read somewere that the FantonG8 has the same keyboard than the RD-700gx ?? I hope this is not true ! Indeed, I tested a G8 in a shop, besides a YAM Xs8, and I found the G8 touch lighter and less "like an acoustic piano".


So I was disapointed by the touch of the G8 keyboard, and if the RD700gx has the same than I will definitively go for a Yamaha !

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J'avais lu quelque part que le Fantom G-88 et le RD-700GX avaient le même clavier lourd. Est ce vrai ou est ce que le 700gx aura un clavier plus adapté au jeu Piano ? ( le 700gx a un clavier PHAII AVEC "escapement". je suis pas sur que le clavier PHAII du G8 ai l'"escapement"!)


Idem, est ce vraiment certain que le RD-700 Gx aura un son Grand-Piano meilleur que le FantomG ? Ce n'est pas si évident que ca.


PArce que sir le G-88 a un touché et un son Grand-piano aussi bon que le RD-700gx, alors, je me laisserais bien tenter par un G8 plutot que un 700gx, même si mon usage principal est le piano.

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I read somewere that the FantonG8 has the same keyboard than the RD-700gx ?? I hope this is not true ! Indeed, I tested a G8 in a shop, besides a YAM Xs8, and I found the G8 touch lighter and less "like an acoustic piano".


So I was disapointed by the touch of the G8 keyboard, and if the RD700gx has the same than I will definitively go for a Yamaha !


The G8 is not available. How could you test it in a shop? It won't be shipping for several months at best.



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I read somewere that the FantonG8 has the same keyboard than the RD-700gx ?? I hope this is not true ! Indeed, I tested a G8 in a shop, besides a YAM Xs8, and I found the G8 touch lighter and less "like an acoustic piano".


So I was disapointed by the touch of the G8 keyboard, and if the RD700gx has the same than I will definitively go for a Yamaha !


First off, I'd be real curious to know in which shop you tested the G8. Roland is not finished with them and they won't ship until about April. You sure you played the new Fantom G8 and not the X8?


To answer your question, the Ivory Feel action on the G8 and the RD700GX is indeed the same. However, the G8 does have aftertouch, which the 700GX does not have. So this could cause a slightly different feel as the keys bottom out.


Tell us more about the G8 you tested and welcome to the forum. :wave:

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The Fantom-G8 and RD700gx are new products announced last week at NAMM. I think it will take upto march/april before they are available in the music-stores. I guess you mixed up with another keyboard. Check the links below for product-details.









Roland FA-08

Nord StageEX compact

Yamaha MG10/2

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You must be right, I must have confused the X8 and the G8!


So this give another chance for the G8 :-)


And can you tell me if "escapement" will really make a difference ?



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Thanks for pointing out that the RD700GX will not have aftertouch as will the Fantom G8; that significantly changes my strategy.


I guess it is not unexpected, as digital pianos typically are focused far less on serving as controllers for other sounds.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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the RD-700gx is supposed to have "escapement" that the Fantom G8 will not have ...


so, this balance the aftertouch issue IF the RD-700 don't have aftertouch ??


(And I willbe surprised if the RD700gx don't have aftertouch ! ! )

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Wow, these new Roland products certainly are causing a lot of confusion! I guess it's partially the fault of Gearslutz for people posting things there that were supposedly cut/paste from "official" Roland marketing lit but have now turned out to be paraphrased.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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This is my understanding of the Roland "Ivory Feel" action w/escapement and what separates it from the competition.



There are two aspects to escapement in an acoustic piano: a) it's function and b) the impact of the mechanism on the feel of the key as it's depressed. I do not believe Roland is talking about the reproducing the function of escapement in this action as that is really a non-issue. I believe all modern, higher-end digital piano actions allow for repetition of notes without having to completely re-depress the key. We are dealing with contacts here, not hammers and strings. I believe what Roland is trying to do is to reproduce the feel or resistance of escapement. Digital piano actions feel perfectly smooth as you depress the key (plastic at work). When you depress the key on an acoustic piano it feels more involved as the mechanism is vastly more complex. The idea is, I believe, that adding the feel of escapement to the action, will make for an more realistic playing experience and also aid, let's say a student, who practices on a digital but performs on an acoustic. Here is a quote from Roland that reinforces what I'm talking about: "...Escapement feature comes on the HP-207, recreating the click feel of an acoustic grand."


Ivory Feel

I am just going to paste this from the Roland website: "This amazing new keyboard technology reproduces the feel of ivory for the natural keys and ebony for the sharps. The natural keys have a 2-piece structure, which consists of base- and surface-material layers. This reproduces the stability and comfort of an acoustic-piano keyboard. This next-generation keyboards feature a redesigned progressive hammer-action mechanism for a natural touch response from pianissimo to fortissimo." I think "Ivory Feel" is very cool. There is nothing else out there like it.


Please note. Nowhere in the description of the RD700GX does it mention aftertouch and none of the RD pianos, to my knowledge, ever had it. Whether the Fantom G8 has escapement, I don't know for certain. Is was told that it did by one of the Roland reps at NAMM, but I take that with a grain of salt. IMO, "Ivory Feel" is a big deal and escapement is less so.



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thanks for all thoses infos.


And regarding the Piano sounds, will the Fantom G8 have the same piano sounds than the RD-700gx ? I understand that the RD-700gx will incorporate 3 different grand-pianos, will the G8 also have those 3 great pianos ? or can they be loaded afterwards into RAM ?

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In one of the photos, it appears as if the endcaps have a textured finish (hopefully less prone to scuffs/scratches). Is that the case?

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thanks for all thoses infos.


And regarding the Piano sounds, will the Fantom G8 have the same piano sounds than the RD-700gx ? I understand that the RD-700gx will incorporate 3 different grand-pianos, will the G8 also have those 3 great pianos ? or can they be loaded afterwards into RAM ?


I don't know for certain but I kind of doubt it. Both units have 256MB of ROM samples. With the Fantom G you have all of the Fantom X sounds plus sounds from the SRX series. The RD700GX has far fewer non-piano/EP sounds. The fact that the ARX-2 is installed in the 700 is probably added in the ROM count, so my guess is 64MB for the Hamburg Steinway and 64MB for the ARX-02. I think the G will get the New York Steinway. Whether it's the full 88-note version or more of the abbreviated version found on the SonicCell is unknown.


Roland doesn't have a history of providing sounds to be loaded into RAM.




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bon bah comme il me faut un piano de scene AVEC sequenceur, voila peut'etre ma solution: le RD-700gx-MPC500 :cool:



Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever
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bon bah comme il me faut un piano de scene AVEC sequenceur, voila peut'etre ma solution: le RD-700gx-MPC500 :cool:





Wow, for someone obsessing over these new boardz, I figured you would have known this by now...


Bertrand, the RD700GX does indeed have an MPC-500 built into it. In a secret stroke of genius, Roland and Akai have partnered and will be combining additional products. There is a modular design that will allow the user to add such gear with infinite configurations. Kind of like Tinker Toys when you can just keep on building new extensions.





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