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Is Your Music Any Good? Find Out Here!!

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Hi everybody...lately there have been people opening topics seeking reactions to their music. I think this is great, but it could become unwieldy very rapidly as the number of topics multiplies. So, this folder has been created for two reasons: 1. If you want reactions to your music, tell us where to find it. 2. If you want to check out some new music and comment on it, go for it. This could be a lot of fun if we get a decent level of participation. Ever wanted to be an A&R person? Ever needed some good quotes for a promotion? This is the place! To those whose folders I deleted because they asked for feedback on music, please repost in this folder. You were deleted solely to free up folder space, not because your contributions were unwanted. Fire away............
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[url=http://www.mp3.com/societicide]Enter at your own risk![/url] P.S. Don't judge a book by it's cover (or name). [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ------------------ [url=http://angelfire.com/indie/drd/][b]destructive workshops[/b][/url] [url=http://www.mp3.com/societicide][b]Want to hear some of my stuff?[/b][/url] [This message has been edited by dr destructo (edited 11-25-2000).]
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^--check out my O face open 24 hours [url=http://www.alphajerk.com]www.alphajerk.com[/url] ------------------ [i]Will the impossible-accept the inevitable[/i] disclaimer: i am not responsible for anything i think or say. hear whats been going down @ [url=http://www.alphajerk.com]www.alphajerk.com[/url]



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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You can check out my stuff at http://www.mp3.com/subspace It's mainly ambient stuff, but there is some trancey and "intelligent dance music" stuff there, too. It's virtually all synthetic, but there are some guitar and electric bass things in a few f the songs. You might want to start with: Rectifier All Robots are Safe Bright Sun in Heavy Rain Generator Jonathan
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Okay, I'll bite. It's a sorta rough demo, but we've got a tune at the following location: http://www.rollingstone.com/sections/dds/artist.asp?Artist=578 You may need to do one of those "register" things to listen to it, if you want to bother. I've tried to listen to a lot of stuff on this list...Coaster, I like your stuff, even if it is dark for my tastes. Alpha, I was able to listen to The Merle, but I don't think any other links were going...great Tele tones on The Merle stuff! Rockabilly death metal...cool... Couldn't do the Joe Meek stuff, either, link was dead (could be my browser, which is acting strange). Got to listen to Dr. Destructo and the ambient tunes yet...will post back...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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thats some old stuff, '96. i just recorded some new material from them last week. i got a load to put up but this damn slow connection of mine blows. i gotta check those links again. mp3.com must of changed the locations, moving my stuff over to iuma anyways, they pay quicker. i think thats where the merle stuff is.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Okay, Dr. Jason of Destruction, got a chance to listen...what did you run your guitar through? Just curious, always wondering what kind of toys were used...what sort of keyboard did you use on "Empowering"? Did like the sort of Middle Eastern thing in there! And how did you achieve that odd delay on the vocal in "Eyes Tinted Green"? My only comment would be that to my ears, the drums could be a lot stronger in the mix...but I've had a lot turn out that way, too.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey Dr. Destructo - I've always had a soft spot for that sort of music. Not the most original stuff I've ever heard, but - now believe me, this is a compliment! - I actually was curious enough to download the 3 MB version of Empower, which I thought was pretty intriguing. Given my 28.8 connection, to get me to download anything is an achievement. Gotta listen to some others...so when is Adelphia going to upgrade our area so I can get cable modem?!?
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OK .. I'm game. Anyhow, standing at Rank # 349,287 my site could do with some hits [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] [url=http://www.mp3.com/RickWade]www.mp3.com/RickWade[/url] Cheers Rick ps By the way, it's all me (vocals, guitar, bass, sequencing, recording etc.) so tell me what you think.
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Tedster, One of my favorite methods of recording guitar is my trusty little H&K Red Box. I usually just go direct with it for rhythm. I also got a Boss GT-3 recently, so I've been using it for a lot of leads and second rhythm parts. I really think that a direct sound doesn't come close to a good miked amp-sound, but direct is SO convenient. The more primitive sounding (recording-wise) songs are miked, the more recent stuff is probably all direct. Empowering & Empowering Of Souls don't have any keyboard, so I'm assuming it must be guitar you're hearing. The middle eastern thing is due to way too much Dick Dale consumption. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I'm thinking the delay on Eyes Tinted Green was probably due to my infatuation with delay on vocals and the fact that I always double track my vox (since I suck at vocals). Plus, that was recorded a long while back, before I even had a 4-track. It was done with two tape decks and a cheap radio shack mixer. It really is just a rough thing to get a song idea down, but it ended up having a lot of vibe, plus the entire last two sections were improvised. Back then I just picked a sound for the vox that worked. Delays that were in time weren't even a consideration. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]I've since tried to be a little more concious of delay times. The vox for it were recorded through an ART SGX-LT. I'm always recording vox through guitar processors. As for the drums thing...I've only been playing drums for a year, so my drum recording skills are pretty much in their infancy. As is my playing. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I like to think I've gotten pretty good at getting a good guitar tone on tape. I'm just getting started ay recording drums. I'm just trying to get these songs out, so I'm at the point of just trying to get decent levels. My room is probably horrid sounding, so I've got the entire kit miked. When I get my garage done, I'm thinking I would like to go to a more minimalist drum recording technique. IE: Overheads, snare and bass drum. Do you think I just need to give the drums a little level when I mix? Thanks for your comments Ted. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to my stuff. Craig, Thanks again for the compression advice!!! Anyway, I gave up trying to be original way back when. I came to the conclusion that most everything has already been done. It's just a matter of whether you can get a vibe going. The ability to convey an emotion. I know that there will be others who will break down barriers and get a new, fresh thing going, but I'm more concerned about vibe. I also have a real soft spot for a melody, so I just latch onto a good melody and run with it. I'm really second guessing whether I should even have typed all this b/s to even try to respond to your comment. I guess it's human nature to be defensive about the opinions of others, eh? Shit, I'm just thrilled you gave my stuff a listen. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I'm real close to getting my lastest thing done, so I would be more than happy to send you a cdr. I'm out in the sticks and wondering if I'll ever see the wonders of a cable hookup. Thanks, Craig. You rule! Everyone else, I'm going to be doing some listening, so I'll be back!
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>>Do you think I just need to give the drums a little level when I mix? Well, that was one of the problems, but, (and maybe it was my system)...one of the problems was that I could hardly hear the drums, so as for the general timbre of the set, I would have a hard time saying. Don't feel bad, as one of the collaborative things I did, the drums were recorded in the living room. When I sent it off to the other guy, he mixed it way-yyy down because I'd forgotten to turn the phone off and it rang once during the best take. Chances are you wouldn't have heard it anyway with all the other crap going on, so it miffed me that the drums were almost non-existent. I'll post the URL of that tune. Kinda psychefolkie.. But, take heart, as it seems that there's tons of advice on the web about getting a good drum sound [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Oh, yeah, staggered delays from doubled vocals...that was it...shoulda known...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Attention: All tracks I listened to were of the lo-fi quality. Slow connection blues. Therefore, it isn't really possible to comment on the p[roduction values of the music I sampled. Besides, I'm more interested in the song and the vibe, so I'm not too concerned about production anyway. (I am here to learn how to improve mine, though [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]) Alpha, I was digging the UMU. How does one get the rap vocal sound? Is it a real short delay? Subspace, Definitely cool for the style. Kind of like a cross between Tangarine Dream and some more recent electronic/industrial. It makes me think of cool soundtrack music. It isn't the type of thing I listen to, but cool none-the-less. Coaster, I was grooving on Burned Alive. It had more of a melody. I would guess that by all of what I've heard so far, we are the ones who need to seek professional help. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Tonewoods, The Joe Meek thing was truly bizarre. I'm not sure that I'm even qualified to comment. Of course, who the fuck is Joe Meek? Tangent, Really not quite heavy/aggressive enough for my taste. Your stuff and Rick Wade's makes me think of the 70's. This isn't a bad thing. I was born in '69, so I have a definite appreciation for the 70's. I just need something a little more pissed off, you know? My opinion isn't valid though (taste-wise), so just tell me to piss off!! [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Rick, Gotta like that pic you got! [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Again, your stuff is not really my cup of tea, but I have no taste, so...see above comment. Keep 'em coming!! ------------------ [url=http://angelfire.com/indie/drd/][b]destructive workshops[/b][/url] ------------- [url=http://www.mp3.com/societicide][b]Want to hear some of my stuff?[/b][/url]
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Actually, it comes up different here. It's the one called "Waiting For You"... Boy, what drives us to these excesses, anyway??? Craig, I'd bet you're sorry you opened up Pandora's Box, now... [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Geez, I'm posting so much someone's gonna unplug me...but, they're short posts. That's what happens on a more-boring-than-usual midnite shift... Got a chance to listen to the rest of the Tunes... Jonathan, made the mistake of listening to "Circuit" first...like I said, I'm on a midnite shift, and that's some ver-rry relaxing music...zzzzz...zzzzz...then I listened to "Robots" and it woke me back up...good stuff, you should be on a syndicated radio program called "Music From The Hearts Of Space" if it's still on the air. Next listened to the saga of Joe Meek...Tonewoods...it's Dr. Demento for you guys...oughta be on there. BTW, for the one who asked...Joe Meek was a British producer in the early days of rock and roll. "Telstar" was one of his hits... Then caught Philbo's "Tangent" stuff...nice! What sort of processing did you use on the vox? "Only 2 Loves" had kind of an Alan Parsons vibe to it, the first tune, anyway...to me at least... Rick Wade's definitely got the bouncy thing happening, caught the first two songs. From Australia, huh? What part? Is that a Nashville-tuned guitar there (the high strings from a 12 string set?)...good job Rick!
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I'm sure I'm going to regret this, since I already KNOW my stuff sucks, but here it is... some samples of solo stuff I'm working on, and some really low-quality recordings of my former band. http://msfrg.homepage.com You can also get there through my main website, which is worth a look if you're bored... http://www.angelfire.com/ma/rs2lin


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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How 'bout some alt.country... http://members.home.net/mtatro/PopSong.mp3 BTW, I'm just playing slide guitar on it. We recorded it with Dennis Danell (ex-Social Distortion) before he passed away last year. You can see some pics and read about the band here: http://members.home.net/mtatro/shuffledown.htm [This message has been edited by tonemonkey@yahoo.com (edited 11-27-2000).]
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>>I'm really second guessing whether I should even have typed all this b/s to even try to respond to your comment. I guess it's human nature to be defensive about the opinions of others, eh?<< I'm hyper-critcal about music. Trust me, I was being complimentary! I figure I should be at least as hard on the material as an A&R person. I actually like a lot of music, but the question is...if I was running Sony, would I sign you? If not, why not? I've done a bunch of songwriting panels, and usually I'm the guy who says "the bridge isn't strong enough...the mix on the drums is anemic...nothing new to say lyrically..." etc. Most demo panels are like that. But then one day I was doing one up in Canada. 4 people submitted tunes. THEY WERE ALL GOOD!! Freaked me right out. I ended up apologizing because I couldn't find anything wrong with the tunes (after all, they'd come to seek ways to improve their music)...and left there wondering why these people were looking for deals. They should have been signed years ago. As to Pandora's box: I think this is a very cool folder. The type of discussion here -- not just reactions, but dissections of gear used etc. -- is great. Even though I don't have broadband, I want to get into the habit of downloading a song or two a day so I can add some comments here. I like this Pandora's box a lot. Damn, this is fun.
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"Tonewoods, The Joe Meek thing was truly bizarre. I'm not sure that I'm even qualified to comment. Of course, who the fuck is Joe Meek?" Hey Dr. Destructo... Check out: http://www.concentric.net/~meekweb/telstar.htm This is an amazing story for those who only know the name Joe Meek from the green gear in the rack. Reads like a British mystery, which of course it is... I lifted most of the lyrics from the website...don't tell, OK? [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by tonewoods@rockisland.com (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by tonewoods@rockisland.com (edited 11-27-2000).]
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That's okay, something about the song is reminiscent of "Mr. Kite", of which Lennon lifted the lyrics from an old circus poster. True, Craig, about the A&R thing...but, a question...and the Joe Meek song is a great example (and I mean this in a complimentary way, Tone)...there's a song that when they recorded it, they probably knew darn well that no radio station would play anything like that, except perhaps Dr. Demento (hence questionable label interest). In the old underground radio days, probably. The purpose of the song is not to be a hit, but to entertain a small cadre of listeners, a cult following, if you will. Like a band called "Poi Dog Pondering". Kinda like the other thread, creativity vs. commerciality. Bless the souls whose goals are not to fill arenas, but college campus coffeehouses. [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Still, even for those seeking artistic license without the drudgery of making money [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img], it's great to have insight as to how to better ply our trade. And geez, to get feedback from a pro is invaluable. Thanks, Craig!
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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From Tedster.. "Rick Wade's definitely got the bouncy thing happening, caught the first two songs. From Australia, huh? What part? Is that a Nashville-tuned guitar there (the high strings from a 12 string set?)...good job Rick! " Actually it's just my Maton played an octave up, but strummed real lite to give it that "high" feel. Um, I'm in Brisbane at the moment, but home is Melbourne. Thanks for the compliments, Tedster. Anyhow, as I said, the site needs a few hits [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Anyone else? Cheers Rick
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I've had the chance to listen to a couple.. Tonewoods: very cool, like tripped out Beatles meet a cross of late Blind Melon (anyone listen to their "Soup" LP after Shannon died? FN great album...) Tangent: I really like "Only Two Loves." I also listened to "Had A Dream." Dude, you def grew up with Floyd, Beatles, Zep etc as an influence, eh? Obviously with lots more thrown in, but that's my guess [img]http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img] As bandwidth allows, I get more. Thing are pretty slow down here in OZ...
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Many thanks for the comments - The vox on Only 2 Loves was done with a simple Radio Shack condenser mic, and the extremely light flanging on it was from taking a different track while the monitor speakers were on (I believe it was clock drift plus the acoustic delay of the room). A happy accident - we liked it, so we kept it. On 'Had A Dream' - I'm really pleased you saw the influences in that tune (I can't say I really belong in the same rarified atmosphere as Zep, Floyd & the Beatles, though. Geez!) Dr. Destucto - I like your stuff! It has meat, something usually sorely lacking in a lot of ambient music. I haven't had time to listen in on you other guys, but intend to a the first opportunity. ------------------ philbo
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