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The Lowdown Project


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Are you guys familiar with the DealMac Project?




It worked like this. Pr0n, an incredible photographer and denizen of the dealmac.com forum, bought a Ken doll and dressed it like Steve Jobs (miniLeader). He then proceeded to send it to other forum members, who would take it to work, parties, local sites of interest, whatever, and then send it along to the next person on the list. It's truly amazing in that it's well into its second year and the doll hasn't disappeared.


Talkbass did a similar thing with a Wishbass that they collectively purchased and sent around to evaluate.


Well, I would like to spearhead an effort to combine the two ideas. It certainly isn't for everyone on this forum because of some practical requirements, but it could be a very funny and enlightening thing.


I have a Behringer BDI 21. Let's just call it for what it is: It's a ripoff of a Sansamp. At least it doesn't LOOK like one. I'd like to see how many Lowdowners would be willing to use it for one song on one gig, get at LEAST one digital photo of it in your pedalboard at the venue (along with optional pics of the venue, your practice space/dorm room, whatever as long as the BDI is in the shot) and send it to the next person on the list. You don't even need to turn it on, but it would be much more funny if you actually used it. I will, in turn, take all your pictures and create a map and a gallery.


I think it would create more of a connection among the old and new Lowdowners. What do you think?


So the requirements for participation:

1) You must be gigging, practicing with a band, or recording in a studio in the week that you'll have the unit, or have reasonable expectations of gigging. One of the really interesting things will be to see the places where this pedal has been...I'm hoping church AND brothel AND high school AND Erik's "It puts the lotion on its skin" basement.


2) You must have access to a digital camera and at least one friend who will be willing to go to the gig AND be trusted to take at LEAST one picture correctly...please, no phone cams.


3) Enough money and common sense to send it to the next person in a timely manner, packaged sensibly.


I was thinking about sending out my Ibanez bass, but I think it would be too unwieldy to keep shipping.


How about it, guys and gals? If you could PM me your interest in the project, I could compile a list and set up a mailing order. I thought I'd send it to NYC/NJ first, since I know of no fewer than 6 gigging bassists there that frequent the Lowdown.


I have absolutely no qualms about sending it to Europe and Australia as well, although you'll have to rely on battery power. For those jaunts, I'll have the pedal sent back to me and I'll mail it out at my expense unless others are willing to do so to save time.


Come on dudes, let's DO something instead of discussing the merits of poly over nitro, singles over buckers, tuning versus getting a second beer, ad nauseum.


Who's with me?

"For instance" is not proof.


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Sorry just read the whole thing. I'm in and I bet that a couple more London lowdowners are in as well.


I'll pay the shipment necessary with no problem.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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The Dudepit did that with a bass, only each "holder" had to make a mod. That was a few years back, and I'm not sure what happened.


I'm in. I think we should make an effort to have a UK swing and a "down under" swing.


0-9 - I'm in, but save me for a when it hits a slow patch.


How about a small notebook for folks to sign? Or a memory stick so people could write a small notes file?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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What they heck- I'm in! Aside from church, I don't have any gigs until June (we're nice and gave the singer a couple months' maternity leave); but if it gets here before then, I'll certainly document it's use at practice. If it reaches Erik's place before me, we'll perform an exercism rite on it.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Sounds like fun, yeah - we'd have to have separate ones for seperate countries, I guess.


No way, Phil! I'll just try to organize it so it doesn't have to make several trips across the pond(s). I would most definitely like Oz and England (and Pernax) in on it. The more countries, the better. I'm happy to subsidize any postage.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Can we find a Digitech Whammy, Rotary simulator, Harmonizer, or something that might work well for sax?




(kidding - I'll just kick back and wait for the slideshow)


Hey, you could just use the EQ or Direct box functions!

"For instance" is not proof.


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I'm in for this! I'll even A/B it during a gig with my real Sansamp Bass Driver.


We already had a mildly successful attempt at this with my copy of the Mixerman book. As far as I know Chrisofdoom still has it and he has completely disappeared off the radar. That makes me sad.

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Can we find a Digitech Whammy, Rotary simulator, Harmonizer, or something that might work well for sax?




(kidding - I'll just kick back and wait for the slideshow)


Hey, you could just use the EQ or Direct box functions!


That's a thought. I could, but my wireless receiver sends through a mic line straight to the board. However, if ran my receiver from the line out through my AW-3, that would render the XLR output useless and I would need to put a DI in the path... hmmmm. I'll think about it.

- Matt W.
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Hmmm... if it comes down this way... I can use it, Lug can use it, and Warlock somebody or other can use it.


Of course that means that I'd actually have to *shiver* meet Lug *shiver*

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I'd also busk this box.

Or, perhaps take pics of it in suggestive and precarious poses throughout the fair cities of Brooklyn and Manhattan.


You know, whatever...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I'm playing a strip club on April 13th!!! I will make sure only band members and the BDI were in the pic;)

PM being sent

BTW, do we each need to add a sticker to the BDI? I dont think they would fit.








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I'm in for this! I'll even A/B it during a gig with my real Sansamp Bass Driver.


Well as long as it's coming out this way, I'll give it a go! We can pass it over to Yogi too.


Yeah! Hi Lizzy! I was about to post your name in the "Where they at?" thread.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I'm playing a strip club on April 13th!!! I will make sure only band members and the BDI were in the pic;)


You HAVE to get pics of the venue. Where's the fun in closeups of the band?


And if bands want to send me a sticker or poster or email me a logo, I'll incorporate it into the gallery.

"For instance" is not proof.


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