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Everything posted by Mykhailo

  1. That was beautiful. Totally put a smile on my face! ðð¶ What were you using for synths? Sounded fantastic.
  2. usually means this...asking for a 'pro' can also be a way of ensuring that the respondent is open/available to touring, and/or recording/rehearsing during daylight business hours. i.e. either you don"t have a day job, or you can easily schedule your day job around your primary career, i.e. being a keyboard player. Advertising for a pro can also refer to a situation where a non-professional, yet serious amateur band playing original music needs someone to step in on short notice, i.e. gig booked, regular keyboard player bails. Many of the ads you see asking for a 'pro' often refer to this type of situation. At more established levels, this sort of gig goes by word of mouth, at less established levels, craigslist ads, etc. I don"t know too many amateur keyboardists who would want to learn an entire night"s worth of original music on short term notice for free, but I do know plenty of 'pros' who would gladly do it for the right price. It"s definitely not a term that should be used to quantify skill or talent...I am sure many people can paint their house just as good as a pro can, but for whatever the reason, sometimes you need to hire someone.
  3. So the plan is to learn the solos these artists improvised on the original recordings, and reproduce them live? Instead of playing their solos, why not learn the heads/changes and then improvise your own solos? That certainly would give you more of the creative challenge you"re looking for, and would allow these learnt tunes to develop as you develop as a player. It"s important to learn the note for note leads of the greats, for sure, but don"t neglect developing your own voice and abilities as an improviser.
  4. Right on! Thanks for listening...Lucknow was a fun gig! Missing playing live...Terence is the best! Cheers. ð p.s. the name"s Mike (not John...)
  5. Slightly OT, but sometimes when I"m practicing improvisation, i.e. trying to really 'stay in the moment' and avoid defaulting to licks, I"ll purposefully dial up piano tones that I really don"t dig such as Elton"s signature MKS/Chorus, or the DX7 rhodes. It"s a real challenge to be creative with those tones! haha
  6. Can somebody post a link to the complete show? Had trouble finding a complete, unedited stream on youtube. Thanks!
  7. wicked!! Love the theme, the video...love the interplay between the synth and the guitar. Killer vocals. Nice one Dan!
  8. That"s 100% my sentiments. Playing Ivory is something of a unique experience unto itself. It"s not meant as a replacement for a real acoustic, whereas the avant grand is. I"ve decided to keep my N2. It completely serves it"s purpose for me, living in a condo. I also love the feel of the TRS vibrations through the keyboard of the N2/N3. I can get a similar thing going with the 30W speakers on my P200/CP300. It"s one of the main reasons while I still tour with the CP300 when I play with Blue Rodeo.
  9. I wrote this for my friend and mentor Terence Gowan. I posted this last week but something was missing...Terence always pushed me to go further musically, even if doing so was more challenging technically. In that spirit, the B section now modulates a 1/2 step from C to C# making it a bit more of a technical challenge, while musically giving it that extra lift: [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/6oVTRqXGRA4
  10. Maybe you"re right as I don"t have my N2 with me to compare. It also could be that after 2 weeks of being separated from my A1, and having to make do with the stock pianos on my P200, that finally getting Ivory going through the internal speakers was like having a light shone down from above... I still dig Ivory 2, and it's never a bad thing having a good virtual piano in your macbook/ipad. The best thing about digital is the multitude of options.. I think next week I will be buying a virtual minimoog, prophet V and a CS-80. What a time to be alive...ð
  11. So don't fear if you hear A foreign sound to your ear It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing
  12. I so wish I still had my GT2...the N2 is nice and all, but as a digital practice piano, the GT2 was not all that different. It was still a 'real grand action driving a sample...' I got close to nothing for my GT2 on the trade in for my N2. Live and learn. Would have been perfect for my new Ivory 2 setup....I liked the look of the GT2 more than the N2....I dug the 'miniature grand" shape!
  13. Keeping the N2 is a viable suggestion. Not sure how much stock to put into this though: 'Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the VPC1 features a specially prepared touch curve for Ivory II users, which has been tested and approved by the Synthogy team.' How hard would it be to match that curve with the keyboard in the N2?
  14. I haven"t tweaked Ivory yet either, I"ve just been playing the two presets: Hard Rock and Ambient Jazz. It"s just cool knowing one can tweak a few things if needed... The N2 keybed is amazing. It"s the actual action taken from a real C series acoustic grand. That said, I now already have an acoustic grand. (I didin"t when I originally bought the N2.) Playing Ivory through a controller is something of a unique experience unto itself, or that is how I am perceiving it right now at least...i.e. it"s not a 'replacement' for a real acoustic, whereas an N2 is to some degree...i.e. it was the closest thing I could get to a real grand living in a condo.
  15. I"ve really been enjoying playing Ivory 2 standalone through my old P200. Not sure if it"s the quarantine talking, but I"m seriously considering selling my avant grand N2 when I get back, and getting myself this as a replacement: https://synthogy.com/index.php/news/item/30-kawai-unveils-vpc1-virtual-piano-controller-featuring-ivory-ii-touch-curve I have an acoustic in my studio, so the digital is just for my condo. i.e. mostly for the kids, and for working out ideas when I am not at the studio. I"ve been trying to find an old grantouch GT2 as I have not really felt the need to hold onto the very expensive N2 since buying my little A1 acoustic. I"m intrigued by this kawai controller....with what I could save after selling the N2, I could definitely buy myself some pretty nice reference monitors. The thing about Ivory that I really dig is being able to control so many different parameters...that is something that is just not possible on the N2. Really been digging being able to dial up the 'hard rock' C7 preset for the more rock/pop stuff, and then switching to the 'ambient jazz' preset for solo jazz material. I"m a yamaha guy so the C7 in Ivory more than suffices for my ideal piano sound.
  16. current quarantine setup: yamaha P200 controlling ivory 2 standalone. Macbook pro from 2015, steinberg ur 22 mkII, roland fr-7 accordion
  17. Killer track Dave! I wish I had never sold my andromeda...
  18. Another one with the yamaha C7 from Ivory 2. Preset 'hard rock', performer"s perspective. [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/h7bqGD3zlcc
  19. It"s that kind of thought/detail that blows me away...very cool. Sticking with 'performer" btw. The great thing about the P200 is using the audio inputs. With the two 30W speakers it"s like having an 'upgraded' P200/CP300 with ivory pianos! As soon as I start using separate monitors, mixers, etc., it becomes just a bit more cluttered/less organic than I like. Heck, with the P200, I don"t even need a desk, everything just sits neatly on top.
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