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Everything posted by Mykhailo

  1. I think for this particular camera angle I"ll stick to 'performers perspective..' If/when I do a livestream with my girlfriend filming from afar, I"ll set it to audience...thanks for the tip! As you can tell, I haven"t dug too deeply into Ivory, but I look forward to it! That clip I just posted on the 'post your music' thread is the yamaha C7, 'hard rock' preset btw, which I quite like for the rock vibe!
  2. I don"t know! haha, let me check... performer....maybe I should be switching to audience? i.e. if this is for videos?
  3. When my daughter moved to Calgary to further her education she worked as a tour guide at Cantos, and when she was married a few years later, the reception was in the concert room there. She asked me to play piano for the first dance and I had my pick of maybe three available grands. I got asked to sit in with the band and ended up playing the whole gig. Very cool museum! I played Elton John's spinet â Holy Moses ya, I remember playing 'your song' on that spinet and getting the chills...
  4. I wrote this for my good friend and mentor Terence Gowan. [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/94wzs01JBZo
  5. Totally...I"ve just been using the standalone. I figured out a crude way how to sync it with photobooth. I just take the outs from my steinberg UR 22 and patch them back into the inputs. Then I take a headphone out of the UR 22 into the inputs on my old yamaha P200. Set audio in/outs appropriately on the mac, and just hit record on photobooth. Once I have a movie file, I input that file into Logic, normalize it, and then bounce a movie back out. If I tilt the angle on my macbook just right, you can"t tell really if it"s a keyboard or a piano. Works for me...I am going to post a new one with this method in a bit...
  6. What I would do for a slice right now....on a student budget it got me through 2 meals a day. What was the name of that amazing vinyl record shop just around the corner at Mass Ave and Boylston? So much of my jazz vinyl came from there...I miss Boston.
  7. Haha, I know that Daddy"s! I spent more time there than I did in class! (Berklee, 1999) K250, that was the model, and I do remember the Stevie story behind it now that you mention it..very cool, as is the story behind Sweetwater, I had no idea!
  8. There is an absolutely incredible keyboard museum in Calgary which I will start another thread about...I had the opportunity to have a private tour a few years back...I basically got to play every iconic keyboard of the 20th century in one sitting...mind blowing. My takeaway from that day was how incredibly realistic I remember that first generation Kurzweil piano sounded... I remember playing it and saying to myself 'this is really not that far off from what I"m going to be playing on stage later tonight...' and this was four years ago. That is really amazing Dave...I am awestruck by your craftsmanship, and all of the other unsung heroes out there. I don"t remember the model, I just remember it being billed as the first Kurzweil piano. 1981 or something like that...if someone knows or has a pic, please post!
  9. Just wanted to say thank you to anyone out there who is a sound designer, or who works in sound/music tech. I am really feeling not being able to play my piano every day, play live shows etc. The silver lining to all this quarantining has been a long overdue opportunity to get better acquainted with my digital side. Ivory 2 and my mac have really helped fill the void quite nicely...it is absolutely incredible where music technology is now at....it is something I took for granted until now. To all the designers and people working in music technology out there, thank you!
  10. Great clip of Larry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ronnie Hawkins, Jeff Healey, Garth Hudson, Rick Danko (and a few more...) doing straight up rock n roll. Just like with that Herbie clip in the other thread, great musicians (like Larry) can play in just about any style! (last number, 'Bo Diddley' 8:30) [video:youtube]
  11. When I used to complain about hauling gear, his brother would tell me to 'quit my complaining..." That Lawrence would haul his cp-80 to Rhinegold gigs single handedly, with a lighting rig, and that he took personal pride in never letting that CP80 receive a single scratch or tear on the tolex! haha
  12. Full disclosure, I know Larry, (Lawrence Gowan) and was mentored by his brother. I also know what it"s like having to step into a very famous band (in Canada anyway...) that was defined by it"s original keyboard player...it"s a super hard position to be in. I am the 4th keyboard player in Blue Rodeo"s 30 year history...when I first joined the band I took a lot of online flack just by token of being the new guy....it"s ridiculously hard when you"re not an original member...lots of anonymous fans with usernames on forums telling you how much they don"t like your playing..goes with the job, but still stings ya. Personally, I think Larry does a great job of making his mark with Styx, plus his solo career speaks for itself...(at least up here in Canada) He was a star before he joined Styx. I am not a Styx fan, nor am I into prog, but I can speak up for Lawrenceâhe is a class act and an unbelievably prodigious keyboard player.
  13. What"s great about Herbie is that he"s just a great musician. Period. He"s so supremely in balance with himself that he has no qualms about playing any style of music, and he clearly does not care about pigeon holing himself based on past accomplishments. The man clearly just loves to play, whether it"s genre pushing the limits of jazz, playing synth pop, whatever....happy birthday to a wonderful human being, one who makes me smile each time I wake up! ð
  14. Bass player was Jerry Penrod from Iron Butterfly.
  15. thank you so much for sharing this...speechless. Can"t find the tears emoji...
  16. There was some clipping in the last one so I re tracked it... [video:youtube]https://youtu.be/mc0WWZDGQn0
  17. I think just doing a lo-fi, solo thing out of your home with whatever you have is way cooler than risking your life, and the lives of loved ones to do a souped up 'live' show where at the end of the day, you"re basically taking the rules of social distancing to the limit... that Denis Deyoung clip in other thread won me over way more than some slick ensemble setup...
  18. I think I just became a Dennis Deyoung fan....
  19. nothing wrong with a little Rhino when playing B3...(sorry, couldn"t resist, huge fan of this band, and their excellent B3 player the the legendary Michael Fonfara..) [video:youtube]
  20. good on you man, this is what I"m doing...I took some flak too for bailing on similar offers. No way will I go out until it"s deemed ok...
  21. I actually managed to get a pretty good sound putting some effects from Logic onto piano #3 from my P200. I"m happy with the sound...I think this will be my 'go to' setup for doing videos during this crazy quarantine. I posted the clip on the 'post your music' thread...thanks to everyone for the tips! Maybe if I get bored I"ll try some of the other suggestions that were offered. Cheers, Mike
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