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Groove On

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Everything posted by Groove On

  1. iConnectivity has some pricey devices for connecting 2x or more computers. 1. The PlayAUDIO12 allows you to connect 2x computers via USB for redundancy. It acts as both an audio and MIDI interface. https://www.iconnectivity.com/playaudio12 2. The MioXM is a MIDI interface that allows you to connect 2x or more computer via Ethernet (aka RTP-MIDI or Bonjour on the Mac). You will need an ethernet hub for 2 or more computers. https://www.iconnectivity.com/mioxm
  2. I like Sangah Noona's weekend streaming "request" shows. She usually does a couple of 2-hour sets on the weekends. Money-wise, people donate for their song requests, plus she gets around 5-6k views on each 2-hour video. I understand that keeping viewers on longer videos significantly increases your Youtube earnings percentage. What I think she gets right: - she's a performer - her personality is authentic - sound recording is excellent for Youtube (plus it's a Shigeru Kawai) - video lighting/angls focuses on the music/instrument/performer - lovely, cozy, "guest-in-the studio/living room" feeeelzzz Notes: So while she's basically busking online, it all comes across more like a modern lounge show, a better experience than just "some guy on the internet". Her studio equipment easily runs around US$50k ++ (in the Youtube description) [video:youtube]
  3. 1. To connect a USB audio interface or USB keyboard to an older lighting iPad, you need the Apple Camera Connection Kit (CCK); it will also charge your iPad. https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MK0W2AM/A/lightning-to-usb-3-camera-adapter 2. To connect both an audio interface and USB MIDI keyboard (meaning at the same time), you will also need a powered USB Hub. 3. If your keyboard has MIDI DIN ports, you could use the Korg PlugKey for audio/MIDI.
  4. What is perfect pitch? When you throw a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break. And remember, never leave your accordion alone in an unlocked car or you might end up with two.
  5. For the DJ digital gear I use, as long as the hardware supports the extra outs, iOS on the iPad has been able to output different audio streams to the multiple outs.
  6. LOLLAPALOOZA 2021 Chicago, Illinois, USA LOLLAPALOOZA August 1, 2021 (Buzzfeed Article) LOLLAPALOOZA July 30, 2021 (Buzzfeed Article)
  7. One thing I"d like to see (or maybe do) - is a 'Get Vaccinated' concert; live near a vaccination center or online, like a We Are The World type event.
  8. One thing that I'm struck by is how the dates for the COVID spikes, match the the natural "flu season". So we see spikes in Oct-Jan and then again July-Aug, just like the flu. And since we know being indoors is a significant vector for many viruses, my theory is that the spikes match the weather when people need to be indoors for heat and later on for air-conditioning. For music, it creates a natural yearly event schedule; one strategy might be to schedule online-streaming performances during the "flu season" months; and outside of those months, schedule the live in-person performances. Something like this: Oct-Jan | Online Streaming Feb-Jun | Live Performances Jul-Aug | Online Streaming September | Live Performances ... or for those who travel, maybe travel to places throughout the year where the weather is temperate and people don't need to go indoors.
  9. I was thinking for a USB-C iPad - the Roland Rubix 22 audio interface might be a better option over the Korg PlugKey. https://www.roland.com/global/products/rubix22/ Pros: + near the price range of the PlugKey ~US$160 + single direct cable (no dongles/adapters) + audio outs/headphone jack/ MIDI DIN + supports iOS Cons: - not as compact as PlugKey - requires external power adapter - still needs powered hub for USB MIDI devices >> not sure if it can charge the iPad/iPhone
  10. In the next 6-8 months (after Aug 2021), how do you feel about playing an indoor vs outdoor venue? When will you feel safe playing an indoor event again?
  11. I picked up a pair TS310s at a going-out-of-business sale. They give my QSC k8.2s a good run for the money. The k8.2s sound good across the board, especially piano; while I find the TS310s need to be tamed with a touch of EQ in the high/low end. My k8.2s are dedicated to keyboards, and I use the TS310s as vocal monitors. Despite the EQ - I am impressed by the Alto TS3 series, they're a very good bang for the buck. Definitely will use them when events/gigs get going again. The new budget Alto TX3 line also looks pretty good for the price, I'm thinking they might be good for re-enforcement or as a set of practice/rehearsal speakers. Would love to see comparison reviews of the Alto TS3 series with the QSC CP and Yamaha DBR lines.
  12. The problem isn't the AI. It's us humans - we need to adapt to living with this level of technology; and our societies and cultures take generations to learn the right things to do. In under one generation we've gone from cars/TV to the personal computer, internet, mobile devices, social media and now AI; despite thousands of years of adaption, we are not yet equipped to handle that speed of change. I'm sure we'll get it right eventually, but whatever future culture/society looks like - our current day will look like medieval peasants. In the meantime I think we're in for several hundreds, maybe thousands of years of high-times and serious mistakes. This AI issue is not going away because it's really about who gets credit and most importantly who gets paid. Here's an interesting paragraph from the article. Another exceedingly useful benefit of AI - it's useful when humans "train them". But this is also a huge problem for our us. Our current culture sees technology as our "tools", but the way AI is now being used - it has become our "environment". We no longer control the tool - the tool controls us. Heck, the tool know better than us. So the question is how do we adapt to that? Here's another interesting paragraph from the article.
  13. Ha ha, I"m American but pre-lockdown I was traveling all over Asia. The stand in the photo is a cheap Chinese stand; it came with the straps. (I"d definitely buy that stand again, if I could find it; it"s well made for the US$50 I paid for it). I also have several generic Asian x-stands that also came with straps; so maybe the straps are a 'thing' out in Asia.
  14. The straps came with the stands. Though they are generic stands I had shipped from Asia, so maybe not a "thing" after all.
  15. And some relatively good news. Nearly 50% of the overall U.S. Population has been fully vaccinated; with the high-risk > 65 age group 80-90% fully vaccinated. as of July 28, 2021 - (CDC Website)
  16. Sorta good and bad news, but worth noting. Also I think it's also important to keep in mind, we know that this virus readily spreads indoors and that's usually when we see spikes. In the USA, people head indoors during the Brrrr months and we saw a huge spike this last January 2021. I expect a small spike during the 2021 summer in the USA as people look for air-conditioning (especially southern states), but I'm betting we see a significant decrease in overall US infections as we head into the Fall; with another spike during the 2021 Brrrr months.
  17. Does anyone use the keyboard straps that come with the stand? Am I just being lazy? I've got several sets that came with stands, but ironically, the only keyboard I ever "strapped in" is a digital piano that never gets moved ... An example - the loop hooks onto the stand while the screws go into the bottom of the keyboard. My "strapped in" keyboard, that never gets moved anyway.You can see the straps sticking out the side.
  18. App Store https://apps.apple.com/app/brazilian-drum-machine/id988165210
  19. I know we've seen the gazillion copies of audio VSTs loaded on an M1 Mac, but I'm really impressed that he did an online concert - while live-streaming and recording in OBS, without any glitches! That's insanely good performance, and crazy optimization for audio/video. (he talks about it at 03:13)
  20. I always have a conflict with the inner voice that kicks my ass when I fail and is too syncophantic when i succeed. Its a delicate balance to stay disciplined and in the zone. Age and experience have granted me wisdom to stay om the true course, but when i was younger quick successes and failures were both a blessing and curse.
  21. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57934379 Rolling Stone https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/eric-clapton-not-play-vaccine-shows-1200257/
  22. In Korg Module the splits/layers are done per patch/instrument. 1. From the Set List screen, select a patch/instrument. 2. Tap the little keyboard on the patch/instrument You should see the options for single/split/layer at the top of the pop-up screen.
  23. Cool - that looks like a nice setup! ** one useful feature to check out is sending program changes when a score loads.
  24. It may take a generation for individuals in our society to adapt to this way of communicating through technology. It has exceeded our human abilities to filter/organize and see what"s actually going on. Many people don't have the time to checkout multiple sides of an issue - and this new technology excels at throwing hundreds of issues at us every day. One of the biggest cultural hurdles are people who still watch the news like it"s 1980. Many don't realize they are unknowingly dividing into news outlet camps. In my own family, there is the ever contentious Fox/Oan vs CNN/MSNBC split. I"ve specifically had to ban all politics as a topic of discussion at family gatherings. I"ve even considered hosting a movie night and forcing everyone to watch Kurosawa"s Rashomon just to get the point across. A weird side effect of the internet splintering the audience - old labels that people defined themselves by, are all shifting significantly. Everybody thinks they are in the chocolate chip cookie jar, but don't realize the other cookies are no long chocolate chip - heck they may even be crackers or wafers. For example, many liberals don"t realize that they are now considered conservative, and some have gone completely authoritarian (while still considering themselves liberal). Conservatives now sound more like classical anti-establishment liberals! And according to the Left everybody else are alt-right racists. Those old label definitions are now all-twisted up in knots. It"s probably good in the long run as individuals learn how to navigate those cultural tides, but in the meantime there is so much confusion. I feel bad for the next young generations, if you grew up in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s you were gifted with a cultural heritage that gave you perspective even if you disagreed with it. Culturually, the next young generations have a really rough road ahead to hoe. The culture they are inheriting is a big tangled mess, I wouldn't be surprised if they chucked it all and started over.
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