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Posts posted by rickzjamm

  1. I'm the full time Music Director at my church (have been for twenty years) & it has sustained me between gigs but in the last five years the pastor has been assigning me more duties because "music isn't really work" & feels adding more to my juggling plates justifies my position, especially recently. So I not only prepare music & play piano and organ at five masses, all weddings, funerals, quinceaneras,... I'm also the Director of Liturgy, Director of Grounds Maintenance,departmental head for the Office of Health and Safety Management and I'm sure there's more to come.

    I wonder sometimes if pulling me in several directions is a game to get me to quit...

  2. The reality is they're not the guys they were back in the seventies or eighties but none of us are.

    Also depends on you're perception & expectations of Phil... a wheezing old mad struggling through the evening or an icon who has aged with time but still brings unique artistry.

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