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Posts posted by rickzjamm

  1. Yamaha has a great simple stage board concept with the YC88 (that's what I have) but apparently are content turning a deaf ear to it's clientel's suggestions & feel there's no need to offer updates like the other guys , hell even Roland updated the organ on their Fantom & offer tons of sounds.

    Great board & action for APs & EPs!!

  2. After several knee & back surgeries over the years (yeah, I'm in my sixties), standing for a full gig is sadley not an option anymore. I'm looking at gig benches & possibly drum thrones (Roc-N-Soc or DW Airlift) but nothing calls my name... what do the "sitters" in the group use? Thanks ;)
  3. Dave I've owned the CP88 & now happily have the YC88, If you don't want the organ get the CP88, same action. I do cover band duties as well as Church so having the organ fills my needs, not the best organ in the clone wars but definitely gets the job done.
  4. I've owned the NS3 & the APs, EPs are good and of course the organ is superior but the action falls flat compared to the YC88. Head to head comparison is hard and is very subjective, for my needs the YC88 feels more authentic for the "piano playing experience", for second tier using the Roland FA-06 but considering the MODX6 for the bread 'n butter sounds (which one is better?). For the church & country gigs I do the YC88 checks the all the utility boxes for the job. :)
  5. And yes the biggie question, will Yamaha upgrade the organ rotor? But on a gig where organ isn't a primary focus it's fine. The "other" sounds are pretty good (although as far as a utility board my Kronos is still the one), some more orchestral sounds would be nice for my needs. When a board inspires you to play with it's hand to key connection, that's when you know you found something special. ;-)
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