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Everything posted by rickzjamm

  1. Also borrows from the Kronos (now almost everybody has jumped on the touch screen bandwagon & about time). Love Roland sounds & the configuration looks intuitive but it gained weight, not a gigging board.
  2. Took the plunge & ordered the MODX88, will couple it with the FA-06... should be a lightweight set up (back surgery a couple of years ago) that can cover just about anything.
  3. Keyboard players will usually consolidate with a stage piano that covers the gig or even a second tier board but guitar players seem to bring a full metal jacket of guitars, pedal boards galore and yes... it's all topped off with jungle roaring volume because of the "tone". I'm really not trying to say it in a bad way just what I've noticed about most guitar players, that being said the respect I have for a seasoned guitar player is very high.
  4. EscapeRocks, I'm looking to have an all in one weighted board that won't break the bank or my back, seems like the MODX8 is the one. I had the MOXF8, liked the sounds but wasn't crazy about the weighted keys... felt "synthy". About to make that fateful call with card in hand! $ (I would have the FA-06 as a second board) ;-).
  5. Thanks for sharing Dan, great well thought out rig that can cover anything!! Are you running a seperate midi channel from the Nord AP going to your Yamaha controller so you can play both at the same time?
  6. A one of a kind class act!!! I still can't believe it...
  7. Thanks Analogaddict! The sounds ( from YT vids ) appear to be very impressive. How would the hammer action compare to say... the RD-2000 or the Yamaha CP 88?
  8. I'm looking at either the MODX or the PC4. I like the weight, price... all boxes seem to be checked but the KB3 is awesome. Used to have a Forte... do they have the same architecture on the APs, EPs & organs?
  9. So it only boosts volume globally & not individually at that price range?
  10. Got to play the CP88 next to the RD-2000 and the APs & EPs go to Yamaha but pretty much everything else goes to Roland. I always felt the RD series had weak organs but compared to the CP88 they're pretty good. Definitely hammer action and playability is superior on the CP88 & I'm a die hard Roland guy. On the fence & I like the concept, it's just those damm weak "other" sounds...
  11. Dexibell definitely has the GAS factor but the price...
  12. I played on the CP88 for a couple of hours at GC... very nice experience. I hope the September update brings some decent organs & worthy "other" sounds for the the gigging musician ( strings, brass, etc... c'mon Yamaha, at this $$$ that's all that lacking here). That being said, the APs & EPs are stellar & definitely worth the hefty price tag, but for the moment it begs to be coupled with a second tier "meat & 'taters" board like the MODX or the FA-06. The hammer action is great and easy to play, I felt like I was playing a grand piano - yes, the piano samples are that good. The EPs can be tame or bark like a rabid dog, it's all in your attack ( felt & sounded so realistic). This is an instrument that brings the best out of your playing, I didn't even realize that a few hours had passed until the sales guy started to hover over my shoulders. Yeah, this'll probably be my new board, just needs better support sounds - heck, my RD-2000 is 10 lbs. beefier, doesn't play this good but it does have good "other" sounds and cost about the same. The RD-2000 is a great board & the action is the reason I got it but the CP88 is almost the replacement all in one board... your move Yamaha. :-)
  13. Don't write off because it was bad "first date"... I think we've all been guilty of that (I know I have, when the fantasy & reality collide). Also you said it was a rehearsal , wouldn't the sonic space be different at an actual gig ? IMHO ;-)
  14. My plan is to pair my FA-06 & MODX88, light in weight & heavy in sounds!!!
  15. The FA-06 can get a good harmonica, but you need to layer & do some tweaking.
  16. MM is the gift that keeps on giving... happy Bday!!!!
  17. Happy birthday & I'm digging the beard... cool look!!!
  18. For a lightweight gigging all in one slab I was leaning towards the MODX because of price, sound, weight & hammer action but the PC4 may be the one.
  19. Is the hammer action on the PC4 lighter or the same as the Forte?
  20. What's crazy (to me anyway) is the hammer action on the Casio PXS3000 captured my attention more than that of the MODX88. The overall "Swiss knife" sounds make the MODX the winner but damm... this makes it an even more traumatic decision.
  21. Love what you've done with the place DB & has that "new forum smell".
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