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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. Hugo, I'll let Marty give you some very cool tips to start out with. I used to be a bender but now as I get older I like to just use half-step bends for the most part. Having a Strat loaded with 9's is a good way to go. Marty shows how using 3 fingers, you can bend on just about any guitar with decent action like a nice 335. Instead of bending up to a note, I just play the note using major and minor scales LoL! Marty didn't cover two string bends that I used to like doing in my country rock band. But here he is showing how he bends using the Pentatonic scales for reference:



    A cool start IMHO. I may even get back into it a little LoL! Have fun with it! :thu:

  2. Wraub, I read your review and it sounds good so far. Keep us posted! On the PAF adjustments, my tech likes to raise the treble side and I tell him no, just make them even as I like an even amount of bass and treble. I take one of my amps over after the swap and get him to set it to my liking on both pups. He does the pole piece and height adjustments using gauges to start out with. I'm not married to the settings and after a jam or two, I did raise the treble side just a tad as my higher up 12th fret leads were losing a little of my treble volume. Too much on the treble side doesn't do it for me as I like throwing in little bass runs when chording.


    My front and back pups are matching and I don't need more power at the bridge. I just need the twangy treble country sound at the bridge, a nice blend in the middle and more jazzy sound at the neck. When we were moving pickups around I was amazed at how much difference in the two pups was made just by exchanging the same exact pickups at the bridge and neck locations. I could never be a one pick up kind of guy at the neck (jazz) or at the bridge (rock). I really like having two volumes and two tones. Once I get them where I like them, I can use dynamics and play an electric like an acoustic but have 3 different sound settings. My two humbuckers do not have a lot distance between them but enough to avoid phasing and keep it clean. I don't have any magnetic pull to speak of causing tonal changes.


    The guitar sounds great. Playing it up against the two others in the same amp and/or in my Roland EX50. It sounds way better at home playing through my Fender Deluxe Tone Master. So amps can make just as big a difference in tone and volume than just comparing the pups IMHO. Anyway, experiment away with the height, angle, pole pieces, strings, amps, settings, etc. and have fun! I'm a big fan of 57 Gibson PAF humbuckers! Hope your pups work out great for the genre you like to play in the best! :cool:

  3. Thanks for the report Wraub! Keep us posted on ordering the foot switch and keeping the amp or sending it back at the 45 days limit. All amps have some sort of limitations and one must decide if it serves the general purpose in the price range. My favorite setting in my bed/music room on my Fender is 1 watt. Plenty loud enough. It will go to 25watts +/-. The original Deluxe Reverb runs about 22 tube watts IIRC. My 25 SS modeling watts puts out the same as the original tube watt amp. Usually when thinking about wattage, the SS amps are about 1/2 the wattage compared to tube amps, RMS, etc., as a rule of thumb. I put the SS Fender up against my Hot Rod Deluxe tuber that runs 40watt and it did very well. I know I do not need 40 anymore and thought 30 would be just right. Now I like 20! I would probably not run mine full up unless it's an outdoor gig. Inside it will blow your doors off LoL!


    Anyway, I'm a one trick pony clean amp mostly rhythm kind of player and no longer need a loud enough amp to fill a grange hall. Now I can run my amp to the PA or FOH and use it as my monitor and/or use it in small venues. I bought mine new at a GC too. It is nice to know I can take it in if I have problems under warranty. Hope you are able to keep the Katana and it fills most of your amp needs! :cool:



    Back in the days of Ed Sullivan, the Stones were told the lyrics to Let's Spend the Night Together had to be changed to Let's spend some time together IIRC. The censorship was very different back then. This tune by the Wilburys is my favorite Monkey song and the lyrics would have never made past Ed's censors LoL! I Love Dylan's vocal in this one! :cool:

  5. Skip, At 1st I thought you said f**k the monkey LoL! I had to go back and read it again to see that it said money not monkey LoL! It's OK to cuss in this manner like no $hit Sherlock etc. It amazes me that we can say freeken,, friggen, fricken, Fbomb, FU, WTF, F this or F that etc., when we all know what we are saying! "Perfection" is something we can strive for but can never really attain. I hope your friend comes through all of this OK and things can get back to normal for her, or she at least has a better future life... :cool:
  6. I play for my own enjoyment. "Perfection" has never been one of my goals. If I could play as good as , I would be a happy camper. Till then, I'll just play as good as I can and try to get a little better each time I pick (pun intended) up my guitar. My vocals will never be as good as either LoL!


    I also play for my own enjoyment as well. I am a long ways from perfection when I play, but I like playing and that is all that matters. Sometimes it is a chore, sometimes it is a joy. If I wanted to play out (which I don't) I would have to practice 3 to 4 hours a day for weeks to get my stuff up to presentation levels. My singing has improved a big bunch since I have had my three + sets of backing tracks. And so has my playing. Although I am not as fast as I once was, my playing is getting more melodic with less notes, more sustain and inserting pauses.


    This last year has changed everything. Now it's all about playing for fun and hanging out with my best friends. Since we have been able to get back together we are practicing once, maybe twice a week. Most of our practice is more about bar bq and breaking out the Ukuleles, maybe an hour of practice. I don't know if we'll perform anymore, we are all moving on with facing the reality of the real world. Our drummer just finished fire academy and that means 24 hour shits that we have to work around. We may play a party or something, but that would be about all. We still enjoy playing whenever we can.


    DBM, It sounds to me like you are on the right track! Getting better with vocals can be very cool as it shows we are listening to what we are singing and putting are hearts into it. Getting more melodic and inserting those pauses is the mark of a pro player! I may play a few open mic's when the clubs open back up, but that will be the extent of my playing out (except at friends parties!). :cool:


    Surfer Girl, Having your musical friends breaking out the Ukes and having a BBQ sounds like a blast! My son is a fireman and sometimes he gets cold called to come in on Mandatory which is the Shitz LoL! Suggest if you do get back to playing live gigs to have a stand-by drummer just in case your drummer gets called in. We used to have a stand-by drummer when our regular guy couldn't make it. Don't worry about the typo, it's part of the fun around here! :cool:

  7. Congrats on the new amps Dave! I'm a Fender kind of guy and I think the Princeton is a great little amp! I love my SS Fender Deluxe Tonemaster that I bought about a year ago and I would have bought that Princeton if Fender hadn't come out with the Tonemasters in time...I had to laugh at the wife thinking she married a keyboard player LoL! Have fun with the new Vox amp when it comes in and report back! :thu:
  8. I play for my own enjoyment. "Perfection" has never been one of my goals. If I could play as good as , I would be a happy camper. Till then, I'll just play as good as I can and try to get a little better each time I pick (pun intended) up my guitar. My vocals will never be as good as either LoL!


    I have a looper in line at all times that will record up to 99 complete songs. I have only used about 56 of them and have erased more than I have saved LoL! They come in very handy as a practice tool IMHO... :cool:

  9. Reporting back Wraub, on the shoot out with 3 PAF's. My 57 US Gibson humbuckers won out over the other two guitars with PAF humbuckers that were the designers version (clones). The same clones I changed out. The guitars were all the same made by Peerless. Mine was the top of the line model as compared to the other two. All 3 guitars were turned all the way up on tone and volume knobs and ran through the same cord to the same amp using the same amp settings. I won't name the pup manufacturer as he is a very good one with a very good rep and I don't want to say anything that would change that. I think his pups are very good and would do very well for recording and you could always adjust the amps up in volume and/or tone and they will work just fine in a live situation. I also changed my pots (audio taper 500K Gibson) and caps (Orange drop 22uf). After the shoot out, I ran mine the way I normally do (volumes around 8 and tones around 8) and the pups really sounded even better! I'm planning to leave them adjusted the way I like them and just use my Boss Comp-CP1x clean boost back in line for lead and rhythm changes without changing my settings. We segued away from the pups test and starting talking necks and other comparisons. Then just started playing and singing. It was a fun day! :cool:
  10. Thanks Winston! I already do what you are describing except for dialing the tone back as far as 5 on the neck pup. I pulled out the LP last night to refresh my memory and found I like the little brighter uncovered pups and will not have my tech cover them. I run both volumes around 8 and crank them up for lead and back for rhythm. I also like working the volumes in the middle position to change the amount of treble or bass. I can also crank up the bridge and use the 3way for lead and rhythm going from neck to middle and back or full treble on the bridge. On the tones, I run them both at 7 or 8. I get just enough mud that way. I have 3 guitars with the same pups, pots, Gibson wiring, etc., so I'm used to getting what I need out of them. I discovered a scratchy pot on the tone knob of my bridge pup and will have a little work to do LOL! Thanks for getting back to me with some cool suggestions! :thu:
  11. DBM, didn't you install a hemp speaker? Not sure if I'm remembering this correctly? I remember you having yours gone through by an amp tech.


    Anyway I think the Hot Rod 410 DeVille weighs about 55lbs and the 112 Hot Rod Deluxe weighs about 41lbs. The weight difference makes the Deluxe a lot easier to pack around town. It's about 40 watts (tube) which is more than enough and most of the smaller wattage tube amps weigh in about the same. So you get more bang for the buck...


    Wraub, you can find them used for $300 to $500. A new one runs about $800.





  12. DBM, thanks for getting back to Wraub! I forgot about how much you were asking for your amp...+1 on sizing down and taking a look at that Roland EX50...$500 is a little bit more than Wraub's $300 budget though...


    Wraub, the HR Deluxe are great little clean Fender tube amps which are at the right weight for the amount of wattage they pack around IMHO. You can always turn them down and still have the ability to cut through the mix when playing clean at stage volume.


    Anyway, I'm glad you two touched base on DBM's amp. It would have been cool to be able too look at a used amp near by. They are great for picking up used as they take a licking and keep on ticking...new tubes and a bias setting will almost always do the trick...I bought my Hod Rod DeVille and my Hot Rod Deluxe used and they still work fine after many years of use. :2thu:

  13. Wraub, DBM lives right around the corner from you. He has a tuber Fender Hot Rod Deluxe he's been trying to sell. They run about $300 used. Great little clean 112 combo amps in your price range. I have one I would sell but I don't want to ship it to anyone. I don't know how much he's asking. Maybe he'll chime in... :cool:
  14. I'm not a fan of the LSR roller nut. I have a Strat so equipped. I feel like the 1st fret action is a little high and the metal edges are not real comfortable when sliding off the fret board at the headstock. They do work great for bending and for whammy bar action. Most Tele players are not really into whammy bars. I would go with the Tusq. However, I still prefer bone nuts with low action and a smooth slide off on the edges. .. :cool:
  15. Wraub, You might want to take your gold top to the nearest GC and plug it into a Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. I think you will like the sound with those pickups in your old age LOL! I'll be doing a shoot out this Tuesday with 3 guitars to see how well my mods went with pups, pots and caps. 3 guitars with the same woods, design, etc., by the same manufacture very close in serial numbers. One has flat wounds, one has round wounds and mine has roller wound strings. All very close in gauges. I'll report back. All 3 are PAF's. :cool:
  16. Great Demo Wraub! I love it when you can actually hear the guitar! The 57's are my favorite pups! :like:


    ps. The gold 57 US made Gibsons run $179 each. I got mine through Zzounds for $159 each. I like the same pup at the bridge and neck and do not use the 57+ at the bridge (even though the + sounds great too). Great pups and the ones in your demo sound great with the 61 at the bridge as well! :cool:

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