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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. There's always the possibility that it wasn't the "G7" part of the joke that was confusing, but the "summit" part. If these people aren't familiar with economic forums, or don't pay attention to the news, there's a good chance they have no idea what a "G7 summit" means.
  2. I doubt they're going anywhere. A lot of people like the tactile feel of actual knobs and buttons, and the way the devices and their limitations influence the music. Euro rack modulars are more popular than ever, and people are spending massive amounts of money putting together systems that include many digital modules, so it's hard to argue that those devices are more capable than software (since MANY of the modules are available in software form); but people (not me! I learned my lesson) like assembling a system and plugging things together and twisting knobs.
  3. "Maybe I'm just not sophisticated about how advanced the technology is for recording live playing."


    Good players playing live in a recording studio sound like that, when the recording is properly mixed. Look at the drummer. I can't imagine he'd relearn all those little fills just to be able to mime to a recording.




    "Love the bari sax solo. It's processed through something but I don't see any device around it so it must be through the board."


    Yep. Along with all the compression, EQ, and reverb, there's no reason that they couldn't have added the overdrive and auto wah during mix down.




    "Dave Koz's sound is also processed."


    I'm listening on studio monitors and I'm not hearing anything unusual in his sound.




    "At one point in Dave Koz's solo (about 2:53-2:54) he holds a note but moves far away from the mic and even takes his mouth off the horn but the volume of the note never changes."


    They surely filmed the performance many times so they could get multiple camera angles for however many camera they had. The band played to a click, and they picked the best audio performance and used the associated video for most of what you see. But when they didn't have a good camera angle, they switched to a different take. In this case, it was a bad choice, because it's obvious.

  4. I can generally identify pretty much any synth, but I have no idea what Vangelis is playing here (at 22:40 if the link doesn't take you right there). I'm talking about the multiple white modules above the keyboard. They might just be some kind of controller for a well-know synth, but I've never seen anything like them.



    Any ideas?

  5. "But can you tell us what the cool and hip way is to comment? "


    I think the answer is that line from the movie War Games: "The only winning move is not to play"


    Barring that, it would be cool if people didn't take the whole thing like a personal affront. Although not all music is or should be fun to listen to, rock and roll and its variants generally should be, as should talking about it, AND giving awards for it.

  6. I did not expect this kind of reaction?


    Whenever anyone brings up the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, there are two circles in the Venn diagram of commenters. In one circle are the people who think that one/most/all of the bands being inducted aren't worthy because some other "better" or "more important" band hasn't been inducted yet. In the other circle are people who think that the entire concept of the RARHOF is ridiculous because rock is rebellious music and shouldn't be reduced to a contest, and/or they think that the whole thing a money grab, and/or they think the that whole thing is stupid because they include music that's not rock and roll (i.e. rap, R&B, techno, etc.).


    In the center of the Venn diagram, where those two circles intersect, are the worst commenters of all: those who think the whole thing is stupid AND complain that their favorite band hasn't been inducted. It's like the old joke: "the food there is terrible â and the portions are so small!"

  7. Wait until you get it, see how many volts and amps it is, measure the plug, go to guitar center or online and buy one with the same specs. Unless this Opsix is being used for some kind of NASA mission that demands redundancy, I think you're going to be fine not having a spare for a couple of weeks.
  8. "I've been afraid to do anything on Reverb as it's still an unknown for me, in terms of safety as a buyer, and becoming a seller is quite hard."


    How is becoming a seller hard? I signed up and listed stuff immediately, and everything I've listed has sold quickly without any issues. If eBay works, that's great â keep using it; but reverb has been very simple and successful for me.

  9. Really, no PayPal?


    You can buy with PayPal, but if you sell, you MUST provide your bank account number and routing info and use the Reverb Payment system. They will not pay you with PayPal.



    I've gotten all my payments through PayPal (the last was about a month ago).

  10. The headphone output will be louder, which always sounds "better", and there could also be an impedance difference which makes it sound different than the line level outputs; but there's a reason you don't go into studios (professional or otherwise) and see keyboards connected via the headphone jack (unless the other jacks aren't working).


    You seem to really want to find a use for this cable, and no one's going to stop you, but you already have the right (and better) cables for the job, and you'll probably never have a need for this particular cable. The first response (from Werno) describes the most common use for these cables (as an insert on a mixer), and even if you have a mixer with insert jacks, a compressor is about the only logical thing you'd connect via an insert.

  11. Does your keyboard not have regular outputs on it? It almost certainly already has a left and right output that you plug into the two inputs of your audio interface. Yes, you could use that cable, but the headphone output is amplified, so you're going to be introducing at least some level of noise. Unless you have a really specific need for that cable, the cables you already have, and the outputs that are made for them are the best tools for the job.
  12. The input jack on your interface isn't stereo, so all that's happening is you're just getting one channel from your keyboard into the audio interface. The same as if you plugged in a standard 1/4" to 1/4 cable. You just need to regular 1/4" to 1/4 cables to record both channels from the keyboard I(ie..e stereo).


    The insert cable you bought is only for connecting specific types of equipment, so you should take it back if you can. It falls into the "if you don't know what it's for, you probably don't need it" category.

  13. Are you looking to keep sound from escaping or for making the room sound better, or both? Like Reezekeys says, they're two different things. The main way to keep sound from escaping is with mass. Double drywall and things like that. Making a room sound better is generally simpler (although not necessarily cheaper).
  14. 3M makes a spray adhesive made for foam. It's basically rubber cement in spray form, as far as I can tell, I suppose you could use rubber cement, but it would be real difficult to get enough rubber cement on a piece of foam with the little brush that's in most rubber cement bottles.


    As far as the foam goes, you may have an upholstery/foam supplier near you. The one near me offers various grades of foam and they cut it to size. They sell it for a variety of purposes, so if yours is similar, they may be able to tell you if it would cause any issues. Also, Jo-Ann fabric sells foam in various thicknesses and densities.

  15. Yep, and fairly recent Mac should be more than capable for what you're doing, unless you're using tons of effects, and/or the virtual instruments you use are very processor-intensive.


    Look up some videos on youtube about the new M1 mac mini. People are running over 1000 plugins with no problem.

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