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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. The keyboards on the side are easy to identify (Moog 1, new Mellotron, Wurlitzer), but what's behind her? I don't know what's on the bottom, and I can't tell if what's on top is a keyboard and a separate module or all one thing.
  2. I didn't have any luck doing anything usable straight from Logic. I put Retrosynth on a channel and set it to output to the a specific output on the Apollo and then sent that to the Mother-32's VCO 1V octave input. While a one-note sequence was playing on the M32, I tried playing various pitches in Retrosynth (at both ends of the pitch range) and I also set up a very slow very wide vibrato and although it changed the sound of the M32, it only aded some raspiness. It didn't;t change the pitch (as it would when I was using that same output coming of to Reaktor. I think I;m missing something from you explanation.




  3. Thanks! I didn't know that Logic could do that! I found out that I already had the software to do what I was initially looking to do. Reaktor's Blocks has a module to output CV. I set it up last night, and it works great, It even has a tuning process where it will send voltages to your oscillators, and calibrate what voltages it needs to send so that it's in tune. But I;m going to try those things in Logic tonight. That could be even more straightforward. Thanks again!
  4. At this point, I wasn't planning on buying anything additional (aside from maybe some software). I have an Apollo interface, which is DC coupled, and a Moog Mother-32. So I don't have a true Eurorack system to which I can add modules. The software I mentioned all allows yo to create LFOs and/or sequences in your DAW and then send those signals out as CV through a coupled audio interface. Ableton Live has a plugin called CV Tools that does the same thing, but only for Ableton, and I'd prefer to work on Logic. Volta is a bit expensive. Expert Sleepers doesn't seem to be the easiest to use (according to some comments I've seen), and I haven't really heard anything about MP3244. I can try the demo versions, but I was hoping for some tips from people that have used these things (or others).
  5. I'm curious if anyone is using Logic Pro X and a DC coupled audio interface to control their CV synths. I know there's software from Expert Sleepers, and MP3244 from Dialog Audio, and Volta from MOTU that can all generate the signals, but I was hoping for some firsthand experience with any of these (or other solutions I don't know about).




  6. I think the big hurdle in fixing it is that the paint is textured, so the sanding and buffing you need to do to get the repair hidden is going to affect the texture of the surrounding paint. But you could try building filling the spot of black paint (multiple thin layers, if possible) and then using a razor blade shave it down level with the surface.
  7. Wow, that's awful. I'm in the Pat Metheny fan group on Facebook, and yesterday someone posted something that sort of implied that he had passed, but googling turned up nothing. This is a big bummer. I think I saw him play more times than anyone else (aside fro Pat himself).
  8. Well, you never made the point that you think people missed.


    There's a 30-day demo of Dorico available. From what I've seen on the facebook group, they're pretty good about extending the demo period if someone can justify it. The full version of Dorico isn't cheap, even with a competitive crossgrade; and the Elements version has limitations in both the number of instruments in a piece as well as the layout options (there's no Engraver mode, where you do all the fine tuning), so if your older version of MuseScore pretty much does the job, maybe you should see if a newer version does better. But in my experience in using Musescore (as well as Notion, and the entry level version of Finale and Sibelius), you can only compare apples to apples so much, because MuseScore, while great for the price, is very much a Pontiac Aztec to Dorico's [fill in your favorite European luxury car here].

  9. I have a Sub37 and the oscillators have never once drifted.


    As far as comparing it to the Little Phatty, it doesn't sound a bit different. The Little Phatty is a little smoother sounding, and you can do some nice things with th oscillators interacting with the filter when they're not set to full volume that you can't do on the Sub/Subsequent37.

  10. I interpret the general topic of this thread to be: how do you behave towards people you have not met, who just suddenly appear on a forum you frequent, and who may have asked a question they haven't researched on their own? Or maybe it's just a stupid question. These are the situations that test our powers of empathy much more so than whether we can share good cheer over a drink.



    Precisely! It's pretty easy to not be a jerk. It's even easier to not be one when you're not actually one. And it's even easier than that to not encourage or reward jerkish behavior.

  11. A lot of times people aren't asking a question just to get an answer. They're hoping to start a conversation. Please keep that in mind when you think someone is being too lazy to google something. In fact, why don't you assume that someone indeed HAS already looked up what they're looking for and either didn't understand it and need further explanation, or they're looking to engage in a conversation using their question as a starting point.


    Like all communities, this community only survives long-term due an influx of new members, and turning them away with answers that border on (or cross) the "point of rudeness" does nothing to make this (or any community) a welcoming place and will eventually drive people away.



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