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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. The general lack of melody in a lot of this stuff gets really tiresome, but we really need to talk about the fact (and I doubt I'm alone here) that the three bearded members of Vulfpeck are virtually indistinguishable from one another. The fact that at least two of them switch between drums and keyboards doesn't;t help. They might as well be triplets. I wish they'd dye heir hair different colors, or wear name tags or something.
  2. "or perhaps a guarantee that your software is always up to date and will work with hardware and operating system advancements."


    Sure, if you're willing to pay every month and let them hold on to your money until they release something new. But operating system updates that break software generally don't come that frequently. I'd rather just pay when I need to because of an OS upgrade, or want to because they're offering something I like.


    My guess (assuming that NI is moving to some kind of subscription service) is that they painted themselves into a corner with Komplete. I had several standalone NI products and used an upgrade offer to get Komplete probably at version 8. I then used other upgrade offers and coupons to get 9, and then 10. But I haven't upgraded since then since the cost of the upgrade is for a lot of stuff I'm not interested in. I assume a lot of other people have the same story.


    So now the only way to get people to upgrade is to force them to upgrade via a subscription. But unlike Adobe, whose Creative Cloud service caters mainly to professionals who can easily justify the $400 per year to get access to pretty much their entire suite of software, which a designer will use regardless fo what type of project they're working on, NI's customer are many amateurs or semi-professionals who may not be too interested in spending money on a subscription when they're not making enough money from their music to justify it. And NI's software and software libraries are often very genre-specific. I don't make Rap or HipHop, or dance music, or movie scores that need lots of booms, so a good chunk of what they will most likely offer in their subscription will be useless to me (and for other people, but for other reasons).


    Craig is right. The price of software is too cheap, and the fact that everyone is driving towards the bottom isn't going to be sustainable, and companies (especially ones driven by investors) are most likely going to think that moving to a subscription will be more palatable to a customer than a price increase. Waves plugins used to only be on sale once or twice a year â now basically everything is $30, or spend $50 get $300 free, etc. I have no idea how long that can last. I'm always tempted by the sales but then I see that it's stuff I already own or already have something similar from another company. I'm sure they'll move to a subscription service (beyond the Waves Upgrade Plan) in the near future.

  3. I doubt they can or would. Adobe didn't when they started offering their Creative Cloud service. People can still run whatever version of PhotoShop or InDesign or whatever , assuming their OS supports it. But at some point, you need to upgrade your OS, or get a whole new computer with a new OS, and those old programs don't work. So I bet you'll be able to use Traktor 2 until whatever OS you need to run is no longer compatible.
  4. The synths aren't a big issue for me. I, too, have hardware that I love, and there are plenty of other softsynths out there besides the ones from NI. It's the sample libraries I worry about. I rely on a couple NI ones that don't seem to have equivalents, and I also have a decent investment in third party libraries that I don't ever want to have to pay NI to be able to access. Of course, we don't know where any of this is leading, and it might not end up being as bad as I suspect; but any time investment capital gets involved, it's rarely good for the end user.
  5. "Customers today are expecting a seamlessly integrated experience when consuming and accessing creative goods and services."


    Not me!


    They're clearly going to move to some kind of cloud/subscription system, which sucks. Hopefully, my versions of Kontakt and Battery will continue to work, because that's really all I use from Komplete, but there are a bunch of NI sound libraries I use Kontakt, and having to pay to access them would be a real PITA. Hopefully, the Kontakt player will remain free and I'l continue to be able to use my 3rd party libraries when some OS update invariably breaks whatever version of Kontakt I'm running at the time.

  6. I did some recording at a studio that was running an older version of OS X (I should've written down which, but it was one of the California-related ones, probably 10.9, .10, or .11). I'm running 10.14 at home and brought a hard drive with me that I formatted on my Mac, and it wouldn't mount at the studio (I think I formatted it in APFS) . I'm going back on thursday and I'll be bringing a different drive. Would Mac OS Extended be the most universal formatting format for it?



  7. "There's something about the weird conflation between these two statements that bugged me, and provoked the reply. If the world isn't just about gigging, then aren't the "embarrased to have a digital keyboard onstage" players ... ummm ... gigging?"


    BB's two statements aren't mutually exclusive. His list is a list of things that could dissuade someone using something other than the real thing.


    "The "image they're trying to create" is all in their heads,"


    Yep, that's what "image" is, and it's important enough for them to want to lug around a 100 pound something instead of a 20 pound something

  8. You probably won't find me people here using FL Studio, so there probably won't be many people who would go along with the recommendation. These days, pretty much any DAW will do what you need. Some of them do things slightly differently, so it really comes down to personal preference. If you have a Mac, I'd say just use GarageBand, since you already own it, and then upgrade to Logic if you outgrow it. If you have a PC, I'd suggest downloading a bunch of demo versions and following along with some YouTube tutorials to see if anything clicks. You say you're not a computer expert, but you were able to successfully type a paragraph and post it on this website, and really, that's all you need to get started with any of these programs.


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