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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. Not having a domain name and not allowing PayPal are the main things that you don't want to do that will be the biggest hinderance in terms of people finding you and buying your product (regardless of what you're selling). Setting up a domain name and a simple website through godaddy/wix/squarespace is simple and doesn't take much time. You can also hire them to do it for you. If you're not willing to spend the time doing that, are you willing to spend the time answering questions from potential customers and providing support?


    I've bought a lot of plugins and some patch banks from various vendors and used PayPal for a lot of them. I don't recall seeing any option other than PayPal or credit card. Venmo is popular with a lot of people, but iI don't recall every seeing it as an option for payment for software. I think GooglePay requires an app, and like Nathanael_I says, you want to make your product easy to find and easy to purchase.


    You could sell on a site like synthmob.com, but they're going to take a cut, and my guess is that they're going to pay you via PayPal.

  2. I'm a bass player (electric), and it drives me INSANE when everybody drops down and gets all plinky plinky. I'm totally capable of being louder than everyone else, so there's no need to give me that much space. When that happens, there's no energy to play off of. I just watched Marcus, the documentary about Marcus Miller, and he mentions how the worst part of a bass solo is the fact that there's no bass player behind it. I also saw a related quote from him: :""I've always hated bass solos; that's the one point when the music isn't grooving any more""


    I totally understand why this happens in a situation with an unamplified upright bass, but I think the piano and drummer could still provide a LOT more energy behind the bass player.


    It would be very much appreciated if someone were to ask me, but it's never happened. I make a point of telling the piano player and drummer what I'd like. Sometimes they still don't listen.


    I solo over the full range of the instrument, so I'll encourage the keyboardist to fill in the low end when appropriate.

  3. Apple fans don't see how big a change this is and it's not going to be quick especially for software even Apple own Logic and Final Cut. Moving from a CISC chip to a RISC requires rewriting complex software you just can't cross compile for involved programs.


    Like ElmerJFudd mentions, this stuff is already done. I would bet that they've had concurrent versions of both these apps for each processor for a couple years now, in the same way that they had been running an Intel version of OS X internally for a few years before they announced anything.

  4. The Roland Clan forum was/is a third party Roland fan forum. Unless they were offering material owned by Roland, Roland would have no reason to initiate any kind of legal action against the site, and even if they had, being able to force them to completely shut down would be unlikely, and being able to force them to shut down at the exact same time that there launching a new product would be impossible. The two things are unrelated.
  5. I think it's far too soon to be able to blame any kind of thing like this on the pandemic. Deals between two companies take a long time to work out, so this stuff was most likely in the works for some time before it was announced.
  6. They're each doing their parts individually to a click or backing track and then someone is editing the thing together to sync it all and make it look like it was done together. I wish there was a real way, but latency on the internet makes it impossible. I use zoom every day for work, and as great as it is at what it does, there are plenty of times where people lips are off from their voice. And when I can hear my own voice echoed back through someone's speakers, it can be at least a half second.
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