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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. My friends do a collection of mainly original (and very non-religious) holiday music every year. We do all different styles, and there's always lots of analog synthesizers featured (as well as other instruments). Check out anything with Joe Rozler on piano -- he's fantastic. We've got about 40 songs to download for free:



  2. Every year for the past several years, my friends and I have recorded a record of mainly original holiday music. It's all available for free download on my website:




    Including this year's stuff, there are over 30 songs available. They're all performed by some excellent musicians, many are really funny, many feature singing robots, and there's a LOT of synthesizer. There are all sorts of styles covered, so there's probably something there for just about anyone; and best of all, it's almost all original (we do do a few choice covers) and unlike anything you'll hear at the mall. So if you're sick of the songs that are played to death, come on over and start downloading.




  3. I've got a bunch of sound clips from my newly-released CD "fluidities" here:




    It's a double CD featuring 11 tracks by me (Jonathan Hughes) and 11 tracks by ambient artists like Tetsu Inoue, Saul Stokes, Ian Boddy, Michael Bentley, and others. All the tracks are 6 minutes long and generally in A minor, so you can play the CDs simultaneously (in any order) to create hybrid tracks (the tracks are generally rhythmless, so there's rarely a probalem with things interfering with each other).


    There are 121 possible combinations which yield about 12 hours oh music. If you check out the sound clips, you should be able to open different oones in different windows and have them play simultaneously. All the tracks work fine on their own, but in combination with other tracks they can be even more interesting.



  4. "Jonathan Hughes/Subspace (Lumi) - Beautiful, spacious ambient sequences. I liked this stuff a lot. Was that a real English horn? If it's a sample, I want to know where I can buy it. "




    Thanks for the compliments. That sound is out of the the Roland JV series orchestral expansion board. it's got some real nice english Horns and Oboes on it.



    "You should contact the producers of the Echoes radio program. Your music would fit right in with their format."


    They already play my stuff! Wooowooo!!



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