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Jonathan Hughes

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Posts posted by Jonathan Hughes

  1. I don't own one (and actually had never heard of this brand until now), so I can't give any specific tips, but it would be helpful to know:

    1. Are you trying to change the velocity curve of the keyboard, or are you just not getting any velocity control out of it?

    2. What it's connected to

    3. If it's software, what software is it

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  2. Have you tried putting something back there two raise it up? If you've tried something (books, wood, old CD cases, etc) what's not working? Two to three inches isn't a lot, so this doesn't seem like it should be difficult, unless there's something missing in your description.

  3. It's definitely a unique sounding synth. It's got a midrange presence that my other stuff doesn't have, so it could definitely pop out nicely in a mix. I know they're copying the original unit, but having a a dedicated release stag on the envelopes would make it a lot more flexible. And the built-in reverb is AWFUL.

  4. Thanks! The ISA is now on the list. I had always assumed that they were just very clean preamps, but clearly, there's more to them.

    I've got a bunch of fine mics (and also had an old Rode NT-2 modded with a new capsule, and now it sounds fantastic), but I have thought about building a preamp kit, so I should look some more into some kits.

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  5. I'd like to add a new preamp to my setup. I have UA Apollo interfaces, so I have six inputs on which I can run their Unison plugins on and get emulations of Neve, SSL, and API preamps. I also have a UA LA-610, a Focusrite Octopre, and two Presonus Eurekas. 

    The Apollo preamps are used for drums (I generally use the Neve 1073 plugin), and the LA-610 is for bass. The Focusrite and Eurekas are very clean. So, I'd like to add something with a little character, mainly for use with sax and trumpet (I'm mainly recording jazz). It doesn't have to have EQ, but it's a plus. I'd like something that complements what I already have. It can either sound similar to what I have and like (so it could sound like a UA or a Neve), or be it's own thing. But it should sound noticeably different than my clean preamps.

    Under $1000 would be ideal. Current frontrunners are a UA Twinfinity and a Warm Audio WA-73 or WA-73EQ (which are Neve clones). Your thoughts?

  6. This is interesting, and on its surface seems like kind of an odd fit, but who knows. In the video, they mention "Roland US", so is that a separate entity from Roland (like, their US distributor)? 

    A few years ago, Korg USA bought the bass amp company Aguilar, which also seemed like an odd fit, but it turns out that Korg USA is the US distributor of Kong, and a bunch of other brands, so it wasn't Korg the synth company that bought Aguilar. So, I'm wondering if it's a similar situation here.

  7. "Like this....unfortunately"

    Why unfortunately? I know this guy says it doesn't sound as good, but on my studio monitors (Dynaudios) I can't tell the difference. Granted, this wasn't a great test. The switching between the two was cumbersome, so that didn't help. And a bass sound would be about the last thing I'd pick to demonstrate/compare a chorus (I'd go for a pad or a clean guitar); but I don't think anyone would be able to tell the difference in a mix (or even soloed)

    Unrelated to the actual test, it always surprises me when someone records audio in a professional studio and the audio quality of the narration is awful. 

  8. "Those plastic clamps are their Achilles heel - they will crack if overtightened and you can't tighten them enough to prevent the round tiers from slipping."

    I got one in the late 80s and although I never used it live, I never had any issues with cracking, over tightening, or slipping. I still have it, although it's in storage, as it's too big for what I need right now. But it was so nice to be able to reconfigure it and adjust the height of things fairly easy.

  9. I watched a whole bunch of them on the Roland channel on youtube and only found one video that might meet your description. No one was wearing a suit, but everyone was dressed neatly, some were stylish, and all seemed to look like musicians. You might need to give us some hints to point us toward one of these people "dressed like slobs in baggy, unflattering shirts that look like they were slept in."

  10. I think the whole concept of trade shows being the annual focal point of any industry has pretty much sailed. And not just because of the pandemic. They're ridiculously expensive for companies. The space for your booth can be tens of thousands of dollars, and the booth itself is a fortune. Then you have to transport it and all your people and gear there. Then there are all the add-on costs? Want a garbage can in your booth? That $75 per day. Want electricity? That's $300 to drop a line from the ceiling.

    The few music retailers that are left don't need to physically go to a show to see what new products the vendors are coming out with, and consumers can get all the information they want as soon as a company releases a product, which now happens throughout the year. So, I wouldn't expect things to change even after the pandemic gets to much lower levels.

    That said, we certainly all know that there are more pressing matters in the world than what new equipment is coming out. But this is a site about keyboards, so that's what we talk about here.

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  11. Christian Scott, Jakob Bro, Sasha Berliner, Brian Blade and the Fellowship Band, Søren Dahl Jeppesen, Brandee Younger, and Julian Lage all come to mind as artists who play (and record with people) jazz that’s where “chops” aren’t the focus. Of course, they’re all masters of their instruments, but they tend to play more minimally.

  12. "In most modern and well-crafted jazz music it’s all about a cerebral satisfaction rather than emotional appeal. It’s been exhausted completely into a homogenous mass that is still a very smart and intellectually prepared music that has its audience but it’s also very rarely creative nowadays."

    That's complete nonsense. You need to listen to better music.

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