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Everything posted by kanker.

  1. Sounds great Bobby! Dave, I dig the A with these changes - | D- | E-7b5 A7 | D- | E-7b5 A7 | D- C#7 | C- F7 | Bb maj | % | B- E7 | Bb- Eb7 | F maj | E-7b5 A7 | D maj | % | The melody still works just fine, but the turnaround going to the F is just "nicer" musically and is easier to play, and it just sounds more natural.
  2. Alternately: How much does the gig pay?
  3. I was gonna say, I've made a lot of money this way. If you can get 'er done with a thousand bucks and 12 lbs of rig, you might think of that as coming out ahead in the game. If thats the case, why play the gig at all? $$$$?
  4. Joe I don't mind it, kind of weird colour scheme. I think the colors are the least of the problems though the colors suck too. It's too large to post here without breaking this forum page, so here's a link for anyone that wants to see it. [bTW, I'm only bringing this up for my design sensibilities. If I wanted the VR-09 I'd put up with it. It's not a deal-breaker.] Yeah, that would have been a visual "wow" in a softsynth a decade ago. Today? Meh....
  5. If JMcS ever decides to get out of whatever line of work he's in, Hammond could probably not do better in finding a tech support guy....
  6. In Europe they generally only allow one carry on, so I had to check my NER2r in it's case a few times. Each time they asked me if I wanted to check it through their oversize/special baggage option. Didn't cost any extra, but they seem to treat stuff checked that way better. I'd love to see that as a standard option here in the States.
  7. Sweet rig, in spite of the extra speaker
  8. It takes a whole lot more than that to really tell the story of that beaut.
  9. There's a strange, yet unidentifiable, competence to Theo's playing that, in spite of many FFTs and 192k impulses, restrains me from my incontinence. I must concur that there is much harm done, by SK and others, to the guitar-like strains of the Real Book and other sheets of staff paper. All your duck-voice choir effect are belong to us.
  10. That's what I use with my XK system. It could stand to be just a little steadier for my taste, a little more angle to the legs and the back U leg would help - widen the stance a little.
  11. I just play the piano, and leave it up to them to realize that I'm not.
  12. I should add that, IMO, your handmade beauty, mate-stubb, should be given a bit of coverage in this shootout too....
  13. What y'all forget is that you're a very, very small subset of the keyboard and Keyboard market, which is why expanding it makes more sense for the keyboard and Keyboard market. Writing a shootout for you , Jim, Tony, and one or two other guys who already know what they like in the clones on the market is kinda pointless, doncha think? And just what exactly qualifies as a 'real clone'?
  14. Hmmm...black plastic, faders for drawbars.....the SK's halfway there!
  15. Read 'afford' as 'justify'. Some folks just can't justify a couple grand on a dedicated clone but need the most authentic Hammond emulation they can get in a Swiss Army Knife board. Even though I have no use for a SAK keyboard, I'd be interested to see how they compare to dedicated clones. I bet people who do need a SAK that covers organ would be interested as well
  16. Maybe the Electro 4D if it's out in time as a comparison to the C2D? Kurz KB3? Kronos? Not sure if any are must includes, but food for thought.
  17. I just assumed they were actually butt plugs. Those things can be invaluable after a questionable pre-gig meal.
  18. Classy ! Well, it´s all about the room. What console is this ? It's a 32 channel API Yeah, not my gear, but I've been working a lot there lately. I'll have a few albums to shamelessly plug in the coming months
  19. This is the rig I've been getting to work with quite a bit the last couple months http://www.kevinanker.net/studio/keyboards.jpg http://www.kevinanker.net/studio/sdesk.jpg
  20. I also like a farther mic setting, although I set the spread to 0 on my XK-3c since I run mono. The farther mic setting really does smooth out the rotation, makes it more realistic from a listeners perspective as opposed to having your ear right by the Leslie with closer settings.
  21. Make sure Sven is there. I'll pick up the tab if someone films it
  22. After reading all of your hostile drivel, I can come to the certain conclusion that you don't know the meaning of the word normal, so debating it with you would be meaningless . I do congratulate you though on swooping in at the eleventh hour to win the asshat of the year award.
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