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Phil W

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Everything posted by Phil W

  1. Uploaded the ABG gig with the Balkan band and the best ones are on my soundclick which you can hear below.
  2. Thumb and palm-mute time: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6973177
  3. Latest Jazz After Dark recordings: Jeep on 35: http://www.4shared.com/file/66771585/5da48969/jeepon35.html Stratus: http://www.4shared.com/file/66771803/74c63507/stratus.html Superstition: http://www.4shared.com/file/66772066/4e509858/superstition1.html The Red One: http://www.4shared.com/file/66772073/27215d96/the_red_one.html
  4. I guess we should show it here: http://imagechan.com/images/1ebfc982c13f7387c13a2e2daad8fc79.jpg
  5. http://imagechan.com/images/1ebfc982c13f7387c13a2e2daad8fc79.jpg
  6. Neat little animation demo: http://www.evelienlohbeck.com/showreel.html
  7. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Um7VQ6mXOC0/SN5iHe84NsI/AAAAAAAABEg/4d33Yz7d4Rk/s400/correct3.jpg Ouch!
  8. And trying 'manfully' to pull off a Stevie Wonder tune without keyboards! http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6917397 Dep singer too, but not his first time.
  9. Canteloupe Island from a gig this month. I got to use the envelope filter a little for the solo: Enjoy! http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6917318
  10. Led Zeppelin Live in Southampton 1973 http://www.bigozine2.com/archive/ARrarities07/ARlzsouth.html
  11. Played some Fender Jazzes today. I have to get me a fretted jazz, preferably this side of Christmas. I saw a Q-tron micro for £30 used and I had to snap it up. I read a lot of reviews that slagged it off but it seemed so cheap that it was worth a gamble. I expected the active output from the Wal to be too hot for it but I played it this afternoon and the sound is very sweet. There's only really one sound but I'm only looking for a little something different so it didn't seem too much for one usable sound.
  12. Dig this one - Funny Valentine - with bass solo http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6840068
  13. Here's a song with the dep singer: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6840020
  14. New tracks on the myspace for the jazz band I play in: http://www.myspace.com/lyvedentrio Can't wait until we get some up there featuring the singer.
  15. Busy time. The Balkan group is doing a 2 hour set and the most they've done is 45 minutes so far so it means adding lots of tunes. Then the jazz group for Friday (tomorrow) we have another dep singer which means a bunch of new material -fortunately it's simple and will mean more bass solo space again! I'm off to have a look for a rechargeable combo for busking.
  16. Tom, it's working right now. I know where I stand with them. They have their ideas and I respect them and have mine - which they respect. They're not interested in money (which I respect) and want to rehearse weekly and, as you know, I only want to do paid gigs on the whole and as little rehearsal as possible. The solution, pending them finding a replacement bassist, is that they rehearse without me and try to find other bassplayers for the non-paying gigs. That's in theory; in practise they can't find anybody. I'm continuing to do occasional gigs with them and planning to record a demo this summer. I got a contact with someone that helps organise a local festival and offered him three bands - the rock and roll covers; the jazz group and the Balkan thing. All featuring me, of course. They chose the Balkan group (partly for the ethnic ticket and partly because the guy loved the music I sent (particularly a Macedonian ballad). Originally we were going to do an earlier set but they liked the video/audio so much they want us to headline. Neat, huh? They are good musicians who haven't failed to get a great response at any gig we've played and the music is fairly marketable - just lacking a manager. I'm working on that.
  17. That's enormous, slowfinger! Man, that sucks rizzo! I just got a headline (smallish) festival gig in September for Luna Kalamata!
  18. Went to a neat gig today. Free entry at the Royal Opera House. Only thing was it was in a stiflingly hot room with little air circulation. There was a quartet of throat singers called Altai Kai Great stuff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm42DeGF3KE
  19. Oh yes, Spain! I agree, good and bad coffee everywhere but in some countries/cities it is harder to find good coffee than others.
  20. We still have awful battery ones over here too but there are many great ones. The colour thing isn't a guarantee of quality as it just depends on diet - just check for free range/organic Yes, very different. Actually, last trip in Paris I couldn't find a decent coffee. Italy is the place, and a handful of London places. I'll scoff. I guess it must be better in Germany. It's awful in the UK but better in France. There are so many better places to eat though - just get something at a bakery. The door thing is a continental thing. Brits are ultra-private. Never met the violent toilets but been soaked by many a hand basin Oh yes Yes, you're making me feel like a trip back there!
  21. Congratulations on the exam and have a great birthday David! Enjoy Ireland!
  22. I do something similar - it's called a neti pot and I got it from Whole Foods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_irrigation http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd60/simplesahm/neti.jpg It cuts down on my snoring too.
  23. Two weeks in France and Germany should be neat though! I'm in a happy mood today. Saw my nephew (on Skype) and his father had bought him a nice new Epiphone Viola Bass and he is working his way through the bass clef in the complete Beatles book - not McCartney's lines exactly but a great way to start! What a great father!
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