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Phil W

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Everything posted by Phil W

  1. That looks fine to me Moot but then I'm not female! With the gig/video thing it's more the club owners I worry about being flaky. They are decent but have occasionally been wayward in what they have said might happen.
  2. She knew before she got home! They have ESP. Looking forward to my jazz gig tonight - 4 hours of goodness with a great band and usually a great audience. There's supposed to be a US film production crew there to make a documentary on the club and they will film a portion of our set. I won't hold my breath though!
  3. Twitter is good in many ways - you can discover a lot of stuff and it gives great weight to developing the powers of communication. There will always be some people (especially musicians) trying to spam using it but there are some great people using it to debate ideas and communicate directly with people. It can be very valuable for musicians provided they don't misuse it. Our own Steve Lawson writes very well on music and social networking: http://www.stevelawson.net/wordpress/2009/02/the-problem-of-time-pt-ii-social-networks-for-social-musicians/
  4. Anyone else been doing the twitter thing? Pretty fun stuff!
  5. Yes :grin: I couldn't get the guys in my band to listen anyway! This has become more like post therapy!
  6. Sent it to my (asian) wife. She thought it was real for at least half the article - she said nothing would surprise her about the Japanese. :grin:
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/images/2009/02/02/bus_stop_440x330.jpg
  8. We were going for a bird look - but that!!?
  9. The most snow I have ever seen in central London right now! Now work - just playing in the snow - wow! http://photos-g.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v2099/115/8/1625334387/n1625334387_113718_4500.jpg http://photos-e.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v2099/115/8/1625334387/n1625334387_113716_4059.jpg
  10. I like 'Liv Dunn'. Currently they are going with LV Project.
  11. Yum! Terrible photo of a lovely bass. Truly I wish they were less rare and mine was worth less and more replaceable. I must get the dodgy wiring sorted out too where when of the pick-up poles occasionally drops out on the D string - it recovers when I tap on it.
  12. I like 'The Love Project' or the 'The Love Projector' Googling LV Project throws up loads of Latvia and Vegas stuff - probably not ideal. At least 'The Lyveden Project' takes you straight to us if you have an idea how to type it into google. Googling 'The Set-Up' gets lots of entries on the movie and bands already using that name - if, at least, ones hardly likely to get that successful. So something as unique searchwise as The Lyveden Project but easier to spell and less likely to put people off as some seem to be by that name.
  13. Lyveden sounds live Liv Dunn.
  14. Thanks I am deliberately avoiding giving too much of my own views on it on the forum at the moment. Partly because threads from this forum have a habit of ending up in google searches about the groups in question.
  15. I brought some names along and a range of arguments for and against a name change. The Set-Up and Grooveyard went down the best. But essentially they decided they'd prefer to keep the name 'The Lyveden Project' or shorten it to the LV project - thoughts?
  16. I like the movie title idea but that's not so good for net searches. I am spending a while looking at lyrics and poetry for the perfect little line or phrase too. Some of my favourites above that made me laugh out loud are very unsuitable. So far I dug: The lyric idea - I thought of Another Spring - anything to do with warmth, heat, sun or summer is attractive in England right now as it is freezing. Map of Hawaii Thank You Green Eggs and Hamlet Faceplant http://pixdaus.com/pics/lqxYTPADevK1X83pGL.jpg I had no idea what that was - I had to google it. O the Ironing The Grooveyard The Set-Up The Rare Groovers
  17. Except the bandleader's name is Maciek Pysz! I am warming to Tim R's point that an unusual spelling may not be so bad provided we produce lots of cards/flyers etc. I am booked on an Adobe In-design course next month with that in mind. Also Davo's point about looking for available domain names in relevant. I like some of the really wacky names. Some one also made a really good point that the name actually doesn't matter too much. We have a band meeting tonight before the guys have a gig (with Lenny B from the forum as my dep while I have a night off) and we're going to talk about names, new repertoire etc as the band leader is keen to get more gigs for this band - not just our regular late night Soho jazz club gig that pays peanuts.
  18. I can see this exercise turning into some kind of therapy for some! Thanks guys, I better crack on with this - not had much time to think!
  19. That's a good point, Tim. We should definitely do the business card thing whether we pay the graphic designers I know or go the free Vistaprint route. Did you really predict 8 out of ten? I know about meta tags we just don't have a website right - just MySpace and Facebook pages.
  20. Thanks Graham, that's what I thought. Some neat stuff on this thread having just had time to read it through thoroughly.
  21. Errrrr....thanks guys! Some nuggets of joy there. OK Another question. How important do you think it is that the name is easily spellable and googleable? I went to a public event this year and there was a company Jolesch.com taking photos and when it was announced on the PA that punters could go to their website to preview and purchase pictures there were a lot of puzzled looks as to the spelling. I know that some band members are fond of 'The Lyveden Project' and it does have a certain mystery. Do you think it would be a handicap to have that name in the google age?
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